Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/4/17

Thanks to you, June,  for leading the meeting and volunteering at the last minute.  Discussion was lively and interesting. Topics included praying according to God's Will, not mine, why and when would we pray for God's will to be done,  and what might be accomplished by praying as Jesus did before the crucifixion.  We also discussed possibilities of what "paralleling could be."

One possibility of paralleling could be to simultaneously live and occupy space in 8 bodies in 8 universes.  Some hypnotized children of scientists were instructed not to remember their time travel experiences to possibly parallel universes in the 1950's experiments they were used in to gain knowledge of parallel universes, time travel, etc., according to Peace Shield Carrier Rainbow Eagle. (He was quoted.) We read and discussed the preface in ASFG Book II. We discussed the definition of, and first section of the  Lesson, " Opportunity:  Opportunities come Through Cooperation."

We read in "Experiments in Practical Spirituality, Pages 5 and page 6 up to the Experiment:

Try meeting each "problem" which confronts you in daily life with this question:  "How would my own thoughts and ideals have played a role in helping to create this situation?" (Examples--(1) financial problem:  perhaps past thoughts of fear about loosing money created a self-fulfilling prophecy; (2) health problem:  perhaps past attitudes toward my body led to poor eating habits and now this illness; (3) relationship problem:  perhaps I have silently been overly critical of this person in the past.

Next Monday brings another opportunity!  See you at the meeting!


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/27/17

Welcome William, who has been active in "group work" previously.  And thanks to Bill for being the leader in November.

The review of the Meditation chapter was completed as suggested to begin the Study of ASFG Book II. We completed the reading and discussion of Meditation in the "Red Book." And we read the three remaining experiments in our meditation chapter of "Experiments in a Search for GOD:"

  Experiment 1) Choose a specific time and place for meditation.  Keep it each day.

Experiment 2) What people in your life do you think the least of?  Write down their names. What parts of yourself do you think the least of.  Write down those parts. Work each day on treating these people and these parts of yourself as you would treat GOD. Pray for these individuals and parts of yourself each day. 

Experiment 3) Choose and write down one attitude, habit or physical condition which could be eliminated by conscious effort and which you feel may be a hindrance in your spiritual search. Then decide on a constructive attitude or way of behaving that could replace that hindering one (and write down the replacement). Work each day on manifesting that replacement attitude or behavior.  Record situations in which you are successful in manifesting this replacement attitude or behavior.

Have a good week. 

You're invited to join me in meditation at 6:55 each morning.  We're looking forward to seeing you next Monday!


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/20/17

Interesting discussion on our experiments.  Our choices for our experiments this coming week are on p. 13-14 & p. 15 in the Experiments in a Search for God ...Book 1.

 1) At the beginning of each meditation period, take a few moments to become aware that there is consciousness within each cell of your body. Suggest to or ask your body to join the mind and spirit in this period of seeking. 
 2) Use  the prayer of protection given in the readings at the beginning of each meditation period. Make a special point of experiencing the inner meaning of the prayer as you use it and not just saying it by rote. 

We also read in our "Red Book," the same pages with three or more different page numbers depending on which book and edition each person had, in the Meditation chapter, either the last chapter of book ll, or the first chapter of ASFG Book I, under heading III, preparation For Meditation, (not, A., nor 1,2, 3, but (finally) B. The Mental Body, 1. The Purging of Self, and 2. Attunement of Self to the Whole, down to C. The Spiritual Body, where we will begin reading next week.

Safe travels to those going out of town. We're looking forward to seeing you next week, to learning  which experiment you chose, how the experiment went for you, and whether you'd like to report on the outcome of this week's experiment.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/13/17

Greetings.  Let's welcome Connie and Donna who attended our meeting their first time tonight. It's good to welcome each of you. Our leader for the month of October is Bill Mitchell.

Last week and this week our lesson is on meditation, a review for Book II of the meditation chapter.  We read and reviewed and discussed the I. Introduction to Meditation, II. Meditation and Prayer,  2. Meditation defined, 3. Will prayer answer for meditation? III. Preparation for Meditation, The physical body, I. A knowledge, cleansing, and consecration of physical body 2.  A study of the glands. B. The Mental Body 1. The purging of self 2. Attunement of self to the Whole.

Last week and this week our choice of experiments is from the book Experiments in A Search for God, keyed to ASFG, Book one, chapter one on pages 10 and 11.

"Each individual entity, whether aware of same or not, sets before self an ideal in the material world, in the mental world, in the spiritual world." Edgar Cayce reading 1011-1.

 If we set our ideal in spiritual principles, we have a source of direction stronger than any outside force. Our decisions in life are based on a standard that comes from within. The ideal becomes the measure of how we choose to focus energy and attention physically, mentally, spiritually. It is helpful to determine what our ideals and life directions have been before actually choosing and holding up a spiritual ideal for ourselves.

Even if you've never determined what your ideals are, it will begin to be obvious to you if you complete the following exercise each day for a week.  Before going to bed, Write down what you did, thought, or experienced that day that was valuable.
1) I was praised for the report I finished today.
2) I got 2 tickets to the play I've wanted to see
3) leisurely family time at dinner
4) good prayer and meditation intervals today.
The patterns you recognize at weeks end show you the ideals you have  been living.

Experiment  (1) At days end, write down what you thought, did, experienced the past 24 hours you feel was especially valuable.

