Monday, February 3, 2025

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/3/25

Leader: Eric
All five students met and we finished reading the Cooperation chapter in the Experiments book. Next week we can decide whether there is more to do with cooperation, or go to the next lesson. This week we have a choice of three experiments to try:
Experiment 1: Choose one of your characteristics or abilities which you feel is often able to serve as a channel for the expression of your spiritual ideal. Be sensitive to those who may lack this particular characteristic or ability and find ways of sharing this strength with them.
Experiment 2: As a preparation for the period of silence in your meditation, take about a minute and recreate in your imagination some way that you have seen love or harmony manifested in the past day (either by yourself or by another person).
Experiment 3:  Take time to consider and write down the kind of world that you would like to come into for your next incarnation. Select one quality of that futuristic world you imagine and write down ways that you could be helping to build that right now, even though it may not show fruits in this lifetime. Work on manifesting those things that you could be doing now to make the world a better place to experience for your next incarnation.
quality:  everyone meditates
 what I could do now:  meditate daily myself; make a special effort to share my books or understandings about meditation with friends who  might be interested.

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