Monday, December 26, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/26/22

Leader: Greg (for Sylvia)

We welcomed Scott, the prodigal son, back into the group. We totaled five as we continued our lesson on Happiness. There was a discussion on parables and the Catholic church, followed by the reading of one experiment. Afterwards, we watched 40 minutes of a Cayce video on Happiness. Our experiment for the week is: 

Experiment: Write down physical and mental ideals for your relationship with yourself when it fails. Try using and applying these ideals as a way of minimizing feelings of discouragement with yourself.

Monday, December 19, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/19/22

Leader: June (for Sylvia)
Four unpretentious peacemakers continued our lesson on Happiness. We read the last half of the second section: “Who Are Happy?” and the next section, “When Are We Happy?” That resulted in two more experiments:
Experiment 1: Observe the moments in which you let the turmoils and uneasiness of these times get to you. It may be the hectic pace or the continual state of things changing. Whenever you begin to feel troubled or tense that certain things may be blocked which you feel you need to get done, then use the affirmation: “If God needs me to get this thing done, He will provide the means.” Let the affirmation lift you to a new attitude of faith, trust and happiness about your life.
Experiment 2:  Focus for several days on especially trying to make choices which you intuitively feel are the ones which reflect God’s will for your life. Make use of your own sense of fulfillment, rightness and happiness as a criterion for evaluating the choices you have made.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Leader: Sylvia
Four joyous Cayce followers continued our lesson on Happiness. We read half of the second section: “Who Are Happy?” That was enough to cover the next two experiments:
Experiment 1: Make an effort to be more unpretentious and quiet in your daily affairs. Ask others about themselves and turn the limelight away from you.
Experiment 2:  Work with an attitude of surrender in relation to the various people in your life whom you love. Grant them (by your words and your actions) a sense of freedom to grow in the way they think best. Put their relations with themselves before their relationship with you.

Monday, December 5, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/5/22

Leader: Sylvia
All six attendees found joy in starting a new chapter on Happiness. We read the Affirmation and the first section: “What is Happiness?” This was enough to give us one experiment:
Experiment: Bring God into the happy moments of your life. During the day, when you have periods of feeling happy, remember the role that God is always playing in your life. With this recognition and remembrance, or with the words of a short prayer, be thankful.

Monday, November 28, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/28/22

Leader: Cindi
Six wise students graduated from the chapter on Wisdom (next week is the final exam, after completion of our final experiments). We have three experiments to choose from:
Experiment 1: Make only those decisions which need to be made today. If you find yourself worrying about a future decision, try to reorient your attitude. Trust that when the time comes when you really will have to choose, then you will know what to do. Pray that experience and necessary guidance will be shown to you between now and the time you have to decide.
Experiment 2: At least for one day go through the whole day without speaking unkindly of anyone. When you feel tempted to speak unkindly about a shortcoming of someone, remember that it is not up to you to make that person face up to himself. You may be right—that fault may be there. Instead, remember your sincere desire to see that person be whole and healed. Act or speak out of wisdom in such a way that it helps bring to the surface that person’s wholeness.
Experiment 3: Where in your life have you honestly explored your capabilities and discovered the boundaries or limits which are unique to you (e.g., in physical exercise, areas of intellectual study, capabilities in your work, talent and skill in the home, etc.)? For those areas where you know of the boundaries which are now best for you, try living within them as best you can without any sense of inadequacy, self-criticism or comparison with others.

Monday, November 21, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/21/22

Leader: Cindi

Six seekers learned the work of the soul is to spiritualize matter, and we must live our knowledge. We finished the chapter on Wisdom in the SFG book by reading the last section: “Application of Wisdom.” We read the next two experiments, which are: 

Experiment 1: Do the right thing when the timing is right, even if by appearances things may seem to be a bit worse at first. Use wisdom to evaluate and judge fruits at all levels.

Examples: Give up a habit you have been wanting to eliminate even though at first it may make you very uncomfortable; or, communicate an emotion you have been keeping bottled up inside you, even though at first it may seem to weaken your relationship to the person you tell.

Experiment 2: Eliminate shortcuts to wisdom which employ a misuse of intellect and logic. Select something which your intellect tells you will likely lead to good results in the physical plane (e.g., diet or a certain way of behaving with others). Probably it’s something you have been thinking about doing for some time, but you already know how it will turn out. Now try living it.