Experiment 2a) Since prayer is the concerted effort of our physical consciousness to become attuned to the consciousness of the creator, and; the first stage of meditation is the effort to awaken within the conscious mind an awareness corresponding to the superconsciousness, then, we can pray effectively and awaken and attune the consciousness mind to the divine within.

Experiment 2b) As an activity separate from your meditation period, each day have a period of prayer. (Whatever form is meaningful to you that day--petitionary-gratitude, confessional-forgiveness, praise--). A sincere-effective prayer practice can be an invaluable aid to our meditation--to be able to hold in silence the awakening and an attunement of the conscious mind to the Divine, to the ideal, and then ultimately, to transformation.

Gratefully yours,


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/30/17

We read in the Experiments book beginning on page 133 about the center of the page:

"He that does not love his worst enemy has not even begun to develop." 
Then the (1st) experiment that followed is below.

(1) Select and write down the name of one person whom you frequently view as an enemy, a rival or a troublesome person.  Then write down the good qualities that you can see in him.  If you cannot think of any, spend several days observing him in your daily life until you find something you can write down.  Finally spend at least a week thinking of that person in terms of these good qualities and acting on that perception.  Keep a record of your actions.

We read the next section to the experiment near the top of page 135. 

(2) Work with the principle of giving at the physical level.  Each day for at least a week, be willing to give of the best that you have. ESPECIALLY Try To do This with small things, such as sharing an exceptionally nutritious piece of food with someone or giving someone a favorite book.  Record your experiences with this approach to Love.

So we can choose one of two experiments that best works for us to live and experience God's Love in the world.

In addition, if you aren't already meditating daily, consider joining Sylvia @ 7:00 am each day to meditate on the affirmation for the current lesson at the beginning of the chapter.

On Monday, November 6, 2017,  we will begin ASFG book II. Bill is assuming the leadership for the month of November.

At least two of our group members have an extra copy or two to lend if you don't have "A Search For God" Book II. To my knowledge, there are no extra copies to share during our group of the "Experiments in Practical Spirituality" keyed to A Search for God, Book II by Mark Thurston. If you would like your own copy of one or both books, you may purchase those online from ARE's website  or they are also available by telephone.  The website is are@edgarcayce.org and the telephone number is 800-333-4499.

We look forward to seeing you next Monday.

Lovingly submitted,


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/16/17

How delightful it was to welcome four new people who were attending this meeting for the first time: Melanie, Francis, Amber, and Ozz.

Cindi told us about Echo Bodine's comments on the afterlife in Denver on Saturday. Her former neighbor of thirty years ago vouches for her genuine ability to gain spiritual information. It seems many of us missed a very interesting program.

Four enthusiastic voices enlivened the discussion lead by Eric on our choice of two experiments in the "Love" Lesson, Chapter 13.  The first is described from page 132-133. Experiment:  

Make an effort to experience the potential within you to love life.  Try to have a feeling of trusting life. Look beneath those experiences that seem "ugly or  heavy, or hard" for deeper meaning and the hand of the divine. Record instances in which you are able to see life in this way.

Continuing on, the next experiment is described and laid out on page 134 as follows:

Select and write down the name of one person whom you frequently view as an enemy, a rival or a troublesome person. Then write down the good qualities that you can see in him.  If you cannot think of any, spend several days observing him In your daily life until you find something (good) you can write down.  Finally, spend at least a week thinking of that person in terms of these good qualities and acting on that perception.  Keep a record of your actions.

We read and discussed  two sections in ASFG, Chapter 12, on "Love":  "The Test of Love" (different editions' pages are numbered differently) and "Love is Giving." Next week we are ready to begin reading "Divine Love Passes Understanding."

It was an excellent meeting. In hopes you will all join us for the meeting next Monday.

Lovingly submitted,


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/9/17

We began a new Lesson in Chapter 12 tonight: LOVE.  We read up to the heading, The Test of Love, and stopped there in ASFG, book I.

We read the first section of chapter 13, LOVE, through the first experiment:

Demonstrate your Love for individuals in your life by greeting them by name. Make a special effort to remember names when you are introduced.  If you do not know the names of people you see frequently, try to find out.  And then use the person's name to show your caring for him as an individual.  

See you next Monday!

Lovingly in His service,

Monday, October 9, 2017

Discovering Your Soul's Purpose

Mark Thurston was on the Edgar Cayce Reflections show being interviewed by Peter Woodbury about the re-release of his book Discovering Your Soul's Purpose. Mark shared his five-step program to discovering (and acting on) your soul’s purpose:

  1. Clarify a spiritual ideal, or get a clearer sense of one’s individuality. Know what you believe in. What is the foundation or core of your life? 
  1. Take an inventory of one’s assets, strengths, talents, and gifts. Cayce used past-life stories to tell when gifts or talents where developed. He also used astrological language to help configure some of the assets or strengths, or what Carl Jung considered your  temperament type. For example, Mars can bring certain aspects or temperaments to your personality. There can be negative influences or obstacles from the planets, but focus on the positive. There are exercises you can do to hone in on what your gifts or talents are. Astrological influences are part of your individuality (soul-self), whereas past lives influences are part of your personality (or ego). 
  1. Draft a first statement of mission and purpose or a life theme. How can you use your core talents and abilities that serves the greater good? It doesn’t have to be too specific or sound like a job title. Mark Thurston is a university professor and his mission statement is “Creating learning structures to support people in getting a new sense of themselves in their own positive possibilities in life.” 
  1. You need a plan. How are you going to do it? For example, over the next  90 days, what would the practical or baby-steps look like in your current job, in your family, in your community, or during your free time? 
  1. Watch for certain sign posts that happen more often in your life, if you are on track. Look for synchronicities, more joy, more flow, seeing other lives benefitting from your own, feeling the presence of the Creator more frequently or with more regularity. It’s not like a light bulb that is either on or off, but more like a dimmer switch.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/2/17

Our Leader this Month is Eric.

