Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/25/18

Hello All,

We welcomed Edie and Sam who attended our meeting for the first time. We hope you both continue to join us!

We began with a 15 minute meditation and sent love, light and healing forth, and then we finished reading Chapter IV "Desire" by reading the Conclusion. We enjoyed some good discussions on the material.

We finished reading the Chapter on Desire in the Experiments in Practical Spirituality book.

Please choose one of these 4 experiments to explore this week:

-Page 51: Work with the principle of giving to others in order to fulfill a specific desire which you select. *Create a chart similar to the example above, using the personal desire you have chosen. Try to apply the items you list in the third column.

*Chart shows three columns:
I  Conscious Desire  I     I  Experience or Feeling if Desire Fulfilled  I  How to Bring Those Feelings to Others I

-Page 53: Select a desire pattern for which you alternate between taming it and feeling guilty for allowing it to control you. Try to get clear on what it is you really desire. Is the apparent desire only a mask for a deeper desire? Try to see clearly how a change in this habitual desire pattern could also benefit others. In order to keep a sense of openness to receive help, use this affirmation or write another version of it in your own words: "I cannot bear this alone, my Savior, My Christ, I seek Thy aid."

-Page 54: Spend free time or discretionary time with people who awaken in you a self-image or an outlook on life which you think you most need now in your growth.

-Page 55: Rewrite the Lord's Prayer in your own words, just as this Cayce reading gives its own version. First try to get in touch with your deepest desire to be attuned to God, then let this personal desire be expressed in the way you work each line of the prayer. Try using your version just before your meditation period.

We listened to one brief Meridian Tapping sequence on  "Fear of Failure." Thank you for allowing me to devote some meeting time each week I lead this month to sharing information on Meridian Tapping. I hope you can find it beneficial in your lives! I have enjoyed so often the other information attendees have shared in our meetings over the years! Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and wisdom!

Cindi will be leading next Monday's meeting as Eric will still be on vacation. Eric will be leading the rest of the meetings in July.

Peacefully Yours,

Thursday, June 21, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/18/18

We began our meeting discussing a Herbert Spencer quote John shared with us, "The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of their folly is to fill the world with fools." Thank you, John.

We took time to share what was going on in each attending member's lives as well as some who couldn't make this meeting. We miss you folks when you don't attend.

We discussed last week's experiment results.

Since we are studying the chapter on Desire, I, June, shared a bit about Danielle LaPorte's book "The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul." (Available in book or CD at our public library.) Ms. LaPorte advises people to not focus on material desires like big houses, hot cars, jobs paying certain figures, etc.,  but to focus on how you want to feel. What is the "desired emotion and/or spiritual state" you want to achieve in your life? You are to filter your desired feelings down to 4-6 core desired feelings. (My personal core desired feelings are to feel AT EASE, BLISSFUL, CONTENT, CREATIVE, FREE and LOVED & LOVING. Your core feelings may change over time. I am thinking of replacing "Blissful" with "Sublime." When others ask me how I am doing lately, I like to say "Sublime." It feels better to me than "Blissful" now. This in itself is a good test for what you want your core desired feelings to be. Say them aloud, I am"...") Once you have your list you ask yourself what plans you can put in place in your life to have these feelings and then act on these plans. Really enjoy the rest of your life!

We listened to a CD with Julie Schiffman speaking on How our Emotions Affect Our Health: Case Studies in Meridian Tapping. In her talk Julie did a sequence on Tapping to eliminate Neck Pain, Tapping to eliminate Hip Pain and Tapping to eliminate Migraines. We all practiced the Meridian Tapping technique. (The librarians didn't even call the men in the white coats to haul us away.)

We had a brief meditation followed by sending light, love and healing forth. I was reminded to have a more peaceful way of ending the meditation. (I had my cell phone volume up too loud when the timer chimed. Sorry all.)

We ran out of time and did not read in either ASFG book. )-:  We agreed to read in Experiments in Practical Spirituality from last week's experiment to the experiment on page 50 on our own.

This week's experiment on page 50 states: When you find yourself desiring something for the future, refocus that desire away from "pre-forming" how it will happen. Instead focus attention on the spirit of what you desire to have happen. When the time arrives for these future events, try to be in the now and to be creative.

For the June 25 meeting I am changing to begin with an abbreviated ASFG meeting. Hopefully, we can finish the chapter on Desire and have a good meditation. Then we will listen to a talk on CD by Brad Yates, "Being the Change: Your Profound Impact On the World." This CD is very inspiring and discusses how tapping is being used worldwide. If we don't hear it all, I am sure we will hear enough to be stimulated.