Monday, November 14, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/14/22

Leader: Cindi
Four wise entities tried to use what knowledge they learned in the last chapter and apply it to our new chapter on “Wisdom.” We had a nice discussion on the “fear of God.” We read the “Introduction,” “The Approach to Wisdom,” and “Let Us Examine Ourselves.” We have two experiments to try this week:
Experiment 1: Pay attention to the timing of when you say things you know are true or do things which you know are right.
Experiment 2: With your thoughts bring God and your spiritual ideal into one area which you may have thought was too trivial or too human for His concern. One way to do this is simply to have short periods of prayer while you are involved in that activity.

Monday, November 7, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/7/22

Leader: Cindi

Four smart, knowledgeable students finished the chapter on Knowledge this week. Our last two experiments from this chapter for this week are:

Experiment 1: Identify three or four specific groups of which you are a member (e.g., your family, your work group, your study group, your circle of friends). Try to be a leaven to the consciousness and awareness of the group. Through what you say and do help to direct the flow of energies of each group in the most constructive, hopeful way possible.

 Experiment 2: Consider the relationships in your life about which you have the most knowledge. These are probably ones of trust in which the individuals have been able to share with you deep and important things about themselves. It is likely that they are also the relationships in which you can most easily hurt the other person. For a week make a special effort to be kind—in word and action—to one of these people.

Monday, October 24, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/24/22

Leader: Eric
Five practitioners of the faith worked on Knowledge and read one section from the chapter: “Interpretation of Self.” Our two experiments for this week are:
Experiment 1: Pick several routine actions in your life. For a period of several days experience your freedom from that patterned way of living your life by finding alternatives to those actions.
Experiment 2: Make a list of two or three qualities which you know are in you but others may not know about because you rarely, if ever, expose them. Select ones which you would like to reveal more often (e.g., a sense of humor, a serious side, warmth, a good organizer, a good listener). When you start up a new relationship, try to show two or three of these qualities early in your experiences together.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Leader: Eric
With Cindi joining us up to the meditation, we had five high-tempo knowledgeable entities gathered for more lessons. In the Knowledge chapter, we read the sections “Knowledge is of God” and “Knowledge is Power.” Our two experiments for this week are:
Experiment 1: Each day try to find a tempo of acting, thinking and feeling which puts you in touch with the tempo your soul wants to get done what it needs. Use that resultant extra energy which becomes available in a creative way.
Experiment 2: Try to let go of any embarrassment or uncomfortableness you may experience with the spiritual things you believe even though people who are “worldly wise” may think you foolish, impractical or naïve. Be willing earnestly and sincerely to share aspects of the spiritual path you are on. With sensitivity and an eye toward proper timing take the initiative in such sharing.

Monday, October 10, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/10/22

 Leader: Eric (replacing Cindi for the month)
After a brief visit from Cindi, four remained to study the new chapter on Knowledge. We read the Introduction in the SFG book and then read two experiments:
Experiment 1: Try spending the first five minutes of your daily meditation period in prayer for others. Use it to orient your mind so that your following period of silence will be more in keeping with an ideal of love and service.
Experiment 2: Make it a discipline to take some time each day to really listen to what is concerning one or two people. You do not have the answer to their questionings. Just express your love through your attention as they open up and share.

Monday, October 3, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/3/22

Leader: Greg (for Cindi or whomever)
A triune of students met to finish the chapter on Glory. We had already completed the reading of the SFG book, so we read the last three experiments.
Experiment 1: What is something seemingly “evil” or “bad” in the personality or behavior of one person with whom you interact? What is the essence of good—good misapplied or misconstrued—that is in that apparent flaw? Try reinforcing or reflecting the essential good which is there.
Experiment 2: What is some seemingly unrewarded effort you have been making for good—something you have recently been considering giving up? Try for one week just “carrying on” even though it may go against common “practicality” to do so, and see what happens.
Experiment 3: Give of yourself and your resources to others without expectation of something back. Find ways to be of loving service to others without their knowing who has been the source of the aid.

Monday, September 26, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/26/22

Leader: John
Five knowledge-starved pupils finished the chapter on Glory in the SFG book this week. We have two experiments left to cover, after we do the two experiments for this week.
Experiment 1: Make it a discipline each day for a specified time period (e.g., half an hour) to read or study in some way which opens up a new area of knowledge or learning for your conscious, rational mind. Then, see if you can find ways of using the rational mind in what you have studied and learned in service to others.
Experiment 2: Examine an area of your life in which you are facing a reversal, setback or obstacle. Is some part of your self-image being frustrated or even humbled? Might this situation have come to you in order to help you overcome some sort of pride? From this new perspective try meeting the situation with a new consciousness.