We reported on the outcome of our chosen experiment and had an discussion on oneness and the many illusions  of disconnected parts, separate  objects, individual beings in the universe. When in actuality, they are one.

We finished reading our chapter on "The lord they God is One." We read the section "Personal Experiences" and the "Conclusion." We read down to two experiments, from the bottom of page 122, through the experiment at the bottom of page 124. It was suggested we try doing one of them.

When you find yourself desiring something or longing to repeat an experience you have already had, use this affirmation, "I have that experience within myself." Let this affirmation awaken in your mind the realization of the oneness of all time.

Next Experiment:
Try living each day for itself. Make NECESSARY decisions for the future, but eliminate all unneeded worry or concern for things you anticipate may happen. Trust that you will be even more capable of doing the right thing when the event actually occurs. Then move your attention back to what is happening around you at that moment. If possible, spend some time in nature as part of this experiment, looking for examples of how nature does things unhurriedly and one at a time. Keep a record of specific instances in which you were able to know more fully the oneness of all time by living in the present.

In oneness,

Friday, September 29, 2017

A.R.E.Meeting for 9/25/17


We read in A Search for God, Book I, Lesson XI, around pages 117 to page 119 depending on your book, "How We May Come Into the Realization of the Oneness" and "The At-onement Through Jesus, the Christ" stopping before "Personal Experiences."

In Experiments in a Search for GOD we read page 121 to the experiment:

"Each day for a week keep this attitude in your meditation periods: "I am not concerned with what experiences come to me, but with how much I am able to give of myself to God and express my devotion."

We also read the rest of page 121 to the experiment on page 122:

"In your daily contacts with others, imagine that they are part of your immediate family. If you feel apathetic or upset with someone, try to imagine how you might feel more caring or tolerant if that person were a close and beloved family member (e.g., a sister, brother, father, aunt, etc.). Then try to act on that new feeling. Record instances in which you try this experiment. Write the person's name (unless it is someone you don't know.), the family member status you imagine for him, and how you acted on the feeling."

Choose one experiment of the two to do.

Eric will lead meetings for the month of October.

Please join us.

Thank you.

Peacefully Yours,


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/18/17

We met, and watched the movie "Edgar Cayce: The Beautiful Dreamer" about Mr. Cayce's life.

We had a brief meditation. We discussed last week's experiment and our last week's activities.

We did not read in the A Search for God book. We read in Experiments in A Search for God down to the next experiment on the bottom of page 120.

The experiment for the week states: 
In your daily meditation periods try to use distractions to take you deeper into a oneness with the meaning of your affirmation. Use each distraction as a gift. Have the attitude that says of each distracting thought,"Here is another great opportunity for me to bring some part of my life into the awareness of the oneness."

Peacefully Yours,

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/11/17

June led a good meeting: "The Lord thy God is One." We read the first two pages of chapter XI in AFSG. 

During our meeting next Monday, June will show "Beautiful Dreamer," a film on Cayce's life.

Following discussion, we read down to the first experiment in the " experiments book", Chapter 12, pages 118 and 119.

    Examine your life and choose one way in which you are using energy which is not in accord with your ideals. This can be an emotional, attitudinal or active way of using energy. Write down what you select.
Then demonstrate in your daily life your understanding of the inherent oneness of all force by transforming that energy to a more loving or constructive form. Record your experiences.
    Example:  feeling frustrated and angry with other drivers who are discourteous.  
   TRANSFORMATION:  changing your expression of the one energy by sending out to those people a prayer instead of thoughts of anger.

There was interest and discussion among group members on attending 
"After we Die," an exploration of Death, Heaven, Ghosts, and the Souls Journey Beyond Death, with psychic medium Echo Bodine in Denver on 
Saturday October 14, 2017. 
The Lowery Conference Center
1061 Akron Way, Denver CO 80230
9:00 am to 4:30 pm 

She will cover topics from "pre-life and how we plan our life's experiences to ways for cultivating clear communication with the dead to healing from grief and ghosts that day.

Echo Bodine was Bill M's neighbor some years ago.  He seemed to enjoy getting to know her and spoke highly of her. 

Hope you can join us next Monday for the film and every Monday.

In oneness,

Thursday, August 31, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/28/17

Lesson 1O, The Cross and the Crown

Our experiment over the next two weeks will be a pleasure to do: 

Look for joy in living.  Express joy in dealing with others.  Live with an attitude of enjoyment of being alive in this place and in this special time in mans spiritual evolution. 

