Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/28/21

Leader: Greg 

ARE Vision/Ideal: "Global manifestation of Oneness and the Love of God and all people.
ARE Mission Statement:  "To create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material."
Lesson VII: Patience, completed reading in ASFG Book I.  We began reading bottom of page 79  and read through the experiment on page 83 of the "Experiments...." book.  Two experiments remain, from page 83 to the end of the experiments for actively living  "Patience"  on page 86, to complete next week.
Experiment 1:  "Choose and write down one area of your life in which you would like to experience greater patience.  Each day try to reflect the potential for wholeness that already exists (i.e., don't be passive). Also be active in your patience (in deed and thought)." See, think only, feel only the wholeness you intend to reflect. "If you find yourself falling into being only persistent, take time to review your ideals for that area of your life and re-orient yourself to active patience. Record your experiences."
Experiment 2:  "Select and write down some experience that you have been impatient to have happen to you (e.g., to get well, to get a different job, to get married, to have more friends). Each day affirm that you are having learning experiences that will allow you eventually to have that which you desire. At the end of each daily meditation period take a few moments to listen within and know that there is something within your soul that is directing and ordering your life.  Write down insights that come from this listening and which help you better to understand how your current experiences fit into your growth toward what you desire."
On this Monday night, three feminine and three masculine souls Zoomed into the ASFG Sacred Space for group meditation, healing prayers for others, to gain greater knowledge on developing  a personal relationship with Omniscient Universal Forces and to share spiritual insight gleaned by their intent to live in patience actively in a specific area this week past.
Two souls had good success in being actively patient in their individual situations. One of the two had such a good experience steadfastly being actively patient versus being passive and with the outcome experienced so as to present as overjoyed through out the meeting:  like actually doing this stuff really works!   When the well paid home repairman's three attempts and best efforts failed to produce needed results, a request for spiritual intervention by the homeowner  from a  guide resolved it quickly--with exemplary craftsmanship. The other soul was actively patient during an intense, angry, verbal attack in the workplace. Is this ever possible for one with a materialistic, passive consciousness?  Just hearing of their success was inspiring to those of us who were unable to complete this experiment for whatever reasons.
Current events entered our discussions later: The challenges of "opposite gender identifying" athletes competing in the Olympics, the new practice of stating personal pronouns according to an individual's self recognized identity; emotional reactions of toileting simultaneously in the same public restrooms designated "men or women" with transgender people physically of the opposite sex for the bathroom entered, and critical race theory.
"Active Patience", not passiveness, is the foundation, the cornerstone, an opportunity wherein our Faith* is tested. (*or other fruits of the spirit). If constant, active patience (prayer, relentlessly watching and measuring our own patience, with centered thoughts, loss of selfishness to trust in God, ideal/vision of spiritual outcome) is adhered to during our challenging, harassing tests, we  grow spiritually in strength over our weakness, step by step, bit by bit we develop. Cooperation with God in all of our activities and  selfless service increases knowledge of the Holy within, enabling us to express more patience actively--the patience that nurtures our soul. Standing in faith in active patience is simultaneously a step forward and also a step up. Now stronger to patiently overcome our next test of faith, stepping ahead and upward, stronger yet for a more difficult challenge to develop more patience and grow in other fruits of the spirit within our active patience.  "......Thus an entity becomes aware of its own soul and that soul's vision of the glories that may be its experience in its associations with those promises in the creative force of the soul alone that is eternal and in the image of the Maker.  683-1"
Do not be overanxious about various matters. Intend aspects and desires  mentally and spiritually for self to be able to say, "I myself will be guided by the influences from the inner meditations, and that which is shown me from within. 681-1." By seeking this way, according to definite promises, there may come more harmonious experiences in material things. Seeking inner guidance will also bring that contentment of an inner knowing that being steadfast this way leads to  a body's greater understanding of truths in mental experiences. Edited, 681-1.
Patiently awaiting that contentment.
In loving oneness,
Sylvia Raye


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/21/21

Leader: Greg

ARE Ideal/Goal: Global manifestation of Oneness and the love of God and all people.

ARE Mission Statement: To create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material.

ASFG Monday Night Study Group Ideal: Oneness

Action:  Affirm daily our oneness with each other.

Lesson VII Patience, section-- "Means Through Which Patience Is Gained"

Experiment:  pg. 79.

     At the end of the day, write down one experience from the day which, at the time it happened, was CONFUSING, FRUSTRATING or DIFFICULT for you to deal with. Then have a moment of quiet to center yourself and get in touch with your REAL SELF. Listen for an answer as to the purpose for your having that particular situation arise. Write down your understanding of that purpose. 


situation: I ran out of money at the store. I had to borrow money from a friend and I was somewhat embarrassed.

purpose: I needed to remember that I needed the love and help of others and they need mine. 