Monday, September 19, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/19/22

Leader: John
Five glorified bodies began the chapter on Glory this week. We read the introduction, where we came up with our two experiments for the week, and read the section “Glory of the Mind.”
Experiment 1: Expand the scope of how you think you can serve in the world. For a week, try serving others in a way you do not normally do.
Example: Visit a shut-in neighbor or friend. Spend time with children (perhaps offer to babysit to give parents a night off).
Experiment 2:
Recognize and respect the unique ways in which people around you are able to serve. Even if you are not directly aided by such service nor are you normally interested in such types of action, notice others in this way. If possible, find ways to reinforce these people with a word of support or appreciation.

Monday, September 12, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/12/22

Leader: Greg (for John)

Four sincere students gathered to finish the chapter on “Destiny of the Soul.” Since we had already covered the material in the SFG book, we studied and discussed the last three experiments.

Experiment 1: Work on being more sincere in your relationship with others, with God, and with yourself. Be clear about your singleness of purpose in relationships. Demonstrate more clearly to others just what that purpose is.

Experiment 2: Measure and evaluate self, loved ones and problem people in your life with the same process-oriented standards. What are the specific types for which you find yourself being judgmental of others?  Even though some may come more easily for you, what are your own areas of challenge and struggle? If you need to evaluate how others are doing in their areas of weakness, make your comparisons based on the same standard of how well you are doing with your own unique areas that need growth.

Experiment 3: Especially at the material level try using what is already at hand to meet new needs which arise. Use your creativity and ingenuity to discover a greater variety of potential in the resources which you already have.

Monday, September 5, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/5/22

 Leader: John

Five students avoided damnation this week by studying “The Destiny of the Soul.” We completed reading the chapter in the SFG book and have two experiments:

Experiment 1: Select a resentment you have been holding for something which another person said or did to you. What aspect of your self-image was undermined or called into question by what the person did? As a tool to make forgiveness easier and more natural, do some specific thing to strengthen that particular part of your self-image.

Experiment 2: If you find yourself being disappointed in conditions or others, change your attitude by using this affirmation: “For every apparent disappointment, God has an appointment for me with something greater” and look for the gift that can come your way with a change of attitude and new receptivity.

Monday, August 29, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/29/22

Leader: Greg
Five learners were present at one point in the meeting this week, studying “The Destiny of the Soul.” We watched the last part of a video covering all the destinies (mind, body, and soul). We read through one experiment this week:
Experiment: Respond to slights, slurs or any offensive behavior of others directed at you with words and deeds reflecting love.

Monday, August 22, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/22/22

 Leader: Greg

 Four Cayce fanatics met to start the chapter on “Destiny of the Soul.” We started with a discussion about all the channelings that are available today (Kryon, Seth, Abraham, and Q’uo(Ra)). Is channeling something someone should want to do, or should people be wary? Can we channel our higher self for the same type of information?

 We covered a lot of material. In the SFG book, we read the “Introduction,” “Creation of Soul,” and “The Soul’s Association with the Mind and the Body.” We read two experiment sections:

 Experiment 1: Select an experience which might be called a dishonor for you. It is likely to be something you find yourself being ashamed of, embarrassed about or criticizing yourself for. Turn around your response to this. What was the lesson you learned from what happened? Try to put that lesson into action in your life rather than continually dwelling on those past events.

 Experiment 2: Make a list of what you have faith and confidence in to do well. Select one item and identify what “soul power” might be associated with it. Use that power more often or more effectively to help others.

Example: “I am good at home repairs.” The soul power – the God-given talent – might be a mind which is insightful about how physical things operate or good eye-and-hand coordination. Now how could you be doing an even better job of using what has been given to you?

Monday, August 15, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/15/22

Leader: Greg
Five finer specimens finished the chapter on Destiny of the Body, so next week we will move on to Destiny of the Soul. Most of us seemed to concentrate on diet over the previous week to reflect the awareness that we and our bodies are eternal. We watched a video to give us a summary of the chapter, and we read the final experiment.
Experiment: Practice using this training exercise for meditation. Let it carry over as well into your daily living. In tense times take a moment to think of a spiritual affirmation, then harmonize mental awareness with breathing. This can be done with your eyes open, even in the midst of daily affairs.
The six steps were:
  1. Preparation
  2. Repeat the Lord’s Prayer
  3. Repeat your affirmation several times
  4. Surrender the affirmation
  5. Turn your awareness and attention on harmonizing mental awareness with a physical presence
  6. Pray for others

Monday, August 8, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/8/22

Leader: Greg

Six physical bodies examined their finer selves and had a long discussion about their finer physical body. As a result, we covered one experiment that we will work on this week.