There will be no meeting next Monday, September 4, 2017. The Library is closed for Labor Day. 
We finished reading down to the last experiment in our experiments book. And we also finished reading our lesson in the experiments book.  
John did a super job of leading this month on the Cross and the Crown. Rarely have we completed the remainder of both chapters on the same night.  John, we also want to thank you for leading our ASFG group two out of three of our summer months. I believe this is also the first time since we began rotating group leadership monthly that anyone has had to lead again so near to the last month they also served as group leader.  So thank you John. We appreciate you. 

We were able to close the group early and have a social time discussing what it was like to experience "the eclipse." We also have two group members who moved to Colorado Springs from Houston and at least two others with family or friends in Houston who were in the flooding. So conditions of flooding was another topic for discussion.

At our next meeting, June will lead our group on "The Lord Thy God Is One."

Joyfully yours,


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/21/17

Hello Everyone,

Excitement lingered as we began our meeting regarding the first total eclipse of the sun all the way across the United States for the first time in 99 years.  In addition, a doctor posted on the Internet a false Google research earth finding of pyramids in Antarctica.  Actually, the configuration of the “three pyramids” is mountains discovered 1910-191, shaped very much like pyramids but with curving lines ascending the three peaks.

We  read three sections on “The Cross and the Crown,” from page 114 to the end of the section, “Why Do We, as Individuals, Necessarily Bear Much That He Bore, and Yet Say That When Taking His Yoke upon Us the Cross Becomes Easy?” near the center of page 118.

Our experiment is the next one in the book following quotes of readings 262-334, 5749-10, 1440-2 advising us to not wonder as much about what my Cross is, but rather how with his aid, best meet my cross, in my approach to the Crown of Righteousness. The next two describe the attitude:  Humility, the same humbleness with which he met all the challenges before the throng, the mockery, the rulers, the riffraff, the purple robe with the crown of thorns, humbles knowing in self that it is that necessary for GOD’S WILL to be more “Truly Manifested” in thine own experience.  (Broadly paraphrased)

 The Experiment Is:  Meet your crosses with an attitude of humility. Do not defend yourself with retorts or argumentative statements, even if you feel you are right.  Keep a record of situations in which you were able to bear a cross humbly without defense of yourself.

See you Monday,


Sunday, August 20, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/14/17

Hello Everyone,
It was a pleasure to welcome Bill Mitchell to his first meeting with us.  Bill has belonged to other study groups previously and has made about three trips to ARE Headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Our Experiment is located on pages 113-114.  Our challenge is to identify an area of life in which we feel burdened, to scrutinize ourselves for behaviors and attitudes on which we work to keep feeling burdened. That is to say, write down a burden you feel, and list behaviors or attitudes that maintain that sense of feeling burdened. Now choose one attitude or behavior from your list to replace with a constructive one. Work daily at least a week on expressing the replacement.

burdened by:  frequent arguments with Richard

attitudes and behaviors
     I work at:    work to recall past instances I thought he was selfish
                         work to feel resentful
                         work to speak unkindly of him to others

 replacement:    begin now to speak in a more positive way of him to others

Can it really be that simple to transform a feeling of being burdened by daily practice of a positive attitude or behavior?  If we accept this challenge, we will know in a week, won’t we?

Our discussion of our lesson was good. We read down to the heading on page 114 of ASFG on “The Cross and The Crown."  It is, “Why was it Necessary That He, The Maker of Heaven and Earth, Should Bear a Cross?”

Step by step, day by day working to develop ourselves spiritually can seem tedious, discouraging and uninteresting;  primarily, I think, because progress is so difficult to see and measure.  But having a group, this group, to take that walk with me step by step is inspiring, stimulating, fun.  Thank you Every One for being such an important part of this endeavor.

Your “elephant fingers” typist,

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/7/17

Our experiment for the lesson on "The Cross and the Crown" is at the bottom of page 112 in Mark Thurston's book, "Experiments in a Search for God."

This is based on the concept that our necessary "crosses" are born for our development, but it is actually glorious to be able to bear the cross for the "sake of Him who made the way of escape possible for us." 

Another perspective we can step up to is:  See our work in bearing the cross as part of His work. Realize as we attune ourselves and let go of false perceptions of reality, all of mankind is helped, enlightened, or affected by our own awareness. (As when unconsciously and telepathically impacted or changed by the conscious reality of others.)

EXPERIMENT--Meet each of your crosses as if your work were symbolic of all humanity's attempt to deal with this specific type of difficulty.  Record your experiences of working with this attitude in mind.

Meeting notes "Cross" with no Crown in sight yet.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/31/17

John led the meeting this evening in chapter eleven on The Cross and The Crown.  It included a lively discussion on our experiment of last week and of those for this upcoming week.

Our reading was in the experiments book from near the top of page 109 through the experiment on the bottom of page page 110.

Our experiment is whichever we choose of the two experiments. The third possibility is to undertake doing both experiments. 

With Love and Light,

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/24/17

Hello All.  We had an interesting discussion of how owning things can reverse so that the belongings soon seem to own the person, as well as considerations for disposing of them. We questioned where the term "Cross and Crown" may have originated, and how to reframe the situation if treasures are stolen or taken from us unexpectedly.

We read the "Cross and Crown" to the experiment on page 108:

Try the three step approach described on page 108 that leads to Freedom. Select and write down a situation in life in which you feel trapped. Determine and write down an illusory image of yourself or a misconception about life that may have created this situation. Finally, seek to understand and accept the reality or purposefulness that lies beneath this difficulty. Keep a record of your experiences which come from the acceptance of this cross.

