Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/28/16

We received a "Merry Christmas" card from ARE Virginia Beach Spiritual Growth Program. We also got a book in the mail, edited by Richard Copeland, titled "Unlocking Hope." This book contains letters received by ARE's prison outreach program.
After our meditation and prayers we read a few of the life changing letters. Letters from various prisons requesting books and expressing gratitude for "...so inspiring my soul and strengthen my walk..." sparked a discussion on solitary confinement, experiences writing inmates letters via the ARE prison outreach, working with people released and attempting to integrate and adjust to society again or experiences with homeless people.

 A backward look brought one lady greater faith and the realization she was well protected in a city's poor, tough neighborhood working the graveyard shift. Mostly men came at 2 am from bars into the donut shop for coffee. She  later learned the kind, polite homeless man she befriended was being paid to beat people up. So none of the men ever gave her any problems.She let him sleep in the backseat of her car while she worked all night.

 And so ended our lesson on "Faith." Next month we begin chapter 6, "Virtue and Understanding." John will step in again if Martinaya is unable to join us.

Our experiment is on page 49.  "Select a situation in which you need greater faith to bridge the space between your conscious perspective and a a deeper more insightful awareness.  Pray at night for a dream to strengthen your faith in your chosen situation."

Faithfully yours,
Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/21/16

Happy Thanksgiving!

Never have I felt gratitude as deeply as when I realized the adult sleeping on a nursing home hard tile floor was a homeless adult offspring! No pillow, sheet or blanket. A temporary spot on the floor!

Continuing our discussion &  lesson on faith, we read down to the experiment on page 48:  choose and write down the name of one person with whom you frequently feel frustrated or irritated because you don't think he behaves or believes  in a way best for his own growth.  Daily during the coming week, replace such thoughts and affirm:  divine forces are active in that persons life.  God cares about and will guide him in experiences he needs.  Log situations in which you experience this kind of faith in another person.

The experiment you do is your choice, the one on page 47 or any in the Faith chapter that appeal to you.

Gratefully, faithfully yours,


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/14/16

To open our meeting, Cindi read an analogy from ARE comparing our development and progress in the first four ASFG chapters to the progressive development of notes on the musical scale as described by Ouspensky and another author.

We finished reading and discussing the chapter on Faith. We discussed our experiments and shared some good stories illustrating faith. We read up to and including the second experiment in the experiments book. We choose experiment 2, or any other you may choose if another better suits your situation.

Faithfully yours,
Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/31/16

We read in the chapter on Faith, the section "Need of Faith." We had a good discussion both on what faith is and areas we may personally benefit having stronger faith.

We are continuing to do the first experiment in chapter five of our experiments book, on page 45.
Or you are free to choose another experiment on an aspect of faith that better interests you.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/24/16

We had a good meeting tonight.  We reported on our experiments, then began reading and discussing chapter five, "Faith."

We chose the first experiment on page 45 of the "Experiments" book! It's about something in which you 'd like to experience greater faith in!

See you next week, 
Faithfully yours,

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/24/16

We had a good meeting tonight.  We reported on our experiments, then began reading and discussing chapter five, "Faith."

We chose the first Experiment on page 45 of the "Experiments" book! It's about something in which you 'd like to experience greater faith in!

See you next week, 
Faithfully yours,

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/24/16

We had a good meeting tonight.  We reported on our experiments, then began reading and discussing chapter five, "Faith."

We chose the first Experiment on page 45 of the "Experiments" book! It's about something in which you 'd like to experience greater faith in!

See you next week, 
Faithfully yours,

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/17/16

We finished "...My Ideal" and will begin the lesson on Faith on Monday, 10-24-16.

We chose the experiment on page 41."....Each day of this week be aware of ways others can influence your decisions (to avoid discord?) and make a special effort to be aware or others opinions or desires BUT make your decisions based upon your ideals.  Record your successes."

We are honoring a prayer request from Marcia. She requested we pray she have sufficient energy to enjoy her daughter's wedding and reception Sunday afternoon and evening, Oct . 23rd.

