Alpha (you are praying to yourself), I am praying to you. Thank you, Alpha, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, Alpha, for doing all that I have done to you.
Monday, December 30, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/30/24
Alpha (you are praying to yourself), I am praying to you. Thank you, Alpha, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, Alpha, for doing all that I have done to you.
Monday, December 23, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/23/24
Alpha (you are praying to yourself), I am praying to you. Thank you, Alpha, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, Alpha, for doing all that I have done to you.
Monday, December 16, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/16/24
Monday, December 9, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/9/24
Leader: John
Five joyous Cayce students met to continue their slow spiritual growth. We did not get to the Cayce bible study minutes, but instead discussed God-guided decisions that came during the week, and also showed some of what was discussed in the International Cayce Conference put on by the Contemporary Cayce of Canada group.
Experiment: Refrain from comparing yourself to others because that belittles us. Take this week to examine how we have improved ourselves and grown from the past to the present.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Ancient Timeline
4.6 Billion Years Beginning of the Earth Experience.
“When the morning stars sang before the present together and all the sons and daughters of God shouted for joy announcing the advent of man into material existence.” (2441-4)
The first soul influx into the ancient Pacific Ocean happened before the present continent of Mu, or Lemuria. The records found in a cave in China referred to this ancient land as the Motherland Mu.
The second soul influx into improved bodies began before the present in Mu, or Lemuria.
Atlantis begins with the influx of souls onto the ancient Atlantic Ocean continent of Atlantis for the purpose of correcting everything that had gone wrong.
The third improvement upon a physical form for the souls to inhabit begins. The Logos, Son of God, enters to help all souls. Up to this point bodies have been female and male in one. The Logos divides its two united genders into separate beings, Amilius and Lilith. Lilith is dominant, as are all females at this time. Feminine rule begins around the planet and lasts until the Great Flood. After the Great Flood, the masculine begins to dominant and rule.
God decides to wash the slate clean and begin again (Genesis 6).
A new and improved body is developed to help souls better evolve through this entrapment in matter. It is the Adamic body. The Logos again enters and separates its genders into Adam and Eve. This pattern occurs in five places on the planet at once: the White Race in the Caucasus, the Black in the Sudan, Nubia; the Yellow in the Gobi, the Brown in the eastern portions of the remnant of Mu, the Andes mountain range; and the Red in the remnant of Atlantis.
Most notable are the Giza plateau in Egypt, the Golden Temple in the Gobi, temples and pyramids in Yucatan, mounds in North America, even temples that eventually sink are built in Atlantis and Mu. The Giza monuments, especially the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, are constructed during this period. The Great Pyramid takes one hundred years to complete.
The only remaining island of Poseidia sinks. All remnant groups from Atlantis have migrated to the shores of North America (today these are the Iroquois), to the Pyrenees Mountains (today these are the Basque), to the Yucatan Peninsula, and to Egypt. Only tiny little islands remain from Mu’s destruction. Many of the Lemurians migrated to Asia, North and South America, while even some went as far away as India.
He explained that record in the pyramid “is from that as recorded from the journey to Pyrenees [the escape from sinking Atlantis]; and to 1998 from the death of the Son of Man as a man.” (378-14) From Cayce’s perspective, the year 1998 was a “milestone” in the journey of our souls. It marked the beginning to a New Age, an age of enlightenment and rapid soul growth. The biblical book of Revelation identifies this age as being a time when “Satan is bound” and lasting roughly 1,000 years. Cayce also correlated the beginning of this New Age with a shifting of the Earth poles, something scientists have recently confirmed. The magnetic poles of the Earth are in the process of shifting, a process that began around 1998.
Monday, December 2, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/2/24
Leader: Greg (for John)
Four curious Cayce students continued to compare Genesis bible verses with the Cayce bible study readings that parallel the Search for God topic on Cooperation. We read up to the top of page 8, “Notes, from the minutes of January 12, 1939.”
Experiment: When faced with decisions during the week, stop and ask yourself, "What would God have me do?"
Monday, November 25, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 11/25/24
Monday, November 18, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 11/18/24
Monday, November 11, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 11/11/24
Monday, November 4, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 11/4/2024
Friday, November 1, 2024
Cayce on Sex
You will have before you the enquiring mind of [826],
present in this room, and his desire to comply with the advice given him
through these sources; that is, to "cleanse the minds of the moral and
social relationships in sex."
Will you explain in detail the sex practices and sex
thoughts of the people which are destructive, pointing out those which should
be abolished, and others which should be substituted therefor.
Explain particularly with relation to adults over 20
years old, because by education and example they teach the young.
Point out those harmful factors about the moral and
social relationships in sex and the remedies for them which should be dealt
with in the book "A Timely Warning" which is present in this room.