We missed you. See you next Monday when we can learn more about the Cross and Crown.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/17/17

Let's welcome Jim, who once lived in Virginia Beach, and finally discovered Cayce after he moved to California, and has studied Cayce independently for 55 years.  He's ready for discussion with us  now.

Our experiment for the coming week is to consciously practice the presence by preparing ourselves to be in the presence with a reverie. And then consciously holding onto the feelings and awareness of truly being a part of the scheme of things attained in the reverie throughout each day.  This can be done before or after our regular meditation period.

Mark Thurston suggested a reverie such as :
Imagine yourself under a high blue sky on vast grassland where all of mankind is actively building a great cathedral. Everyone is working on a place where all could come to worship and know God.  Each person is to cut and place only one stone in this great effort. So there is no competition among workers. 

You walk to a giant quarry, tools in hand, and mark off the stone that you will cut. With the greatest care and precision you mark off and cut your stone. Its sides are polished smooth. It symbolizes the wholeness and love within your soul. With feelings of anticipation and joy, you pick up your stone.  You have super-human strength and carrying it is not difficult.

You begin your walk toward the building site. All around you are others carrying their stones. Tremendous feelings of brotherhood fill your heart and mind. All of the people are working together with cooperation and joy. All sense the beauty of what they are creating together.

"You arrive at the building site and you find the exact spot where your stone is needed. With great care you put it in place. Then you sit down and have a brief period of prayer. You pray that GOD'S WILL shall direct this common effort of all mankind. And you pray that all will come to the full awareness of his presence."

We discussed how our experiment went:  in sharing with others our experiences of God's working in the earth, and our beliefs and our Spiritual experiences.

Scott is going to check out a group dream experiment and get more information in the event we may want to try it at a future time. We discussed the importance of tests, and adversity to keep us strong.

We missed those of you unable to make it.  See you next Monday!

Ever in Divine Presence,


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/10/17

Our leader for July, Cindi, lead our opening meditation by reading "Seven Gates" by John Van Auken. It is selected text from THE COMING FORTH BY LIGHT, published as The Egyptian Book of the Dead, and published this quarter in the ARE member's magazine Venture Inward. He suggested using it ceremoniously in preparation for meditation, adding other aids, such as bells, incense, candles, and music. Some of you missed a good meeting and meditation, but you can try this preparation for meditation for yourselves at home by reading the magazine article yourself (as I am repeating myself today).

We had an interesting discussion on the last experiment, on whether, how much, when, why we should/should not share our personal experiences of being in the presence and our faith journey; a discussion of connections with and presence within animals and personal beliefs and experiences.

We read in the experiments book the entire page 104  to the ending of our experiment on page 105: 
Be willing to share your awareness of GOD's working in the earth, especially with those who don't have this perspective. Express your feelings to others.  Speak of your own experience, as opposed to lecturing to them about what they ought to believe.  Brief statements are usually best.  Don't be attached to some expectation about how they should respond to your words.  Simply be open and honest about your beliefs.  Trust that a seed is planted by what you do.  Record (1) situations in which you do this, and (2) situations which, in looking back, you realize would have been good opportunities for this kind of sharing.
Cindi announced a program upcoming in Denver on Oct. 14th. "After we die:  an exploration of Death, Heaven, Ghosts, and the Souls Journey Beyond Death" presented by author, speaker, psychic, trainer Echo Bodine. Greg gave me her book on her psychic experiences, and lent me his video of her teaching us how to do our own reading. We can be thinking about whether we want to attend this exciting program by a quite good speaker.
May I add, I, Sylvia, am so very grateful for each of you. I'm so glad when each of you comes to share sacred space, presence, experiences, and loving healing thoughts, in our common search for meaning in life and greater awareness of the presence of God, within, without, everywhere present. Another member expressed gratitude and happiness to those who came and for coming last night. Speaking for all of us, we hope next Monday you can and will join us at Ruth a Holly Library!

Recognizing the presence,

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/3/17

Happy Independence Day!

Cindi is back, and as agreed back in the spring, is our leader for the month of July.

We read the remainder of our lesson from the heading "Let Us Remember That Our Guard is Ever In His  Presence." We read to the end of the last section in this lesson.

We also read page 103 in our experiments book from "Thought vibrations go out, words are spoken, deeds are done, and all carry to others their influences and their impressions of our understanding of God" down through our experiment for this week.

Experiment:  Whenever you find yourself talking about another person, speak as if God and the soul of that person were present in that place in the moment.

We discussed our results of our experiment for the week past, as well as our experiment for this week.

See you next week!
Briefly absent from your presence,

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/20/17

This week we began "In his Presence," lesson 9.  We covered and discussed the first part of this chapter in the A Search For God book. We read down to the first experiment of chapter ten of the other book on page 100:

In your daily meditations, don't stop at the second level shown in the diagrams.  When you are able to move to the feeling of the affirmation and hold that in silence, allow yourself to move further and hold that in silence, allow yourself to move further to a sense of oneness with it ( i.e., the being level).  If you drift away from the feeling, come back to it immediately, instead of allowing distracting feelings and thoughts to arise.  Certainly this is not simply mastered, it takes practice.  Record your experiences of working with this experiment.