At midsummer, just slightly past Summer Solstice (the single day of the year  holding an extra 5 hours, 38 minutes daylight in Colorado, as compared to sun lit hours of the December solstice) five serious seekers of knowledge on developing a personal relationship to the Divine Sweet Spirit, the all knowing, everywhere present, omnipotent Creative Forces, zoomed into a sacred space and read about, reported on, and discussed how one develops patience. A virtue also referenced as a fruit of the spirit, patience is so necessary for our spiritual growth.

A constant, prayerful attitude toward living purposefully leads to patience: in frequent, deep introspection, we may forget ourselves, awaken our inner selves to be in perfect attunement with our Ideal, so that our soul's expression is beauty--love expressed in our every word and act. Breath by breath, step by step, issue by issue, and in every test of patience that we ourselves created with our thoughts earlier, we must stay on guard, maintaining awareness of his promise--there is no need to fear, no risk of failure or an angry response because--God's strength adequately protects us from the slip-ups of "our selfish temptations to just let them have it."

Quite a lively discussion ensued when the groups ears heard the lesson being read aloud:  Corruption must be burned up, it may not inherit eternal life; every one the Lord loves is purged and scolded, is tested and tried; trials overcome in patience with the strength provided while attuned to Ideals and Universal Forces increases expansively a soul's capacity to express even more patience in the next test.

Discussion was something like this: "God is not a punishing God." God does not express vengeance. God doesn't test us for patience, to develop patience in a soul.

"No, we do that ourselves." (Whatever we cast upon the waters of Spirit returns to us, did He say, tenfold?)

Understanding the purpose underlying events we meet in our material world is a 3rd aspect awakened by our active patience practiced in attunement with the I AM from Creative Forces. Cayce's reading 581- 2 reminded us we are actively patient in simpleness, gentleness, humbleness, faithfulness, and long-suffering.

Selfishness, grudges, anger, separate us from our Higher Self, the I AM, our Comforter, our source of strength to overcome each trial in active patience. So growing our patience in meeting self-created challenges while maintaining our connection to our Higher Self also reveals to us the reason we experience the events we do as well as Universal Laws. 

We must continuously analyze self and know our motives and  the purpose  for which we incarnated in this life. From this position, Cayce told Ms. 1336-1, living in the fruits of the spirit, long-suffering, patience, mercy, brotherly love, kindness, gentleness in her daily experiences with others makes life worthwhile

Last Week's Experiment:  No one complained they lacked an opportunity to actively live the Fruits of the Spirit, i.e., long suffering. Being awakened quite late at night and kept awake for hours again this year by the loud muffler and revved-up motorcycle racing up and down the street was at the top of the most trying tests of length. Hours of late night wide awake noise is a high leap to see as "actually in the past."

Another member resolved her patience trying situation spiritually by asking her guide for help. Three home improvement projects for new air conditioning, upgraded  lawn sprinklers, and painting involving bids from contractors was a good test of another person's patience. There was a happy outcome for one whose test of patience involved different perspectives between two employees at work. And lastly, another caught self overdoing and needing to recommit to preciseness twice, and times of allowing thoughts of "limited time" to create separation as well, and then later, re-centering self.

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye

Saturday, June 19, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/14/21

 Leader: Greg

We read from the Experiments book in the Patience chapter until the middle of page 78.

There are two experiments to choose from:

Experiment 1: Use the following affirmation in your daily life whenever you confront a frustrating or painful situation: "Everything happening around me is in the past. What's happening now is the way I choose to respond." Let this affirmation re-orient your understanding so that you can respond with patience and love. Record situations in which you are able to use this affirmation effectively.

Experiment 2: Select an aspect of your life that involves one of the three points above (overdoing something, feeling rushed, or being impatiently concerned about another person). Write down the person's name or nature of the frequent situation (e.g., I feel rushed every day to get my work done at my job). Work each day for a week on replacing your impatience with a new sense of patience which comes from affirming the continuity of your life as a soul. At the end of the day make notes about how you did with recognizing your timeless nature in this part of your life.

Universal Truths were identified (in Lesson VII, "Patience") for six Souls searching for understanding. Our relationship between body, mind, soul, was defined this way by Cayce:  ...the spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result; "my body-world."

If we haven't known before, our minds are creating, where do we create?  "Best definition ....of fourth-dimension is an idea!" said Cayce. 

Carl Jung wrote, "If we wish to form a vivid picture of a non-spatial being of the fourth dimension, we should do well to take thought as a being for our model. (Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p. 184).

"....Before any condition exists in the finite mind, it has become a past condition, relatively spoken, from the finite mind.  900-24

Author on Tibetan mysticism, Govinda also sees "our reality" is from an earlier time:  "What appears as form thus belongs essentially to the past,..." (Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, p.69).

The karmic situations, we built in the past, can be healed now by responding according to our Ideal or love through the dimension of patience.