Experiment Treat your body in a way which reflects an awareness that it is eternal.

Monday, August 1, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/1/22

Leader: Greg
Six stewards of the Cayce material met to discuss the Destiny of the Body. We finished reading the chapter in the SFG material and have two experiments to consider:
Experiment 1: Work on purifying your body for one week through diet, exercise, cleansing or whatever ways you can.
Experiment 2:
Live with a sense of contentment with the now. Let go of any feelings of being rushed or wanting the current moment to end so that you can get to the next thing.

Monday, July 25, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/25/22

Leader: June
Six spiritual erudites continued with the chapter on “Destiny of the Body.” We read two sections: “What is Meant by the Resurrection of the Body?” and “How Should We Regard the Experiences of the Physical Body?” We have one experiment:
Experiment: Make a list of those things for which God seems to have given you stewardship or care. Attempt to behave in specific ways which would demonstrate a more careful, responsible sense of stewardship. How could you better invest, put to use or nurture these things? Try working with a consciousness of the three principles of stewardship just described.
Three principles:

1. It is our responsibility to apply in the world the resources over which God has given us stewardship.

2. To receive a greater amount of physical resources or to receive higher, spiritual resources, we must first be faithful with our stewardship of what we now have at hand.

3. Everyone to whom much is given, of him will much be required.

Monday, July 11, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/11/22

 Leader: June
Six serious souls started a new Chapter on “Destiny of the Body.” We read the first three sections and are at “What is Meant by Presenting Our Bodies a Living Sacrifice?” Our two experiments for the week are:
Experiment 1: Practice bringing a greater abundance into your life and the lives of others. Give of your excess – your time, your money, your talents, your energy – in some area that seems to need it without any thought of what you might “get” in return.
Experiment 2:  Complete the exercise in visualization for your body described below. Try it regularly for several days.
Get comfortable
  1. Get comfortable
  2. Focus a minute on breathing
  3. Move mentally through areas of the body
  4. Work with visualization and awareness on each spiritual center
  5. Feel your body being a channel of light and pray for others.

Monday, June 27, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/27/22

 Leader: Sylvia
Seven souls gathered for another week of working out the destinies of our minds. We expanded our normal time of discussing our two experiments from the previous week. Some worked with their dreams, some with their mental diets, and some did both.
Since we had finished the destiny chapter, we let Sylvia guide us in a reverie of bringing more of our soul into our physical body.
There will be no experiment this week. We will not be meeting next Monday on July 4th. June will be our leader when we come back the week after.

Monday, June 20, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/20/22

 Leader: Sylvia

Six manifesting students met, and being gods, relayed our experiments from last week. Most seemed to agree that we are part of God, and uncomfortable admitting we are gods ourselves. We finished the “Destiny of the Mind” chapter by reading the last two sections. Then we read the last two experiments:
Experiment 1: Work with applying the three dietary laws described above (avoiding toxic foods, avoiding certain combinations, and having a balanced diet) in the way you feed your mind.
Experiment 2:
For a week take special note of your dreams and note the precognitive process that is in many dreams. You will find dreams that predict the physical manifestation of things which you have set in motion at a mental level. If these dreams of physical events do not look favorable to you, work on changing your thought patterns. Observe whether or not such a change in your thinking immediately affects your dreams.

Monday, June 13, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/13/22

Leader: Sylvia
Four gods met to continue reading in the “Destiny of the Mind” chapter in the SFG book. There were many interesting discussions among us on being “gods,” the lives of Jesus, our higher self, and reincarnation. We read one section titled “Mind in Relation to the Soul Body” and the reference to Easterners saying destiny was set in the beginning. We have one experiment:
Use as an affirmation for the day (not for meditation but in waking life events) “I am a god.” Be sensitive to the creative potential and the responsibility which this entails.