See you Monday,

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Subjects of the Numbered Readings

Here are some of the subjects and incarnations of people who received readings from Cayce:

33 - Nero
53 - Joe Bailey
69 - Minnie Barrett
136 - Helen of Troy
137 - Edwin Blumenthal and Jude (brother of Jesus)
142 - Alexander Hamilton
165 - Franklin Folkerts Bradley and Benjamin Franklin
221 - King Saul; also Benjamin, second son born to Jacob and Rachel
246 - Millicent Horton
254 - Special Series: Work Readings
256 - Ashtueil (wise man)
257 - David Kahn
262 - Special Series: The Study Group Readings
268 - Selena Gandy
279 - Judah (brother of Matthew)
280 - WBS Gandy
281 - Special Series: The Glad Helper's Healing Circle
288 - Gladys Davis Turner
294 - Edgar Cayce and Lucius of Cyrene
295 - Mildred Davis (cousin of Gladys Davis) and Mary Magdalene, sister of Martha and Lazarus
302 - Joan of Arc
307 - Esther Wynne and Eloise (leader among Essenes)
324 - Pocahontas
341 - Hugh Lynn Cayce and Andrew the Apostle
355 - Daughter of Pharaoh Hatshepsut (female) who ruled Egypt from 1472 to1458 BC
361 - Thaddaeus
364 - Special Series: Atlantis/Creation Readings
398 - Mauna Laurie Carmody
405 - Mildred Jones
406 - Maurice Jones
412 - Adolph Ostwald
417 - Matthew the Apostle
420 - Zebedee (father of James and John)
438 - Dr. Harold J. Reilly
440 - T. Mitchell Hastings
452 - John Mark (Jesus' cousin, author of Mark)
457 - Eleanor Ostwald
470 - Charles Dillman, subject of a Sidney Kirkpatrick documentary
487 - Edgar Evans Cayce
489 - St. Veronica and Veronicani (Essene)
537 - Margaret Joyner
538 - Gertrude Cayce
540 - Myrtle Elizabeth Demaio and Naomi (daughter of Zebedee)
560 - Edith Edmonds also Martha (sister to Lazarus and Mary Magdalene)
585 - Ruth LeNoir and Anilen (healed by Jesus)
587 - Edithia (one of the 12 maidens & companion to Mary)
603 - Alice B. Harris
621 - Barton Roth
707 - Silas (traveled with Peter and Paul)
729 - Vanna Johnstone
760 - Marie Antoinette
774 - Emma Valentia Straiton
877 - Dale Parker
880 - Indiola A. Keys
900 - Morton Bluementhal and Achilles
903 - Lucille Kahn
920 - Marjorie Camp
961 - Hereward Carrington
967 - Marie Carrington
989 - Katherine Lucile Phelan
993 - Florence Edmonds, and Ulia (Martha's cousin - leader in Antioch - Essene)
996 - Special Series: Atlantis Readings
1001 - Louis XV
1010 - Housewife and neuropathist who previously was Josie (Essence handmaid to Mary, Joseph, and Jesus)
1021 - James R. Ashley
1028 - Edna O. Archibald
1038 - Mabel B. Warren
1039 - Alice B. Manners
1040 - Harriet Metz Livermore
1125 - Dr. Irene Waters (osteopath), who worked in Temple of Sacrifice
1140 - Mary Jacobson
1142 - Helen Ellwood Stokes
1151 - Philoas (Ruth's husband, Jesus' brother-in-law), and husband of 1158
1152 - Louise Brigham Chisholm and Sara or Jenife (Innkeeper's daughter)
1158 - Irene Harrison, housewife, formerly Ruth, Jesus’ sister
1188 - John Jay and Gamaliel (Paul's teacher)
1196 - Apsafar (Innkeeper)
1208 - Alexander the Great and Thomas Jefferson
1230 - Pauline Woolworth
1235 - Aaron Burr
1265 - Edgar Davis
1276 - Schatz Adams Weicker
1288 - Serena Kerr Smith
1378 - James V of Scotland
