Thursday, June 21, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/18/18

We began our meeting discussing a Herbert Spencer quote John shared with us, "The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of their folly is to fill the world with fools." Thank you, John.

We took time to share what was going on in each attending member's lives as well as some who couldn't make this meeting. We miss you folks when you don't attend.

We discussed last week's experiment results.

Since we are studying the chapter on Desire, I, June, shared a bit about Danielle LaPorte's book "The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul." (Available in book or CD at our public library.) Ms. LaPorte advises people to not focus on material desires like big houses, hot cars, jobs paying certain figures, etc.,  but to focus on how you want to feel. What is the "desired emotion and/or spiritual state" you want to achieve in your life? You are to filter your desired feelings down to 4-6 core desired feelings. (My personal core desired feelings are to feel AT EASE, BLISSFUL, CONTENT, CREATIVE, FREE and LOVED & LOVING. Your core feelings may change over time. I am thinking of replacing "Blissful" with "Sublime." When others ask me how I am doing lately, I like to say "Sublime." It feels better to me than "Blissful" now. This in itself is a good test for what you want your core desired feelings to be. Say them aloud, I am"...") Once you have your list you ask yourself what plans you can put in place in your life to have these feelings and then act on these plans. Really enjoy the rest of your life!

We listened to a CD with Julie Schiffman speaking on How our Emotions Affect Our Health: Case Studies in Meridian Tapping. In her talk Julie did a sequence on Tapping to eliminate Neck Pain, Tapping to eliminate Hip Pain and Tapping to eliminate Migraines. We all practiced the Meridian Tapping technique. (The librarians didn't even call the men in the white coats to haul us away.)

We had a brief meditation followed by sending light, love and healing forth. I was reminded to have a more peaceful way of ending the meditation. (I had my cell phone volume up too loud when the timer chimed. Sorry all.)

We ran out of time and did not read in either ASFG book. )-:  We agreed to read in Experiments in Practical Spirituality from last week's experiment to the experiment on page 50 on our own.

This week's experiment on page 50 states: When you find yourself desiring something for the future, refocus that desire away from "pre-forming" how it will happen. Instead focus attention on the spirit of what you desire to have happen. When the time arrives for these future events, try to be in the now and to be creative.

For the June 25 meeting I am changing to begin with an abbreviated ASFG meeting. Hopefully, we can finish the chapter on Desire and have a good meditation. Then we will listen to a talk on CD by Brad Yates, "Being the Change: Your Profound Impact On the World." This CD is very inspiring and discusses how tapping is being used worldwide. If we don't hear it all, I am sure we will hear enough to be stimulated.

(Note: these CD's are from the 2010 World Summit collection that I have borrowed from a friend and are not mine to lend.)

Peacefully Yours,

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