Monday, November 22, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/22/21

Leader: Sylvia

We eventually worked our way up to six loving learners this week in attendance. Cindi said she contacted our former group member Nancy D., and she and family are doing well in Washington State. In the SFG book, we read the next two sections in the Love chapter: The Power of Love and The Test of Love. Not only did we read that Love is God, but love allows no place for hate and recognizes no evil.

 We read the next two experiments for this week:

 Experiment 1: Make an effort to experience the potential within you to love life. Try to have a feeling of trusting life. Look beneath those experiences that seem “ugly, or heavy, or hard” for a deeper meaning and the hand of the divine. Record instances in which you are able to see life in this way.

 Experiment 2: Select and write down the name of one person whom you frequently view as an enemy, a rival or a troublesome person. Then write down the good qualities that you can see in him. If you cannot think of any, spend several days observing him in your daily life until you find something you can write down. Finally, spend at least a week thinking of that person in terms of these good qualities and acting on that perception. Keep a record of your actions. 

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