Monday, June 6, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/6/22

 Leader: Sylvia

 Six Cayceites assembled to further their learning. We all must have been predestined to be part of this group. In fact, our experiment for the week was to look back on times we felt were preordained. Some interesting stories were told.
In the SFG book, in the Destiny of the Mind chapter, we read the section “Mind in Relation to the Physical Body.” We read two experiments, and they are:
Experiment 1: Meet circumstances which interrupt the flow of your intentions with optimism and a belief that you can make the interruption part of a process working together for good.
Experiment 2: At the end of the day, just as you are going to bed, take several minutes to review your thoughts of the day. What recurrent thought patterns do you observe? What is the emotional component related to each one? For those you would like to change, do one of three things:

1) Select a potential replacement emotion to hold the next day. 

2) Try to resolve the emotion by thinking about it or praying about it.

3) Make a commitment to let go of the emotion if you see it is merely a negative one you have been enjoying.

Monday, May 30, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/30/22

Leader: Sylvia for Eric

Five spiritual students took a break from the SFG book this week and studied the May 2022 lesson from the ARE website. John Van Auken wrote a lesson on “Understanding Relationships and Situations Cayce’s Way.” We discussed his premise that some things in life are predestined and ruled by karma, while other parts of life come under mercy and grace.

The experiment was the worksheet that Cindi sent out. Here are the questions to consider:

  1. Record some of your reactions to predestined situations. Recall and list relationships and circumstances that you were fated to meet.
  2. Record how you felt and reacted to these preordained relations and conditions. List your good reactions and not-so-good reactions. Then list new ways you are going to react given what you’ve learned from Cayce’s teaching.
  3. Record times when you felt you were shown mercy and grace rather than karma. This is a little tricky but try to identify times when you felt forgiven.
  4. List how you’re going to show mercy, grace, and comfort to others, as you’ve been shown. List ways you’ll be a positive presence in other people’s lives.

Monday, May 23, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/23/22

 Leader: Eric

Six seekers explored their destinies in the chapter on “Destiny of the Mind.” We began by listening to Elsie Sechrist and Judith Stevens relate to their understanding of the topic. We read one section in the SFG book: “Mind in Relation to the Mental Body.” We also read one experiment for the week:

Experiment: Notice people around you who seemingly have no love to give right now: those who are neither actively loving you nor actively directing ill will at you. Find ways to love people in this category of your life.

Monday, May 16, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/19/22

 Leader: Eric

 Five faithful followers began the next chapter on “Destiny of the Mind.” We read the Introduction and the next section: Destiny. We have the choice of two experiments:

 Experiment 1: Be truthful to yourself and others. Let your actions reflect more closely what you have thought, said or intended for your life.

 Experiment 2: Nurture a sense of trust in life. Allow events to come to you rather than trying to force things to happen the way you think they should. Trust that inner, directive influence of your soul’s destiny that will continually bring to you things to keep you on the best course.

Monday, May 9, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/9/22

Leader: Eric
Six seekers sought spiritual awakening by finishing our lesson on Desire. In the SFG book we read the sections “The Wisdom of Unselfish Desire” and “Conclusion.” In the Experiments book, we read the last three:
Experiment 1: Select a desire pattern for which you alternate between taming it and feeling guilty for allowing it to control you. Try to get clear on what it is you really desire. Is the apparent desire only a mask for a deeper desire? Try to see clearly how a change in this habitual desire pattern could also benefit others. In order to keep a sense of openness to receive help, use this affirmation or write another version of it in your own words: “I cannot bear this alone, my Savior, my Christ, I seek Thy aid.”
Experiment 2: Spend free time or discretionary time with people who awaken in you a self-image or an outlook on life which you think you most need now in your growth.
Experiment 3: Rewrite the Lord’s Prayer in your own words, just as this Cayce reading gives its own version. First try to get in touch with your deepest desire to be attuned to God, then let this personal desire be expressed in the way you work each line of the prayer. Try using your version just before your meditation period.

Monday, May 2, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/2/22

 Leader: Greg for Eric

Six of us joined in spiritual fellowship to study and apply lessons in the chapter on “Desire.” We discussed wokeness and disinformation in our society and what Cayce might have said about these. We read the section “Spiritual Desires” in the SFG book. We read two experiments in the Experiments book:
Experiment 1: When you find yourself desiring something for the future, refocus that desire away from “pre-forming” how it will happen. Instead focus attention on the spirit of what you desire to have happen. When the time arrives for these future events, try to be in the now and to be creative.
Experiment 2: Work with the principle of giving to others in order to fulfill a specific desire which you select. Create a chart similar to the one with the headings below, using the personal desire you have chosen. Try to apply the items you list in the “How to Bring Those Feelings to Others row.
Conscious Desire: skin condition healed
Experience or Feeling if Desire Fulfilled: more secure in social settings; at peace with self
How to Bring Those Feelings to Others
: involve shy people in activities; good listener to troubled friend

Monday, April 25, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/25/22

Leader: Cindi
The regular seven attended our discussion of “Desire,” and we read the next section of our SFG book: “Mental Desires.” We also listened to Elsie Sechrist and Judith Stevens discuss the chapter on an old recording.
In the Experiments book, we read one this week:
Replace desires to appear better than others. Try to hold in mind a deeper desire of the soul to know its equality with all other souls. Try to say something good about another.