You will answer the questions he will submit, as I ask
Yes, we have the enquiring mind of [826], also those
desires of presenting the conditions as timely warnings for the young in this
age and this experience.
As we find, in presenting what may be helpful in the
educational way and manner, as we have indicated, the condition that exists in
the present as related to the relationships in sex - or the greater cause for
the lack of judgement, the lack of proper consideration, the lack of those
things necessary to prevent the laxness and the practice of those conditions
and experiences as related to same - is from the lack of education in the young
before their teenage years!
For few there be who have the proper understanding, as we
have indicated, of what the biological urge produces in the body!
Now whether such an education is to be undertaken in the
home or in the school is the greater problem.
To be sure, there are conditions existent in relationship
to many of the denominational activities religiously that prohibit, bar or
prevent sufficient consideration of these problems in the public schools or
even in the private schools.
And little has there been of the proper education of the
mother, the father of those who need such instruction.
But these are the places to begin.
And the warnings as would be presented are not as to the
practices of this or the manner of that, or the association of this or that in
the adult life.
But there should be those precautions, understandings,
relationships as to how and in what manner there becomes the biological urge;
which through the proper training may become a pathological condition in the
body of the individual.
For it is as from the beginning of puberty the essence of
the Creative Forces or Energies within the body of the individual.
And if such forces are turned to those channels for the
aggrandizement of selfish motives, or for the satisfying of that within the
urge for the gratification of emotions, they become destructive; not only in
the manner of the offspring [but] also in the very physical body of the
offspring, as well as in the energies of the bodies so producing same.
These are the approaches that should be given as timely
warnings to the mother, the father.
And as for the young these should be rather as the
suggestions for the instructors the warnings to the parents as to the
conversation of the nurse, the maid, or as to the exercisings of the children
in their formative years - in whatever relationships there may be.
And then, as these grow and become a portion of the
politic body for public education, there should be the greater stress laid upon
the educations in these directions.
And not wait until they have reached or arrived at that
position where they begin to study physiology, anatomy or hygiene.
But even in the formative years there should be the
training in these directions, as a portion of the material things.
Even as the child studies its letters, let a portion of
the instructions be in the care of the body, and more and more the stress upon
the care in relation to the sex of the body and in the preservation of that as
to its relationships to its Creator.
For it is through such factors, through such bodies of
activity, that there may become a manifestation of the spiritual forces such as
to bring into being those of one's own flesh and blood.
These are the approaches.
These are the conditions.
Do not begin halfway.
Do not begin after there has been already begun the
practice of the conditions that make for destructive forces, or for the issue
of the body to become as a burning within the very elements of the body itself
- and to find expression in the gratifying of the emotions of the body!
For, to be sure, relationships in the sex are the
exercising of the highest emotions in which a physical body may indulge.
And only in man is there found that such are used as that
of destruction to the body-offspring!
This, then, is the approach; this is the manner.
Ready for questions.
(Q) Is monogamy the best form of home
(A) Let the teachings be rather toward the spiritual
Whether it's monogamy, polygamy, or what not, let it be
the answering of the spiritual within the individual!
But monogamy is the best, of course, as indicated from
the Scripture itself - One - One!
For the union of one should ever be One.
(Q) Is marriage as we have it necessary and
(A) It is!
(Q) Should divorces be encouraged by making
them easier to obtain?
(A) This depends upon first the education of the body.
Once united, once understood that the relationships are
to be as one, less and less is there the necessity of such conditions.
Man may learn a great deal from a study of the goose in
this direction.
Once it has mated, never is there a mating with any other
- either the male or female, no matter how soon the destruction of the mate may
occur - unless forced by man's intervention.
This does not indicate that this is the end, and should
only remain as such.
For, as we have indicated, this is indicated by the name
and the meaning of the name itself.
For this is the extreme.
Just as indicated in all of the animals - the fowl or
those that have become the closer related to man, and man's intervention in
their surroundings and their activities and their adaptabilities; in their
natural state these are in the forms as their names indicate.
And from these man may learn many lessons; which was
attempted in the beginning.
And yet, as we have indicated, in same he lost self in
that he found that he could satisfy those emotions or gratify what might be
builded as emotions from experience to experience.
Thus there were gradually brought on the various
polygamous relationships that have existed throughout the ages in many periods.
And, as indicated in the lives of groups and nations,
these become the stumblingblocks that are ever kept within the background - but
that have made for the destructive influence that arose within the activities
of such groups and nations, in such relationships.
Hence to begin, begin with the mind.
For, as we have said, to build the perfect relationship
in any direction that there may be brought a union is to begin before the
parents of such are born! in their own minds!
Hence to begin with the teenage, or at twenty, or at
fifty, or with an older individual, is only to have the tail end of something!
