Saturday, June 19, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/14/21

 Leader: Greg

We read from the Experiments book in the Patience chapter until the middle of page 78.

There are two experiments to choose from:

Experiment 1: Use the following affirmation in your daily life whenever you confront a frustrating or painful situation: "Everything happening around me is in the past. What's happening now is the way I choose to respond." Let this affirmation re-orient your understanding so that you can respond with patience and love. Record situations in which you are able to use this affirmation effectively.

Experiment 2: Select an aspect of your life that involves one of the three points above (overdoing something, feeling rushed, or being impatiently concerned about another person). Write down the person's name or nature of the frequent situation (e.g., I feel rushed every day to get my work done at my job). Work each day for a week on replacing your impatience with a new sense of patience which comes from affirming the continuity of your life as a soul. At the end of the day make notes about how you did with recognizing your timeless nature in this part of your life.

Universal Truths were identified (in Lesson VII, "Patience") for six Souls searching for understanding. Our relationship between body, mind, soul, was defined this way by Cayce:  ...the spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result; "my body-world."

If we haven't known before, our minds are creating, where do we create?  "Best definition ....of fourth-dimension is an idea!" said Cayce. 

Carl Jung wrote, "If we wish to form a vivid picture of a non-spatial being of the fourth dimension, we should do well to take thought as a being for our model. (Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p. 184).

"....Before any condition exists in the finite mind, it has become a past condition, relatively spoken, from the finite mind.  900-24

Author on Tibetan mysticism, Govinda also sees "our reality" is from an earlier time:  "What appears as form thus belongs essentially to the past,..." (Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, p.69).

The karmic situations, we built in the past, can be healed now by responding according to our Ideal or love through the dimension of patience.

 "...Patience",  said the sleeping Cayce in answer to the question, "What do I need most to further my spiritual development"?

If our life is to be eternal with Him, a soul, an entity"... must ever become --then--as His prayer was:  Father, I pray that I may have the glory with Thee that I had before the world was.  This is not just a saying but a reality.    3292-1

...Life itself is a consciousness, a gift of an infinite influence we may call God.  2399-1

Experiencing Patience awakens an awareness and understanding (1) events in the physical world were built in the past (2) life is continuous.  Realizing the truth of Gods promise that as we work & sow, we also reap in material experience in the completeness of time.* Loss of patience creates regret and guilt; forgetting God's promises that people we have concern for will receive healing, peace or love in their relationships.

We block awareness that we are eternal spiritual Souls, that events in material earth were built in the past WHEN WE OVER IDENTIFY WITH OUR PHYSICAL BODIES in three situations-- (1) when we over do (as in eating) (2) feel rushed in limited time, forgetting the importance of the Spirit in which we act (3) We become anxious about others or personal relationship. Reminding ourselves the life of our spiritual essence is continuous may support our intent to be patient.

Laws of Universal Forces work perfectly, we do receive our rewards whether its wealth or love or justice, if not in this lifetime, then in another: *Do you recall the physical reading Cayce did about 1925 for a truck driver injured in an accident?   For this paraplegic man, he gave a treatment plan including instructions for surgically wiring his spine together. Finished with the physical reading, Cayce remarked that a Life Reading would have been more interesting. "This was Nero, see?"

So what happened to the Roman Emperor now famous for letting Rome burn, and persecuting Christians? His reading was followed up:  With no money, the surgery was never done. "He spent the rest of his life dependent upon Christians for his every need." He wasn't punished by ferocious lions, an erroneous concept of karma. The Love and Grace of God provided him with an opportunity to get a different perspective, to understand Christian people usually dedicated to ideals of service, healing the sick, feeding the poor.

Meditation, prayers for others, and sending healing energy to others, raised physical vibrations and consciousness, excellent preparation to discuss the dimension of patience, along with space and time.  Eric Tolle, author of "The Power of Now," was quoted and aided our concept of time. Material conditions were built in the past. Now we choose how to react. Ideally to heal our karma, our response will be with patience and love. Actually, past, present, future occur all at once. Other good books relating to our study were mentioned as well during our discussions.

The member who attended the joint program given by Rocky Mountain Region and Canada's study groups region reported on it, Cayce and the Chakra:  Where West Meets the East. The presenters explored connections between Cayce's chakra system and eastern chakra systems in ancient Yoga teachings. Cayce's accuracy on 5,000 years old Eastern texts is amazing.

This week as we experimented in observing ourselves as whether we responded in the dimension of patience according to our ideal, or not, netted interesting results. An anxious moment was resolved by prayers for opportunities for increased socialization among some strangers mingling with long term acquaintances. Another, suddenly out of work for an extended time, in patience was motivated to offer his job skills to others and was welcomed by several teams to help with their surplus of "to do" work. A behavioral/relationship challenge at work was met with patience by a third group member.

One had the expense of a broken side mirror to deal with in patience. By staying in the realm of patience, one member was well satisfied that he accomplished home maintenance upgrades and brought new life to dead spots in the lawn. And finally, one member felt only partial success at living in patience. While feelings weren't specifically expressed in words, tone and demeanor of one experimenter betrayed a forgetting that living a spiritual life is the spirit in which we speak or act. 

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye


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