1387 - Evelyn Millicent Horton
1468 - Mariaerh (Lucius' wife)
1469 - Lillian K. McAllister Harrow
1472 - Julia Chandler and Essene Judy
1473 - Margaret Stuart Benson
1477 - Josephine MacLeod
1521 - Prophetess Anna; Anne Boleyn; Hannah (mother of prophet Samuel)
1523 - Vesta (mother of 3 of Lucius' children)
1529 - Sylvanus (among the 70 sent out)
1541 - Esdrella (Peter's mother-in-law)
1587 - Arthur Lutz
1602 - Eunice (companion to Mary and Elizabeth)
1641 - Paul Owen
1648 - Margi (midwife)
1710 - Benjamin Irvine Gimbert
1800 - Special Series: Specific Remedies, Appliances, etc.
1842 - Titus (traveled with Paul)
1848 - Cornelius (Roman centurion)
1859 - Horace Mann
1861 - Richmond Seay
1904 - Anna (leader in Mount Carmel)
1908 - Achlar (wise man)
1924 - Lazarus
1929 - Minnie Bryant
1976 - Brutus
2012 - Eli Whitney
2019 - William McLaughlin
2037 - Jose (wife of Thomas)
2067 - Thesea (Herod's wife)
2072 - Beatrice Seay
2087 - Special Series: Atlantic University Readings
2112 - Fannie Freeman and Selma (sister of the woman at the well)
2124 - Charles Rosborough, and Bartimeus
2125 - M.L. Rosborough, and Josie (knew baby Jesus)
2156 - Faith Harding, formerly Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) and St. Cecilia
2167 - John Quincy Adams
2175 - Sofa (nurse to John the Baptist)
2213 - Captain Kidd
2285 - Cleopas (among the seventy)
2294 - Stephen B. Tatum Jr. and Patrick Henry
2378 - Elizabeth I
2390 - Nimmou (Lucius' sister)
2444 - Asenath (wife of Joseph)
2454 - Eula Allen and Pegler (traveled with and learned from Jesus and the Apostles)
2459 - Martha Washington
2464 - Beulah Hiebel Federick
2470 - Ethel Stone Parry
2547 - Horace Poole, previously Noah,  Elisha, and Thomas Campbell (Scottish poet)
2574 - Merceden (Lucius' mother)
2584 - Franz Liszt
2661 - John Rolfe, husband of Pocahontas
2795 - Cyrus the Great; also son of Essene Judy
2814 - Moliere
2824 - Charles Thomas Cayce, Luke, and King Charles III of Sweden
2880 - Zermada (leader of Essenes, astrologer, seeress)
2903 - Oliver Cromwell
2946 - Mary (one of the 12 girls at Mt. Carmel)
2982 - Elsie Sechrist and Mercia (Essene and teacher)
3021 - Nicodemus
3031 - Thomas Paine
3096 - Raoul Hankar
3098 - Yvonne Hankar
3155 - Henry Clay
3175 - Martha, the sister of Peter's mother-in-law
3183 - Andrew Bro
3188 - Harmon Bro and Thaddeus (Lucius's son)
3202 - St. Martin of Tours
3475 - Helen M. Carrington
3976 - Special Series: World Affairs Readings
4228 - Arthur Lammers and John Hancock
5070 - June Bro, also member of the church of Laodicea
5352 - John Marshall
5359 - Joan Lupton
5373 - Abatha, maid who pulled baby Moses from the river
5424 - Gertrude D. Reeves
5618 - Romulus and Louis XVI
5747 - Youth Concerns
5748 - Special Series: Egypt/Prehistory
5749 - Special Series: Jesus
5752 - Special Series: Psychic Sources
5753 - Special Series: Reincarnation Readings
5754 - Special Series: Sleep Readings
5755 - Special Series: Solar System Readings
5756 - Special Series: Spiritualism Readings
5767 - Bartholomew
5770 - John Ruterford and Judas Iscariot, but no reading given. It was just to hide his identity during his lifetime.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/19/16