Monday, April 18, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/18/22

Leader: Cindi
It took a little while to reach a quorum, but eventually, five of us signed in. We started the chapter on “Desire” and read the Introduction and the next section “Physical Desires.” We then went to the Experiments book and read the first two experiments.
Experiment 1: Be aware of how you are using your will and observe that by your choices you are strengthening certain desires. Try to make choices that will reinforce those desires which lead you closer to your ideal.
Example: Choose to take an evening walk rather than have dessert, etc.
Experiment 2:
Be aware each day of how past desire patterns have created or led you to specific conditions which you count as blessings. Use this remembrance as an aid to keep a hopeful attitude toward the future fulfillment of spiritual desires you now hold.

Monday, April 11, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/11/22

 Leader: Cindi

Five knowledge-hungry seekers met and completed the chapter God the Father and His Manifestations in the Earth, both in the SFG book and in the Experiments book. We also listened to a 20-minute recording with Judith Stevens and Elsie Sechrist holding a discussion on the chapter.
The last two experiments in the chapter are:
Experiment 1: In your efforts to be sympathetic and supportive of others—“to meet our fellow men in their own condition”—try to widen your circle of responsibility. What kind of person or problem do you avoid? Reach out and be supportive beyond the limit of what your habit or tendency would be. As a byproduct, what did you learn about yourself from having done this?
Experiment 2:
Make it a discipline to smile frequently, communicating to others your sense of hope and joy about life. If there are times when you don’t feel like it, try smiling occasionally and see if the consciousness follows the action.

Monday, April 4, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/4/22

Leader: Cindi
Eventually, seven surrogate gods came together to study the SFG chapter God the Father and His Manifestations. Cindi started off the meeting by reading from Kryon, whom she found interesting after being brought up the week before by Sylvia. We then reviewed our experiments for the week.
In the SFG book we read the last section, “We Are Manifestations of God.” We then read the next two experiments:
Experiment 1: Select one area of your life in which you often feel tempted. It may be a temptation to act in a certain way or to hold particular thoughts or feelings. Try to look upon the situation as a way in which you are challenged: “Will you use the resources which you have available to benefit (or please) just yourself or yourself and others?” Then try to act in such a way that benefits are derived by the greater whole.
Example: When you feel tempted to eat more, consider how that resource can best be used to benefit the whole. If you are just going to eat to please yourself, then wait. However, if that food represents energy you need now in order to be about the work of living and serving others, then you have affirmed a purposefulness to your action.
Experiment 2: Try living your life as a recognition that you are Jesus’ friend, not just an obedient servant.
Example: Be a friend to someone who needs a friend. Offer to go for a walk, have lunch with or simply listen to someone.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


(Q) Are there books from which one may study numerology?

(A) NUMBERS of same! But best study as you would your own A.B.C's.
One - the all power.
Two - divided.
Three - the strength of One and the weakness of Two.
Four - the greater weakness in all its associations and powers.
Five - a change imminent, ever, in the activities of whatever influence with which it may be associated.
Six - the strength of a Three, with a helpful influence.
Seven - the spiritual forces that are activative or will be the activative influences in the associations of such an influence.
Eight - a money number.
Nine - the change.
Ten - back to One again.
These in their correlated influences as you will find in your own experience, and we will see these are but signs. Study in some of these, but turn most to the influence of the force of the One within self.”
- Edgar Cayce Reading 261-14

Monday, March 28, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/28/22

Leader: John
Six students attended our study group tonight. We thank John for closing out the month as the leader. Next month, Cindi is scheduled for that role.
We discussed our two experiments for last week. Sylvia happened to mention the learning she has been receiving from listening to Kryon at We then started in the Experiments book and read the next two:
Experiment 1: Replace any thoughts that God may be punishing you or making you repay an old wrong, with the understanding that it is mankind that chooses the way of trial and suffering. Pick an area of your life where there tends to be some suffering on your part (physically, mentally, emotionally) and see if you can determine what lesson it is teaching you. Then see if you can find some way to put that lesson into application through loving and serving others.
Experiment 2: Observe how you evaluate the greatness of others. Work at recognizing and reinforcing (or reflecting) greatness in the lives of ordinary people who give of themselves and love.
In the SFG book, in the God the Father and His Manifestations chapter, we read one section: “Perfect Manifestations in the Earth.”
Prayers and healing go out to Cindi this week and after, who has some kind of growth on her left femur and will soon receive a bone scan.