(Note: these CD's are from the 2010 World Summit collection that I have borrowed from a friend and are not mine to lend.)

Peacefully Yours,

Thursday, June 14, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/11/18

Five of us met on June 11. We briefly discussed tapping and everyone's previous experience with tapping.

We listened to the CD with presenter Carol Look, LCSW, DCH, EFT Master discussing an Introduction to EFT/Meridian Tapping. It took about 60 minutes and included some beginning tapping sessions.

We began our ASFG portion of the meeting and meditated. We shared thoughts on the last experiment. We read the section "The Wisdom of Unselfish Desire" in the chapter on Desire. We read from the past experiments to the next experiment. Our experiment for the week is on page 48 : Replace desires to appear better than others. Try to hold in mind a deeper desire of the soul to know its equality with all other souls. Try to say something good about another. 

At the June 18 meeting we will hear Julie Schiffman speak on How our Emotions Affect Our Health: Case Studies in Meridian Tapping. In her talk Julie does a sequence on tapping to eliminate neck pain, tapping to eliminate hip pain and tapping to eliminate migraines. Again, we will have an abbreviated ASFG meeting the 2nd hour.

For the June 25 meeting I have chosen a talk by Brad Yates, Being the Change: Your Profound Impact On the World. This CD is very inspiring and discusses how tapping is being used worldwide. An abbreviated ASFG meeting will follow.

(Note: these CD's are from the 2010 World Summit collection that I have borrowed from a friend and are not mine to lend.)

However, have your cell phone charged and ready to record or bring in a micro-recorder if you want to try to record some of the tapping sessions to practice with later!!!!

I hope all of you will give Meridian Tapping a serious effort. In won't cost you anything but time and effort and the results may amaze you! I tap when I have trouble going to sleep.

Warning - if you tap while riding on a bus or in a restaurant, people may look at you funny, ha, ha!😜😆

Peacefully Yours, June

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/4/18

We met. We meditated. We read in A Search for God Book II. We read "Spiritual Desires" in the Desire chapter and discussed the reading.

We read in the accompanying Experiments in Practical Spirituality book, pages 46 - 47.

Our experiment on page 47 is: Be aware each day of how past desire patterns have created or led you to specific conditions which you count as blessings. Use this remembrance as an aid to keep a hopeful attitude toward the future fulfillment of spiritual desire you now hold.

We tried to focus on the ASFG lessons the first hour of our meeting and use the second hour to socialize and share our lives with one another.

I, June, am leading the meetings for the month of June. During our social hour, I distributed hand-outs on an Introduction and History of Meridian Tapping.

Meridian Tapping, to me, is one of the greatest health processes I've learned about since learning about massage in the 70s. I personally quit smoking without any withdrawal using Meridian Tapping in a form called EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique.

 I am not a skilled teacher or trainer of Meridian Tapping, but an enthusiast. I gained the groups' permission to share some information during part of our June meetings. There are some books and e-books at the library on tapping. Barnes & Noble carries Nick Ortner's Tapping books and can order them. There are videos on YouTube showing the various tapping sequences. Nick Ortner made a video about Meridian Tapping back in 2007 or so. I have not seen it, but I'd like to. Nick and his sister, Jessica, and some friends have organized annual Tapping World Summits since about 2009. They just had the 2018 Tapping World Summit. You can go to www.TappingWorldSummit.com  for more information and to buy CD sets of the Summit which has various tapping professionals giving presentations.

At the June 11  ASFG meeting I will begin with sharing a CD with presenter Carol Look, LCSW, DCH, EFT Master discussing an Introduction to EFT/Meridian Tapping. It will take about 45 - 60 minutes and then we will proceed with an abbreviated regular ASFG meeting.

At the June 18 meeting we will hear Julie Schiffman speak on How our Emotions Affect Our Health: Case Studies in Meridian Tapping. In her talk Julie does a sequence on tapping to eliminate neck pain, tapping to eliminate hip pain and tapping to eliminate migraines. Again, we will have an abbreviated ASFG meeting the 2nd hour.

For the June 25 meeting I have chosen a talk by Brad Yates, Being the Change: Your Profound Impact On the World. This CD is very inspiring and discusses how tapping is being used worldwide. An abbreviated ASFG meeting will follow.

(Note: these CD's are from the 2010 World Summit collection that I have borrowed from a friend and are not mine to lend.)

Please join us to hear these speakers and/or search on your own for books, CD's, videos and trained Meridian Tapping or EFT teachers or practitioners and learn this very powerful and useful technique.