Monday, October 29, 2012

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/29/12

Leader: John

Readers: Eric & Greg

We finished the chapter on "Fellowship," so next week we will start the chapter on "Patience."

The experiment for the week is:
Take the initiative in speaking to others (especially strangers) and showing love for all mankind. Do those things that you know will be helpful, risking the possibility that you may not be understood or appreciated. Record your experiences.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/22/12

Leader: John
Readers: Marsha & Greg

We started the chapter on "Fellowship" and read up to the section titled "Fellowship with God, the Need of the World." Fellowship is our awareness of our personal relationship to God. Our loving relationship to other people is called brotherhood.

The experiment for the week is:
Before each meditation period have a short prayer time in which to awaken fellowship. In prayer affirm your awareness of being called by God to do His work. Express your desire to answer personally this call in all aspects of your life.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/15/12

Leader: John
Reader: Greg

We finished the chapter on "Virtue and Understanding." Next week we will start with the chapter on "Fellowship."

John passed around an affirmation for us to read and recite:
I am a spirtual Being and I am subject to spirtual laws.
I have the freedom to make my own choices and I take responsibility for the consequences.
I choose to align my will with the infinite intelligence and source of all energy called God.
Through meditation, I seek enlightenment.
I clease myself of all negativity and selfish thoughts.
I am listening to God.
The experiment for the week is:

Each day allow a sense of peace to fill your life by being tolerant of others or of inharmonious patterns within yourself. Record situations in which you were understanding and tolerant when your old way of reacting might have been to think unkindly.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/1/12

Leader: John
Reader: Greg

We finished the chapter on "Faith." Next week we will start with the chapter "Virtue and Understanding."

The experiment for the week is:

Select and write down an aspect of your life in the material world in which you find yourself desiring an increase (e.g., more free time, more friends, more appreciation from others). Then consider the current conditions and write down the ways in which you are challenged to grow by those conditions.


Desire: more appreciation from others
Challenges: (1) to know within myself the things that I'm doing that are worthwile
(2) to do things out of love and not for praise from others

Each day for the next week work with meeting the challenges offered by the current conditions. Record experiences in which you were able to accept and grow with what you have right now.