Monday, March 21, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/21/22

Leader: John
Six sacred souls seeking attunement forged ahead in the chapter God, the Father, and His Manifestations in the Earth. We read the sections “God the Father” and “The Manifestations of the Father in the Earth.” Eric turned us on to a topic being discussed with a link to the circulating file FAIRIES, ELVES, ELEMENTALS, GNOMES. In the Experiments book, we read the next two experiments for the week:
Experiment 1: Practice true consistency in your relationships to self, others and God. Consider the things you do repeatedly—by habit—and try to bring conscious awareness to them: awareness of the purpose for which you are doing them and awareness of how the things you are doing relate to the whole. For example, on my drive to work in the morning I will be aware of people and places. I will be conscious of why I have chosen to go to the place of work which I do. I will be aware of the part I play in this rush-hour traffic and cooperate to help get people safely to work.
Experiment 2: Explore in your own life what it means to be patient and forgiving and yet still be able to “be angry and sin not.” Act on anger instead of in anger.

Monday, March 14, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/14/22

Leader: Group Combo (for John)
Five spiritual die-hards met to start the new chapter on God, the Father, and His Manifestations in the Earth. We read the chapter Introduction and the section “The Great Question.” Our experiment for this week is:
Experiment: Make a list of ways that you seek God (e.g., meditation, prayer, dreams, physical attunement procedures, reading material, giving to other people). Select a category which you realize has become rather rigid or habitual—that is, much of the spirit and creativity associated with it is now missing. Try a new way of form or procedure for seeking God in that area.

Monday, March 7, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/7/22

Leader: John
Five apodictic seekers met to examine our light and dark sides and judge our lives by results. We discussed the experiments from last week, and then finished the “Day and Night” chapter in both the SFG book and the Experiments book. Our experiment for this week is:
Experiment: Try relating to a specific dark, confusing or suffering side of your life in a new way. Nurture a sense of appreciation for difficult or confusing times. Try to step aside and observe things as part of a greater process and find yourself with more patience with others in their periods of darkness because you understand its role in the greater process.

Monday, February 28, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/28/22

Leader: Scott
John made an appearance, but dropped out, leaving six in fellowship while Cindi hosted the festivities. In the “Day and Night” chapter in the SFG book, we read the sections “Experiences Regarding Day and Night” and “I Am – Alpha and Omega.” We read through two experiments for this week:
Experiment 1: Spend the 15 minutes before you go to bed on activities and attitudes which you feel will make it more likely that your sleep period will be one of rest and healing. Keep a record of these activities and the results.
Example: Pray, read poetry or inspirational material, sing, chant, etc.
Experiment 2:
Spend a week paying special attention to your dream experiences. Identify those elements of your dreams (symbols and actions) which reflect parts of yourself that you have been ignoring or have been darkened to you.

Monday, February 21, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/21/22

Leader: Scott

Seven entities succeeded in turning darkness into light on President’s Day. In the SFG book, we read the section “Night Unto Night Showeth Knowledge.” In the Experiments book we have the following on page 24:

Experiment: As all three—body, mind and soul—are important, so is it important to have a balanced, integrated life. Select an area of your life in which you need to have a better sense of working with all three aspects simultaneously. Try living that part of your life holistically.

Monday, February 14, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/14/22

Leader: Scott
Six valentine-loving, soul-seeking students met to continue the chapter on “Night and Day.” We read the next section “Day unto Day Uttereth Speech.” Remember that we can only teach others when we ourselves know. In the Experiments book, we read the next two:
Experiment 1: Tell yourself that for a week you will let go of anxieties about how you will obtain what you think you need from the material world in order to be happy. Make a special effort to put God first and be open to receive what He knows you most need. Affirm that you will trust God to bring you that you have need of.
Experiment 2: Make a list of the major material things and possessions in your life. As a self-study, write next to each one your current attitude toward that material possession and what your ideal mental attitude would be.
My house. Current attitude has been one of restlessness, wishing I had a bigger, nicer one. Mental ideal would be a sense of thankfulness and a desire to take really good care of the house I have, trusting that if it is best for me to move into another place, the way will be shown to me.