And does not tend to be constructive at all!
Only does it become a form.
But begin with those when they are choosing their mate,
(Q) Should nudism be encouraged?
(A) That should be a matter of principle within the
individuals as there is the training as to what is the purpose of those parts
Nudism or clothing or what not, as we have oft indicated,
should be rather the matter of the environ - and not a matter of moral
principle in any sense!
(Q) Is the broadcasting of birth control
information advantageous in improving the race?
(A) It is like shooting feathers at an eagle!
It's a move in the right direction, but that's about as
much as might be said.
This should be rather the training of those that are in
the positions of being the mothers and fathers of the nation, of the peoples!
What are the factors in the lives of those that broadcast
Look into those and ye may easily find the answer to your
Not all, but most are prompted by something that is
lacking in their own make-up.
Who giveth the increase?
Man may plant, man may sow.
Man understanding, then, the varied activities of a given
condition - through the education in the character of the soil, in the elements
going to make up the body of that sought to be produced - prepares for same.
But who giveth the increase?
Who maketh for that which bringeth the returns?
Man in his preparation, or the source from which it
So with the education, so with that which does the
prompting, let it be from not that which is lacking in an urge, but rather from
what is to be done by the individual with the urge!
And leave the results with the Giver of Life!
For Life is of, and is, the Creative Force; it is that ye
worship as God.
Those then that besmirch same by overindulgence besmirch
that which is best within themselves.
And that should be the key to birth control or sex
relations, or every phase of the relationships between the sons and the
daughters of men - that would become the sons and daughters of God...
(Q) Is continence in marriage advisable
except when mating to produce offspring?
(A) This should be, and is, as we have indicated in the
matter of education, the outcome of the universal sources of supply of the
For some, yes; in other cases it would be very bad on the
part of each, while in others it would be bad on one or the other, see?
There should be, then, rather the educating as to the
purposes, and How - How that the force, the vitality, that goes for the
gratifying of emotions may be centralized in creating - in the lives of others
about the body in all its various phases - spiritual blessings.
(Q) Should men or women who do not have the
opportunity to marry have sex relationships outside of marriage?
(A) This again is a matter of principle within the
The sex organs, the sex demands of every individual, must
be gratified in some manner as a portion of the biological urge within the
These begin in the present with curiosity.
For it is as natural for there to be sexual relations
between man and woman, when drawn together in their regular relations or
activities, as it is for the flowers to bloom in the spring, or for the snows
to come in the winter, when the atmospheric conditions are conducive or
inducive to such conditions.
When a man or woman has chosen (for it must be choice,
and is only by choice that one remains out of relationships with the opposite
sex in marriage) - if it has chosen to not be in such relationships, then be
true to the choice; or else it is to self a sin!
For that which one would pretend to be and isn't is
indeed sin!
(Q) Should they raise children outside of
(A) It answers itself.
(Q) Would it be better for a woman, who
desires to marry, to be one of two or more wives to a man in a home rather than
to remain unmarried?
(A) This is again a matter of principle; or the urge
within such conditions must be conformative to that set as the ideal.
In the education of individuals as regarding sex
relationships, as in every other educational activity, there must be a standard
or a rule to go by or an ideal state that has its inception not in the emotions
of a physical body but from the spiritual ideal which has been set, which was
set and given to man in his relation to the Creative Forces.
Then to ask or to seek or to advise or to give
suggestions even, that it may be done outside of that, isn't being true to that
as is presented.
We are through for the present.
Monday, October 28, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 10/28/24
Monday, October 21, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 10/21/24
Monday, October 14, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 10/14/24
Monday, October 7, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 10/7/24
Monday, September 30, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 9/30/24
Monday, September 16, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 9/16/24
Leader: Sylvia
Monday, September 9, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 9/9/24
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Sin and Illness
(A) It isn't a question of what sin, but a question of correcting the body-mind, purposes and desires, letting sin be eliminated from the ideals and purposes of the body.
(A) Both.
For there is the law of the material, there is the law of the mental, there is the law of the spiritual.
That brought into materiality is first conceived in spirit.
Hence as we have indicated, all illness is sin; not necessarily of the moment, as man counts time, but as a part of the whole experience.
For God has not purposed or willed that any soul should perish, but purgeth everyone by illness, by prosperity, by hardships, by those things needed, in order to meet self - but in Him, by faith and works, are ye made every whit whole.
This everyone must take whether they like it or not; it comes from sin whether it be of body, of mind, or of soul, and these manifest in the earth.
For, who healeth all thy diseases?
Uncle John, or God the Father?
This must be determined in self.
For, God is spirit and seeketh such to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
True, there are pathological conditions that are disturbed with this body.
But do the first thing first.
There should be a decision within self, first, as to what you believe.
