Sunday, October 9, 2016

Subjects of the Numbered Readings

Here are some of the subjects and incarnations of people who received readings from Cayce:

33 - Nero
53 - Joe Bailey
69 - Minnie Barrett
136 - Helen of Troy
137 - Edwin Blumenthal and Jude (brother of Jesus)
142 - Alexander Hamilton
165 - Franklin Folkerts Bradley and Benjamin Franklin
221 - King Saul; also Benjamin, second son born to Jacob and Rachel
246 - Millicent Horton
254 - Special Series: Work Readings
256 - Ashtueil (wise man)
257 - David Kahn
262 - Special Series: The Study Group Readings
268 - Selena Gandy
279 - Judah (brother of Matthew)
280 - WBS Gandy
281 - Special Series: The Glad Helper's Healing Circle
288 - Gladys Davis Turner
294 - Edgar Cayce and Lucius of Cyrene
295 - Mildred Davis (cousin of Gladys Davis) and Mary Magdalene, sister of Martha and Lazarus
302 - Joan of Arc
307 - Esther Wynne and Eloise (leader among Essenes)
324 - Pocahontas
341 - Hugh Lynn Cayce and Andrew the Apostle
355 - Daughter of Pharaoh Hatshepsut (female) who ruled Egypt from 1472 to1458 BC
361 - Thaddaeus
364 - Special Series: Atlantis/Creation Readings
398 - Mauna Laurie Carmody
405 - Mildred Jones
406 - Maurice Jones
412 - Adolph Ostwald
417 - Matthew the Apostle
420 - Zebedee (father of James and John)
438 - Dr. Harold J. Reilly
440 - T. Mitchell Hastings
452 - John Mark (Jesus' cousin, author of Mark)
457 - Eleanor Ostwald
470 - Charles Dillman, subject of a Sidney Kirkpatrick documentary
487 - Edgar Evans Cayce
489 - St. Veronica and Veronicani (Essene)
537 - Margaret Joyner
538 - Gertrude Cayce
540 - Myrtle Elizabeth Demaio and Naomi (daughter of Zebedee)
560 - Edith Edmonds also Martha (sister to Lazarus and Mary Magdalene)
585 - Ruth LeNoir and Anilen (healed by Jesus)
587 - Edithia (one of the 12 maidens & companion to Mary)
603 - Alice B. Harris
621 - Barton Roth
707 - Silas (traveled with Peter and Paul)
729 - Vanna Johnstone
760 - Marie Antoinette
774 - Emma Valentia Straiton
877 - Dale Parker
880 - Indiola A. Keys
900 - Morton Bluementhal and Achilles
903 - Lucille Kahn
920 - Marjorie Camp
961 - Hereward Carrington
967 - Marie Carrington
989 - Katherine Lucile Phelan
993 - Florence Edmonds, and Ulia (Martha's cousin - leader in Antioch - Essene)
996 - Special Series: Atlantis Readings
1001 - Louis XV
1010 - Housewife and neuropathist who previously was Josie (Essence handmaid to Mary, Joseph, and Jesus)
1021 - James R. Ashley
1028 - Edna O. Archibald
1038 - Mabel B. Warren
1039 - Alice B. Manners
1040 - Harriet Metz Livermore
1125 - Dr. Irene Waters (osteopath), who worked in Temple of Sacrifice
1140 - Mary Jacobson
1142 - Helen Ellwood Stokes
1151 - Philoas (Ruth's husband, Jesus' brother-in-law), and husband of 1158
1152 - Louise Brigham Chisholm and Sara or Jenife (Innkeeper's daughter)
1158 - Irene Harrison, housewife, formerly Ruth, Jesus’ sister
1188 - John Jay and Gamaliel (Paul's teacher)
1196 - Apsafar (Innkeeper)
1208 - Alexander the Great and Thomas Jefferson
1230 - Pauline Woolworth
1235 - Aaron Burr
1265 - Edgar Davis
1276 - Schatz Adams Weicker
1288 - Serena Kerr Smith
1378 - James V of Scotland
1387 - Evelyn Millicent Horton