Tonight we read the chapter "What  is my ideal". We discussed our concept of an ideal and two formats for following Cayce's suggestion that everybody should have an ideal.  The first is three concentric circles, with spiritual centered, mental, and physical last in the outer circle.  Then add what you are going to do for each part of the whole to help you live that ideal.  The other has the same information in three columns.

We chose for this weeks experiment on page 41:  
    "Be aware each day of the way in which others can influence your decisions. Do you have a tendency to go along with others to avoid  having to face discord whether or not it is the best you know to do?
     Each day of this week, make a special effort to be sensitive to the opinions or desires of others. But regardless, make your decisions based upon your ideals (even if it means standing alone).  Record situations in which you were able to make decisions in this way."

The program in Denver given by trilingual speaker, Peter Woodbury, was excellent on Saturday. He taught us about, "Many lives, One Source:  understanding karma, Grace, reincarnation, and our place in the Divine plan."

From this writers perspective, no speaker has made the concepts of Grace and of Forgiveness more clear  or achievable than Peter Woodbury,MSW. He did a group hypnotic regression morning and afternoon. Peter remained in Denver doing regressions until Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/1/16

We reported on our experiments.

We did energy healing under John's guide's dance and prayed for pain relief for Eric as well as doing our our regular meditation and sending love and light for healing to others John led the meeting in Eric's absence.

We discussed  the power of the spoken word, as when Jesus raised Lazrus from death, our connections  with nature, and of communicating with animals, crows, and ants.

We talked about the effect of our anger on our spoken word, on others hearing and receiving angry vibrations, and it's power to sterilize or kill soil cursed with anger.

We read in the experiments book on pages 29 and 30 down to the experiment:
      Be aware that there are no idle words.  With your speech you are creating and having a strong effect upon the attitudes and feelings of your listeners.  When you feel that it is possible to work  through a particular difficulty on your own, refrain from the temptation to complain or talk about it in a negative way to others. Also look for opportunities to use the spoken word to uplift the consciousness of others.

Words by Sylvia

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/25/16

We began Chapter II, Know Thyself, in Search for God Book I.
We read up to "Self in Relation to Others."
We did not begin the chapter in the Experiments Book, but we chose the first experiment:
At the end of each day take time to review your experiences.  Be aware of what you have thought of yourself at various times during the day (e.g., I thought I was really incapable of doing something; I had a self-image of being very knowledgeable;  I had a self-image of being really foolhardy).  You may feel that some of these self-images are not consistent with the highest spirit you know--they aren't really helping you grow.  For each of these, imagine a different light in which you would have preferred to have seen yourself in that incident.  Write that down as a possible replacement  And if the opportunity arises, try out the replacement self-image the next day.
 2016 Study Group Leader List

Aug.     Eric
Set.      Katie
Oct.      Sylvia
Nov.     John
Dec.      Martinaya
Jan.       Marsha

Feb.       Cindi

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/18/16

Blessing to All,

Our healing energy meditation last night was powerful.  I felt so good afterwards.  I hope everyone else did, too.

We included even you members who aren't coming (even Nancy), so hopefully you'll feel the benefits.  And we hope you'll come back to us.

We did not read in the Search for God book, since we finished the chapter on Cooperation last week.  This week we finished the Cooperation chapter in the Experiments book.  Next week we'll start chapter 3, Know Thyself.

Our Experiment:
Take time to consider and write down the kind of world that you would like to come into for your next incarnation.  Select one quality of that futuristic world you imagine and write down ways that you could be helping to build that right now, even though it may not show fruits in this lifetime.  Work on manifesting those things that you could be doing now to make the world a better place to experience for your next incarnation.

quality:                         everyone meditates

what I could do now:    meditate daily myself, share my books or understandings about meditation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/11/16

This week we finished the chapter on Cooperation in the A Search for God Book I.
In the Experiments book, we read to the top of page 24.
The two experiments, if you choose to try them:
 1.  Take upon self a new responsibility for helping some other person.  Don't try to make decisions for that person or do things for him that he needs to be doing, but take on a sense of responsibility for loving and caring about that person, even though it may be a burden (time-wise, energy-wise or otherwise).
 2.  Work on relating to others with kindness.  Especially focus on speaking kindly.  Record those instances where you were able to replace an impulse to speak harshly or thoughtlessly with kind words  Record as well, without a sense of self-condemnation, those instances where greater kindness than you expressed would have been helpful.
We decided to assign leaders for each of the coming months.  Of course, the month you are assigned can always be changed.