And know it must begin with the spiritual purposes of life.
Who is the author of life?
Who is the Saviour of life?
Who gave His life that ye might have life more abundant?
What is light and life in the earth?
If you cannot answer these within yourself, you are far, far from knowing the way home.
Good gone wrong, or something else?
It is good misapplied, misconstrued, or used in a selfish manner - for the satisfying of a desire within self.
And so is sin, so is illness; a lack of at-onement with a coordinant, cooperative force of a living influence that may - through this entity - become such a marvellous force for good, for a channel of manifestation of good among its fellow man.
The Lord is willing.
Art thou, then, willing to accept and be guided, and be directed, by that influence in thy experience?
(A) Will tomorrow ever come?
This depends upon purposes, aims, desires, hopes and fears?
Does the body desire to get well?
Is God in His heaven?
Are the lives and activities of those ye touch helped through thy spreading of His word?
Do you need to get well?
These are all answered in self.
He withholds no good thing from those who serve Him.
Let all remember that, believe it, know it!
For it is the truth!
Each illness, each disturbance is Sin at thy door!
...the expressions are in the physical, the motivative force is the spirit, the mind is the builder.
What was builded?
Those bodies had dwelt as individuals do (as may be illustrated in habit) with the interconsciousness of the necessity of the expression of something within self which brought dis-ease, the natural result of what? An at-variance to the divine law!
Hence it may truly be said that to be at-variance may bring sickness, dis-ease, disruption, distress in a physical body.
Monday, August 26, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 8/26/24
Monday, August 19, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 8/19/24
Monday, August 12, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 8/12/24
Leader: Cindi
All five gathered to philosophize on one particular Cayce reading. We began again this week with a different type of guided meditation from Cindi. We went through most of Reading 5749-14 from Tom Sugrue’s book There is a River. We will continue with question number 21 on page 21 of Before the Beginning.
Experiment: Do study those things pertaining to the humor and they may be a helpful force, not only in the life of self but as an entertainment, and as an attraction to others by and for the individual, in their ability to raise the hopes of others. And in raising hope, in inspiring others, the individual may succeed the most in inspiring and in raising the vibration in self (ECRL 3197-1).
Monday, August 5, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 8/5/24
Leader: Cindi
Everyone was in attendance. We began with a different type of guided meditation from Cindi, and had a good discussion of free will afterwards. In Chapter 2 of Eula Allen’s book “Before the Beginning,” we read to page 18 and stopped at Reading 5749-14.
Experiment: Seek what is BEST in those you meet every day. LIVE peace and harmony within, and you will bring peace and harmony to those you meet (CCL 281-56).
Monday, July 29, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 7/29/24
Monday, July 22, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 7/22/24
Monday, July 15, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 7/15/24
Monday, July 8, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 7/8/24
Experiment: Observe how you think and speak about this country and its leaders. Take responsibility yourself for living more fully some of the ideals upon which the nation was founded. Reflect on how some of our country’s ideals compare to our individual ideals.
Monday, July 1, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 7/1/24
Monday, June 24, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 6/24/24
Monday, June 17, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 6/17/24
Monday, June 10, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 6/10/24
Monday, June 3, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 6/3/24
Monday, May 20, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 5/20/24
Monday, May 13, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 5/13/24
Monday, May 6, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 5/6/24
Monday, April 29, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 4/29/24
Monday, April 22, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 4/22/24
Monday, April 15, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 4/15/24
Monday, April 8, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 4/8/24
Monday, April 1, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 4/1/24
Monday, March 25, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 3/25/24
Monday, March 18, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 3/18/24
Leader: Cindi
Four spiritual students gathered to learn what Cayce considered to be a great life. It has to do with humility, knowledge, and understanding. The first part is knowing the Lord and His Goodness. The second part is becoming a messenger. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book we read up to page 232 in Chapter 6.
Experiment: Be a humble messenger (a channel or an example) in our activities with our fellow man. This service should come from our knowledge and understanding, otherwise we won’t achieve the results we hoped for. Base this effort on knowing the Lord and His Goodness.
Monday, March 11, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 3/11/24
Monday, March 4, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 3/4/24
Monday, February 26, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 2/26/24
Monday, February 19, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 2/19/24
Four noble participants met to begin studying the Cayce teachings on reincarnation and tried not to show how smart we were. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we read through reading 5732-2 and are now up to page 212, and ready to start the section “The Mission of the Soul.”
Experiment: Be kind, be noble (showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals), and be constructive (that which produces better citizens, better fathers/mothers, and better neighbors).
A.R.E. Meeting for 2/12/24
Monday, February 5, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 2/5/24
Five old souls covered the cause and treatments of headaches, indigestion, and sinusitis. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we are now up to page 200, and ready to start the section on rejuvenation.