With possibly a new Cayce group to start in Colorado Springs, Sylvia  and Benjamin have been corresponding by e-mail about group work for several weeks. This was his first Monday to attend. Benjamin is employed in the restaurant at the Valley High Golf course.

Sue Breeze was able to attend as well.  She's been to the now disbanded 2nd study group, but last night was her first Monday meeting.

Sue is a Certified Stage Medium and psychic. 
Her email address is psychicsuebreeze@gmail.com

Contact her for further information about her class on intuition on the last Tuesday and Thursday of this month or for a reading. She did a good reading of my three deceased sisters with psychometry, one after another.


A.R.E. Meeting for 6/26/17

We read in the experiments book through the experiment at the top of page 103 and most of us chose to do that one rather than the first on on page 101 about beginning a new project for good.

Experiment:  Each day make an effort to listen and feel God's presence (within and without) in the ordinary and the commonplace of life.  Keep a record of your experiences of recognizing it in these situations.

An interesting story shared was of "turning a quite challenging situation over to God," when he realized it was impossible to figure out how to both sell everything: house, two cars, stove and frig.; and to live in their house,  use appliances and cars being sold in order to to leave for his overseas job.  

The day before departure, closing of the house was expedited by seller asking, "Would it help if I made your first payment for you?" That completed the sale of the house. Then with his car and appliances sold, they stayed in a motel that night, and drove her car to the airport the next day where her car buyer paid her for her car.

We read in ASFG from "Experiencing the Abiding Presence" to, but not including, "Let us Remember That Our Guard Is Ever in His Presence."

Plan to join us next Monday.

Signing off in His presence
(Without and within)

Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/12/17

Hello all,
Tonight we finished reading "The Open Door " in both books. Eric also read excerpts about Archangel Michael coming thru as they were about to build the hospital, and how incredible it was, as if a wind came through the house, windows rattling, and his booming voice loud.

Our first choice of experiments is on page 97; "Look at life as essentially good.  Make choices each day for a week that reflect your belief that God is good and has as his deepest desire that good things would come to you.  Record the decisions that you make from this point of view. "

Or on page 98 of the experiments book:  "Each day for at least a week, adopt a prayerful response to the experience of doubt.  These doubts may be in yourself, in others, or in God.  Record those situations in which you felt doubt and then took a moment for prayer."

See you next week.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/5/17

Your choices of experiments, which also cover the reading done from page 93 during the meeting, are on page 94 and 95 of the Experiments book.

1) Take at least 2 minutes in your meditation period to experience an opening of the door by focusing on the fact that Christ has been and always will be with you.  Notice the times in your daily life you have deliberately returned to "Christ has been and always will be with me " when you have feelings of emptiness, doubt, lack, or self condemnation.  And then record those times.

2) Daily for a week or longer, determine to be aware and act on ways you can serve as an open door to others.

 A considerable amount of our discussion was on "we not only open the door, but as channels, are doors. Let us not forget, as we work, that those we meet along the way are seekers also and are the Israel of the Lord." From 262 #28 a conclusion or inference is ".....we act as open doors for others" specifically in giving whatever he or she needs for growth, with sensitivity, willingness to listen and discern things said and unsaid. (More inclusively, then a perspective of the open door moves from healing an individual to healing our society.)

So acting as an open door for others to know more joy, peace, from needed influences you provide them, write down the name and the specific thing you thought they needed for growth in the moment.

We missed you and prayed for those unable to join us last night.

Your door woman,

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/22/17

Hello.  We missed those of you unable to attend this week.  Next Monday the library is closed for Memorial Day weekend; so our next meeting is on June 5th.

Our experiment is independently chosen. Your option is from experiment 1 on page 88 which some have already done, experiment 2 on page 90, experiment 3 on page 91, or experiment 4 on page 93.

The first experiment is daily determining the ways the Christ spirit may be speaking to you; or seeing doorways that may open in the barrier you identified.  Secondly, it's important to see the purpose that barrier serves, once you've identified a barrier for the experiment.

Our second experiment to consider is: to select and write down something in your life that makes you feel cheated (e.g., not getting the attention, love or money you want or deserve). Replace the attitude of feeling cheated by writing and using an affirmation with which to replace the sense of being cheated. You can affirm "Wherever I am and whatever I'm doing God can be glorified." Everytime you experience feeling cheated because your job is boring while everyone else's jobs are interesting.

Or if you don't feel cheated, but rather tend to be sensitive you might choose experiment 3, "Give others the benefit of the doubt when it appears they may have intentionally said or done something to slight you.  Act on the assumption you were not the target and by moving beyond a tendency to be overly sensitive, experience an opening of a door to a more holistic understanding of life. As always, record your experiences.

Or (4) consider the qualities of The Christ Consciousness, write them down, and select one to focus on during the upcoming two weeks.  Then choose and record one area of your life where there is a special need to manifest that quality.  Keep a record of your successes in expressing that characteristic of the Christ consciousness in that area of you life.

We read in the Experiments book, chapter nine, The Open Door, page 87, through experiment 4 on page 93.

We read up to "The Great Need for Service" from the "How to open the door" in the experiments book, page eight.

Have a great weekend.  Well look forward to seeing you on the 5th of June.



Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/15/17

Hello. We had a good meeting.  