July    Cindi
Aug.   Eric
Sept.  Katie
Oct.    Sylvia
Nov.   John
Dec.   Martinaya
Jan.    Marsha
Feb.    Cindi

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/27/16

John, I want to thank you for your healing energy directed toward my foot.  It is 100% better today!

Marsha was our leader all of June.  We need a new leader for July.  But remember, next Monday is a holiday, so we won't meet.

Search for God Book I: In the chapter on Cooperation, we read "Method of Obtaining Cooperation."  Just the one section.

Our experiment is on page 22 of the Experiments book:
Choose and write down a habit pattern that is especially characteristic of your own limited, ego self.  Pray each day that, as your real self, you may let loose of your involvement with that pattern.  Cultivate an attitude of openness to His healing for this part of your life.  At the end of each day, record any situation during the day where you experienced losing this particular limited sense of self.
Blessings and love,

Monday, June 20, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/20/16

Leader: Marsha

After everyone had a chance to discuss how their week went and whether they followed through with an experiment, we began our reading for this week. In the Experiments book, we started with Chapter 2 on page 19, and read to the quote on page 21.

In the Search for God book, we read the second section in the Cooperation chapter titled “Need for Cooperation.”

The chosen experiment is on page 20:
Live with the awareness  that what you are thinking is actually creating and is very real. At the end of each day, review your thought patterns. Record those that you feel were especially constructive or helpful. Without a sense of self-condemnation, record those that you feel were not consistent with your ideals. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/13/16

Leader: Marsha

It was a nice turnout, and I enjoyed seeing everyone. Tonight we started with the Experiments book, and read from the top of page 15 until the end of the chapter. Then we read the Introduction in the SFG Book 1 (page numbers vary depending on your book).

There is a choice of two experiments. Choose one or the other or both.

Page 17:
What people in your life do you think the least of? Write down the names. What parts of yourself do you think the least of? Write down those parts. Work each day on treating these people and these parts of yourself as you would treat God. Pray for these individuals and parts of yourself each day.

Page 18:
Choose and write down one attitude, habit or physical condition which could be eliminated by conscious effort and which you feel may be a hindrance in your spiritual search. Then decide on a constructive attitude or way of behaving that could replace that hindering one (and write down the replacement). Work each day on manifesting that replacement attitude or behavior. Record situations in which you are successful in manifesting this replacement attitude or behavior.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/6/16

Last night we finished the chapter on Meditation.  Next week we'll begin Lesson I, Cooperation.

In the Experiments book, we chose 2 experiments.  We thought they would be good to combine in our daily meditation.

1.  page 13
At the beginning of each meditation period take a few moments to become aware that there is consciousness within each cell of your body.  Suggest or ask your body to join the mind and spirit in this period of seeking.

2.  page 15
Use the prayer of protection given in the readings at the beginning of each meditation period.  Make a special point of experiencing the inner meaning of the prayer as you use it and not just saying it by rote.

"Father, as I open myself to the unseen forces that surround the throne of Grace, Beauty and Might, I throw about myself the protection found in the thought of the Christ."   (paraphrase of 262-3)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/9/16

Minutes by Cindi:

Search for God I--we read up to pg. 14 (in my book), IV. The Forces.
Experiment Book I--read up to pg. 10.
Out experiment this week:
Take time at the end of each day to write down that which you thought, did, or experienced during the past 24 hours which you feel was especially valuable.
At the end of the week you will likely see certain patterns in what you've recorded.  These patterns or recurrent themes will likely give you to the ideal you are living.  If it doesn't measure up to the highest that you know, it may be time to specify a spiritual ideal more in keeping with the direction in which you want you life to unfold.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/2/16

Minutes from Cindi:

We read in SFG Book I up to page 8 (in my edition), starting next week at The Mental Body.

Our experiment this week is:
At the beginning of each meditation period take a few moments to become aware that there is consciousness within each cell of your body.  Suggest to or ask your body to join the mind and spirit in this period of seeking.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/25/16

Leader: Cindi

We started A Search for God Book I and read up to page 1, Preparation for Meditation.