Monday, February 7, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/7/22

Leader: Sylvia (for Scott)
Five frolicking friends gathered to start the chapter on “Day and Night.” We began the meeting by talking about dreams. Cindi had correspondence with Christine Word who wrote an article called “Dream Talk” in Venture Inward. Can you have a dream within a dream? This was followed by a lengthy discussion about our experiment on difficult life situations.
We read the first two sections in the SFG book: “Introduction” and “Why the Creation of the World?”
Select a difficulty in your life or some situation with which you are struggling. Work at changing your attitude by recognizing to what law it is you must be obedient in order to move beyond the problem. In your prayers about this difficulty ask for a greater capacity to be lovingly and joyfully obedient to this higher law.

Monday, January 31, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/31/22

 Leader: Greg

Six seeking opportunistic souls gathered to finish the chapter on Opportunity. We all discussed the experiment for last week about handling different people and situations with different types of love and service. We followed our discussion with completing the reading of both the SFG book and Experiments book on Opportunity. Next month we start the chapter on Day and Night.
We have one experiment: Select a current difficult life experience. Write down in your journal: (a) exactly what is most difficult for you about this, (b) what new state of consciousness you are challenged to develop, and (c) what symbolic images you recognize.

Monday, January 24, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/24/22

Leader: Greg

Seven spiritual students found opportunities to find His Presence in several sections of the SFG book. We read “Our Opportunities Should Be Met in Patience,” “The Open Door Is the Way into Greater Fields of Opportunity,” and “It Is an Opportunity to Realize His Presence.”
We have one experiment: Be aware of how different situations and persons require different types of love and service. Try to be especially sensitive to appropriateness in your service to others.
We ended our session with a Judith Stevens (A.R.E.) guided meditation and marveled at the ability of an artist to draw four portraits at the same time with four different limbs.

Monday, January 17, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/17/22

Leader: Greg

Five healthy, happy opportunistic seekers met to discuss how we were able to serve this week. June sent us two Unity Daily Word lessons that we used to reinforce the lesson. We read two sections from the SFG book: “Opportunities Found in Fellowship” and “Opportunities Are Recognized Through Virtue and Understanding.” We had a discussion of several Edgar Cayce books and did a search with to see if they were listed and available to borrow. Scott also asked about books by Lynn V. Andrews who teaches shamanistic practices. Our experiment for this week is:
Experiment: Do good for others but allow the good which by law will return to you to come from whatever source God chooses. Observe that it will not necessarily come back from the same person to whom you have done good. Keep a written account of unexpected happenings.
With a few minutes at the end of our meeting, we watched clips of a Judith Stevens (A.R.E.) meditation that had a different chant and incorporated some breathing into the head and neck exercises.

Monday, January 10, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/10/22

Leader: Greg

Six Cayce fanatics (as opposed to college football fanatics) considered it an opportunity to meet and improve our lots in life. A lot of effort went into some of the experiments during the week, which were quite insightful. We listened to an old 20-minute ARE dialog between Judith Stevens and Elsie Sechrist about opportunity.
We read one experiment, which is:

Make special efforts to help others through opportunities for growth which you yourself have recently experienced. Do not be “preachy” but rather be supportive and help others have faith. Begin to pray regularly for such people. Call, write a note or offer in some loving way to be with your friend in his or her time of need.

Monday, January 3, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/3/22

Leader: Greg

Five joyous celebrants welcomed the first session of the new year. Everyone seemed to have traditions they followed that should bring us health and good cheer through the year. In the Opportunity chapter of the SFG book, we read the section “Faith Helps Us Grasp Opportunity.” In the Experiments book, we read the next two:
Experiment 1: Practice a sense of release, of turning things over to God. Ask for His help frequently. Do the best you can, but know (and live as you know) that by yourself nothing can be accomplished of real value. Write and use as needed your own “release affirmation” such as: “I release this person or situation into the hands of God, trusting that He will bring to both of us that which is most needed.”
Experiment 2:  Do not let fear of failure deter you from doing acts of love or service which are in keeping with your spiritual ideal. Approach life with a boldness that is not afraid to appear foolish. Seek opportunities to risk. Affirm: “I am capable of doing well all that comes to me to do.”
Thanks to Cindi for providing the link for our meditation music.