We read the first two sections of ASFG on "How to open the door" from lesson 8 on page 94. We discussed the results of the experiment we did during the week as well as questions from the lesson, and an ongoing question of why do we do good or the right thing or why not, and when we don't do the"right thing" or behave according to our ideal. 

What is a good example of "good" in someone deemed by all as "completely evil?" We came up with "a Pedophile," who is someone's beloved son and someone's adored  father, i.e., Catholic priests living a life of service, except for raping boys. They performed evil acts, behaviors, but they are not totally and completely evil. They are also loving, kind, caring, charitable, honest, hard working, and dedicated to service.  Bill Clinton or Bill Cosby could be an example of someone who is a good person, a lovable, likable person but is accused and charged with drugging and raping women.

For our experiment we chose the first experiment at the bottom of page 88:
"Choose and write down something in your life that seems to be a barrier to you.  (Problem with a relationship, a difficulty meditating) Then write down a constructive purpose which that barrier is serving. (Not taking relationship for granted; working on relationship is awakening a specific positive quality in me) and look for and respond to doorways that may open in that barrier during the week.  Do not expect the barrier to disappear but be attentive to the ways in which the Christ Spirit is speaking to you through this situation.  Keep a record of your experiences."

Now I have some  really sad news. Since my first first ARE retreat in Colorado at Camp Elephant Rock, or was it Berthoud Ski lodge in 1978, Darlene Bodnar has been a bright light and good humored, cheerful leader, and teacher, ARE Council leader, retreat planner, etc.  You may recall she was ill and unable to attend the program when Kevin Todeshi Spoke on Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Relationships, and the Illusion of Time last month. She was very ill, did not recover, and I am sorry to say her memorial services were held this past week. How could someone with such a zest for life, so much enthusiasm, energy spreading love and joy everywhere even die? 

I hope to see all of you next week as the meeting room door opens for our next lesson at 7 pm.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/8/17

We completed our chapter in the experiments book on patience. For our experiment, we are choosing either the one on the bottom of page 84 or the final one on page 86.

The first suggests keeping an awareness of "Today is the last day before the coming of Christ and the fulfillment of his promises" from the time we awaken.  The challenge is to "focus on acting in the highest spirit that you know," and record what happens when you attempt to live in the eternal now and awareness of Christ's imminent coming.

The second experiment is from the reading from 5089-2 recommending a shift of consciousness from impatience to patience with people or situations by speaking both to others and the impatient part of ourselves with the question, "What have we here?" And the 2nd part is try to overcome any self righteousness within yourself by including an affirmation of the uniqueness of every souls approach to God.  

Next Monday we begin the lesson on the Open Door.  See you then!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/1/17

We had a good meeting with interesting discussion of a dimension -- Patience. 

We read in our experiments book down to the quote which begins "passive submission will not suffice; our patience must......" 

We chose the experiment on page  79 for this week.

          At the end of the day write down write down one experience from the day which, at the time it happened, was confusing, frustrating, or difficult for you to deal with.  Then have a moment of quiet to center yourself and get in touch with your real Self.  Listen for an answer as to the purpose for your having that particular situation arise.  Write down your understanding of that purpose.
          Situation:  I ran out of money at the store.  I had to borrow from a friend and I was somewhat embarrassed.
          Purpose:   I needed to remember that I need the love and help of others and they need mine.

See you next week!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/10/17

John was the leader last night.  We read from Book I, starting again with the chapter on Patience.  We read up to "It Takes Patience to Run the Race."

We chose the experiment on page 74:  This is an experiment in self-observation.  Be aware of the dimension of life which the readings call "patience."  How are you responding within yourself to things going on around you?  You may frequently hide that inner response from others, and yet it is an important factor in your growth in consciousness....  Each day before you go to bed, take a few minutes to think back over the day and write down inner responses you had to events of the day which you did not express or allow to show.  Make an effort during the week to respond in ways consistent with your ideals, even to those situations which usually evoke a negative response.

Peace and Light,

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/27/17

John, Sylvia and June met Monday night, March 27,  at 7 p.m. and discussed the previous week's activities and experiment. June mentioned how the Celestine prophecy written by James Redfield in 1993 helps her understand her fellow man better.

We meditated after Sylvia led us in neck and breathing exercises. We sent out love and prayers. Our thoughts and healing payers are with Cindi and her husband, Jo.

We took turns reading and finished the chapter on Fellowship.

We read in the Experiments book, page 67 down to the experiment, which we are using for this week. "Take the initiative in speaking to others (especially strangers) and showing your love for all mankind. Do those things..."

This is my last week to lead the meetings. John will lead meetings in April and Sylvia will lead in May.

Peacefully Yours,


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/20/17

Cindi, John, Sylvia and I met Monday night at 7. We visited for a bit. Cindi shared a moving poem by Henry Van Dyke entitled "Gone from Sight." John discussed mathematicians' right and left brain usage. He shared some math equations with us.

We meditated after Sylvia led us in neck and breathing exercises. Thank you again, Sylvia!

We discussed last week's experiment about focusing on listening to others.

We read in the Fellowship chapter the section titled "Our Fellowship with God." We discussed how hard it can be at times to show our love of God by showing our love to our fellow man.

We read in the Experiments in a Search for God, pages 65 to 66, down to the experiment.