Our "experiment" this week is to make a concerted effort to meditate each day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/18/16

Minutes by Cindi:

At our meeting last night we discussed two things:
-Ways to increase our group
-Our personal experiences and methods of meditating

We read the article by John Van Auken called "How to Meditate Deeply."  The link is below if you are interested in reading it.  Then we had a long meditation.

Next week we will begin Search for God Book I--Meditation.

If you have been taking a hiatus from the group, we invite you to consider coming back.  We'd love to see you.

Monday, April 11, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/11/16

Leader: Cindi

Tonight we watched a tour of Egypt DVD authored by John Van Auken. For those going forward, bring your Search for God Volume 1 book next week.

Monday, April 4, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/4/16

Leader: Cindi

Tonight we finished Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Bible, a project we started on 14 July 2014.The consensus for the last week or so seems to be that the group will go back to the Search for God readings. But before that, next week we will watch a DVD about Egypt, hosted by John Van Auken.

Monday, March 28, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/28/16

Leader: Sylvia

We made a lot of progress tonight. We started with “A Change in Status,” on page 565. We continued on with “Before the Water Gate,’ “At the Water Gate—They Were There,” “The Eternal Light,” and “Back to the Beginning.” Then we proceeded with the Epilogue by reading “The Perfect Body,” “The Perfect Mind,” “From the Garden to the City,” and “A New Heaven, a New Earth.” Next week we will start with “The Relevance and Significance of Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Bible Today,” on page 583.

Monday, March 21, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/21/16

Leader: Sylvia

Being that it was Holy Week, our leader asked if we would be interested in reading a chapter about the resurrection and crucifixion from the book Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon. Dolores regresses a person who was Suddhi, a spiritual being at the time of Jesus, who witnessed the events surrounding his death. Suddhi mentions that a miracle overlooked is the fact that when the rock was rolled away from the entrance to the tomb, the body of Jesus was gone. To make a body become dust and ash in three days was work that could only be done by masters. When Jesus reunited with his friends and disciples, it was not His physical body they were seeing.

Monday, March 14, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/14/16

Leader: Sylvia

We started with “Wives, Friends, and Lovers,” on page 558, and continued with “The Persian Guard,” “The King’s Records,” and “New Policies.” Next week we will start at “A Change in Status,” on page 565.

Monday, March 7, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/7/16

Leader: Sylvia

We started with “Breaking from Within,” on page 550, and finished the chapter. We began Chapter 30 (The Third Return) and read “Nehemiah Reincarnated,” and left off at “Wives, Friends, and Lovers,” on page 558.

Monday, February 29, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/29/16

Leader: Greg (for John)

We are starting to move again. In Cayce’s Story of the Bible, we started with the section “Footnote to the Lost Records” on page 541, and proceeded to “Ezekiel in Jerusalem,” “Ezekiel’s Vision: Ancient Astronauts and a Flashback to Atlantis,” “Breaking Down from Without,” and “The Resisters.” Next week, we will start with “Breaking from Within,” on page 550.

Monday, February 8, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/8/16

Leader: John

In Cayce’s Story of the Bible, we started Chapter 28 (The Second Return), and read the following sections: “Esther and Vashti,” “Esther,” “Queen Esther,” “Haman Reincarnated,” “Esther in Power,” But What of Vashti?,” “Ezra and the Second Return,” “Ezra in Jerusalem,” “Reforms,” and “Lost Records Found.”  Next week we’ll start the section “Footnote to the Lost Records” on page 541.

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/11/16

Leader: Martinaya

In Cayce’s Story of the Bible, we finished Chapter 28 (The First Return) by reading “Altars and the Home,” “The Great Conflict,” “The Work Stops,” and “Other Conflicts.” Next week we’ll be ready to start Chapter 29 (The Second Return) on page 523.

Monday, January 4, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/4/16

Leader: Martinaya

In Cayce’s Story of the Bible, we finished Chapter 28 (The First Return) by reading “Altars and the Home,” “The Great Conflict,” “The Work Stops,” and “Other Conflicts.” Next week we’ll be ready to start Chapter 29 (The Second Return) on page 523.