1468 - Mariaerh (Lucius' wife)
1469 - Lillian K. McAllister Harrow
1472 - Julia Chandler and Essene Judy
1473 - Margaret Stuart Benson
1477 - Josephine MacLeod
1521 - Prophetess Anna; Anne Boleyn; Hannah (mother of prophet Samuel)
1523 - Vesta (mother of 3 of Lucius' children)
1529 - Sylvanus (among the 70 sent out)
1541 - Esdrella (Peter's mother-in-law)
1587 - Arthur Lutz
1602 - Eunice (companion to Mary and Elizabeth)
1641 - Paul Owen
1648 - Margi (midwife)
1710 - Benjamin Irvine Gimbert
1800 - Special Series: Specific Remedies, Appliances, etc.
1842 - Titus (traveled with Paul)
1848 - Cornelius (Roman centurion)
1859 - Horace Mann
1861 - Richmond Seay
1904 - Anna (leader in Mount Carmel)
1908 - Achlar (wise man)
1924 - Lazarus
1929 - Minnie Bryant
1976 - Brutus
2012 - Eli Whitney
2019 - William McLaughlin
2037 - Jose (wife of Thomas)
2067 - Thesea (Herod's wife)
2072 - Beatrice Seay
2087 - Special Series: Atlantic University Readings
2112 - Fannie Freeman and Selma (sister of the woman at the well)
2124 - Charles Rosborough, and Bartimeus
2125 - M.L. Rosborough, and Josie (knew baby Jesus)
2156 - Faith Harding, formerly Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) and St. Cecilia
2167 - John Quincy Adams
2175 - Sofa (nurse to John the Baptist)
2213 - Captain Kidd
2285 - Cleopas (among the seventy)
2294 - Stephen B. Tatum Jr. and Patrick Henry
2378 - Elizabeth I
2390 - Nimmou (Lucius' sister)
2444 - Asenath (wife of Joseph)
2454 - Eula Allen and Pegler (traveled with and learned from Jesus and the Apostles)
2459 - Martha Washington
2464 - Beulah Hiebel Federick
2470 - Ethel Stone Parry
2547 - Horace Poole, previously Noah,  Elisha, and Thomas Campbell (Scottish poet)
2574 - Merceden (Lucius' mother)
2584 - Franz Liszt
2661 - John Rolfe, husband of Pocahontas
2795 - Cyrus the Great; also son of Essene Judy
2814 - Moliere
2824 - Charles Thomas Cayce, Luke, and King Charles III of Sweden
2880 - Zermada (leader of Essenes, astrologer, seeress)
2903 - Oliver Cromwell
2946 - Mary (one of the 12 girls at Mt. Carmel)
2982 - Elsie Sechrist and Mercia (Essene and teacher)
3021 - Nicodemus
3031 - Thomas Paine
3096 - Raoul Hankar
3098 - Yvonne Hankar
3155 - Henry Clay
3175 - Martha, the sister of Peter's mother-in-law
3183 - Andrew Bro
3188 - Harmon Bro and Thaddeus (Lucius's son)
3202 - St. Martin of Tours
3475 - Helen M. Carrington
3976 - Special Series: World Affairs Readings
4228 - Arthur Lammers and John Hancock
5070 - June Bro, also member of the church of Laodicea
5352 - John Marshall
5359 - Joan Lupton
5373 - Abatha, maid who pulled baby Moses from the river
5424 - Gertrude D. Reeves
5618 - Romulus and Louis XVI
5747 - Youth Concerns
5748 - Special Series: Egypt/Prehistory
5749 - Special Series: Jesus
5752 - Special Series: Psychic Sources
5753 - Special Series: Reincarnation Readings
5754 - Special Series: Sleep Readings
5755 - Special Series: Solar System Readings
5756 - Special Series: Spiritualism Readings
5767 - Bartholomew
5770 - John Ruterford and Judas Iscariot, but no reading given. It was just to hide his identity during his lifetime.

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