We selected the experiment on page 66: "Select one pattern that you frequently hold of resentment toward or irritation with another person. Each day for a week work with letting go of that pattern. Stop feeding it and giving attention to it when it comes to your mind. Even though a part of you may enjoy entertaining it, affirm that the reward of knowing fellowship with God will be a greater experience. Keep a record of your experiences of knowing a greater sense of fellowship this way."

In regards to the difficult situation you choose with another, do some of you feel "a part of you may enjoy entertaining it?" Or do you feel hurt, horrified, or some other emotion?


A.R.E. Meeting for 3/13/17

Sylvia and I were the only attendees at this meeting. We hope everyone else is doing well.

Sylvia and I visited and shared about our week. I shared today's page from Unity's Daily Word.

We meditated after Sylvia led us in neck and breathing exercises. Thank you again, Sylvia! (Always remember to open your meditations with The Lord's Prayer and close afterward with the 23rd Psalm!)

We discussed last week's experiment.

I read in the Fellowship chapter the section titled "Am I my Brother's Keeper?" We discussed the ideas presented.

Sylvia read in the Experiments in a Search for God, pages 64 to 66. We discussed the reading and in particular the quote "If the wrong man uses the right means, the right means work in the wrong way." Do any of you have thoughts about this?

We selected the experiment on page 65 which begins...Listen to others.

Sylvia read four letters from prison inmates from  the book "Unlocking Hope."

Hope you have a good week!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/6/17

June here. I am attempting to lead the meetings for the month of March.

I emphasize "trying," as the first thing I did was to accidentally wash my Experiments book in the washing machine over the weekend. (Sylvia was nice to give me another copy.)

We socialized for a bit and John shared a dream, Cindi shared a poem, and I shared today's page from Unity's Daily Word.

We meditated after Sylvia led us in neck and breathing exercises. Thank you, Sylvia!

We discussed last week's experiment. You missed the discussion if you weren't there.

We actually read and finished discussing the chapter on Virtue and Understanding in the experiment book. I think they said it took over 4 months to finish the chapter in both books. (December really doesn't count, ya know?!)

Fellowship is our new chapter. The Experiment on page 64 of Experiments in a Search for God, Book I is our exercise for the week.

Did you know we have a "Lending Library" of ARE books? We ask for borrowers to return the books within a month if possible. Our current titles we are bringing to the Monday night meetings are:
The Revelation
Edgar Cayce's Everyday Health
Edgar Cayce on Sex and the Spiritual Path
Edgar Cayce on Religion and Psychic Experience

If you have duplicate copies of some ARE/Edgar Cayce books that you don't care if they may disappear (some peoples' kids!! - don't return books) and want to add them to the offerings - bring them on down! I know I always pick up any decent copies of There is a River if I see one at garage sales, used book stores, and such (love that book!). I give them away.

Hope to see you next Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least pray for us - we need it, ha!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/27/17

We read more in the Experiments in a Search for God book, Chapter 6 on Virtue and Understanding.  We read up through the experiment on page 60.  There are 3 experiments to choose from.

1.  Unless it would result in the violation of a principle or ideal you hold, allow others to do the acts of service and caring that they offer you.  (pg. 56)

2.  Each day allow a sense of peace to fill your life by being tolerant of others or of inharmonious patterns within yourself.  (pg. 58)

3.  Choose an example from your own life of an experience of faith in which you feel you touched the purity of the soul (a meditation experience, a dream).  For at least 2 minutes each day, recall that experience and you learned from it.

Peace and love,

Saturday, February 25, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/14/17

Leader:  Cindi
Reader:  June

We read in "Experiments in a Search for God" pages 54-56.

We discussed last week's experiment on Purity--finding God's presence in ourselves and everyone else, even those we don't admire.

This week's experiment on page 56:
"Choose one principal that you have been recommending to others that they apply.  Write down that teaching or principle (e.g.  'we must be patient,' a particular dietary regime.)  Each day make an effort to (1) refrain from telling others to apply this principle and (2) apply it in your own life.


We skipped the previous experiment for now, because we wanted to know more about spiritual laws.

I found a list:
•Like Begets like
•As you sow so shall you reap
•The spirit of you actions multiplies the results
•Like attracts like
•Opposites repel
•As you seek you attract and are attracted to that which will fulfill your search
•As you seek you repel and are repelled by that which will not fulfill you search
•For every effect there is a cause
•There is nothing by chance
•Nothing happens by chance: there is a purpose to everything that happens
•As thought and purpose and aim and desire are set in motion by minds, there effect is as a condition that is
•Know the truth and the truth shall make you free
•God is
•As you honor respect and love your own unique individuality, so you honor respect and love the individuality of others
•Your true needs, wants, desires, hopes, dreams, wishes and their fulfillment are as important as those of any other soul in existence
•You must first 'save' yourself if you would 'save' another
•As you put the God within first in you life, so you manifest the God you are
•As you become master of your lower self, so all things, conditions, and elements become subject to you
•Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, physical is the result
•Life is the experiences of your choices
•If you will be my people, I will be your God
•Seek the Spirit within and all things shall be added you have need of
•Seek first the Spirit within and you will find
•Ask the Spirit, with faith, and you will receive
•Knock, with faith in Spirit, and the door will be opened
•All exchanges balance
•As you believe, so it becomes for you
•Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith
•Love transforms
•True giving manifests love
•As you give so it is measures to you again
•As you give you gain in understanding