 "...Patience",  said the sleeping Cayce in answer to the question, "What do I need most to further my spiritual development"?

If our life is to be eternal with Him, a soul, an entity"... must ever become --then--as His prayer was:  Father, I pray that I may have the glory with Thee that I had before the world was.  This is not just a saying but a reality.    3292-1

...Life itself is a consciousness, a gift of an infinite influence we may call God.  2399-1

Experiencing Patience awakens an awareness and understanding (1) events in the physical world were built in the past (2) life is continuous.  Realizing the truth of Gods promise that as we work & sow, we also reap in material experience in the completeness of time.* Loss of patience creates regret and guilt; forgetting God's promises that people we have concern for will receive healing, peace or love in their relationships.

We block awareness that we are eternal spiritual Souls, that events in material earth were built in the past WHEN WE OVER IDENTIFY WITH OUR PHYSICAL BODIES in three situations-- (1) when we over do (as in eating) (2) feel rushed in limited time, forgetting the importance of the Spirit in which we act (3) We become anxious about others or personal relationship. Reminding ourselves the life of our spiritual essence is continuous may support our intent to be patient.

Laws of Universal Forces work perfectly, we do receive our rewards whether its wealth or love or justice, if not in this lifetime, then in another: *Do you recall the physical reading Cayce did about 1925 for a truck driver injured in an accident?   For this paraplegic man, he gave a treatment plan including instructions for surgically wiring his spine together. Finished with the physical reading, Cayce remarked that a Life Reading would have been more interesting. "This was Nero, see?"

So what happened to the Roman Emperor now famous for letting Rome burn, and persecuting Christians? His reading was followed up:  With no money, the surgery was never done. "He spent the rest of his life dependent upon Christians for his every need." He wasn't punished by ferocious lions, an erroneous concept of karma. The Love and Grace of God provided him with an opportunity to get a different perspective, to understand Christian people usually dedicated to ideals of service, healing the sick, feeding the poor.

Meditation, prayers for others, and sending healing energy to others, raised physical vibrations and consciousness, excellent preparation to discuss the dimension of patience, along with space and time.  Eric Tolle, author of "The Power of Now," was quoted and aided our concept of time. Material conditions were built in the past. Now we choose how to react. Ideally to heal our karma, our response will be with patience and love. Actually, past, present, future occur all at once. Other good books relating to our study were mentioned as well during our discussions.

The member who attended the joint program given by Rocky Mountain Region and Canada's study groups region reported on it, Cayce and the Chakra:  Where West Meets the East. The presenters explored connections between Cayce's chakra system and eastern chakra systems in ancient Yoga teachings. Cayce's accuracy on 5,000 years old Eastern texts is amazing.

This week as we experimented in observing ourselves as whether we responded in the dimension of patience according to our ideal, or not, netted interesting results. An anxious moment was resolved by prayers for opportunities for increased socialization among some strangers mingling with long term acquaintances. Another, suddenly out of work for an extended time, in patience was motivated to offer his job skills to others and was welcomed by several teams to help with their surplus of "to do" work. A behavioral/relationship challenge at work was met with patience by a third group member.

One had the expense of a broken side mirror to deal with in patience. By staying in the realm of patience, one member was well satisfied that he accomplished home maintenance upgrades and brought new life to dead spots in the lawn. And finally, one member felt only partial success at living in patience. While feelings weren't specifically expressed in words, tone and demeanor of one experimenter betrayed a forgetting that living a spiritual life is the spirit in which we speak or act. 

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/7/21

 Leader: Greg

ARE Goal/Ideal: Global manifestation of oneness,  the Love of God and all people.
Ideal: Oneness 
Action:  Affirm daily my oneness with each member of our group.
Scripture: "In your patience possess ye your souls." Luke 21:19
Lesson VII: Patience;  Introduction, Value of Patience were read tonight.
Experiment:  This is an experiment in self-observation.  Be aware of the dimension of life which the readings call "patience."  How are you responding within yourself to things going on around you?  You may frequently hide that inner response from others, and yet it is an important factor in your growth in consciousness. Each day before you go to bed take a few minutes to think back over the day and write down inner responses you had to events of the day which you did not express or allow to show (e.g., when Jane made that remark this morning, it hurt my feelings, and I felt angry but I didn't let it show). Indicate which of your responses were in accord with your ideals (e.g., when John said he appreciated what I had done it made me feel really good towards him and myself; such feelings are in accord with my ideals.) Make an effort during the week to respond in ways consistent with your ideals, even to those situations which usually evoke a negative response.
Five seekers of truth, knowledge, and understanding of spiritual truth Zoomed into our meeting space, wherein vibrations synergistically rose higher given intentions and ideals of attendees. Watching a ten-minute long video on Lesson VII, "Patience", by David McMillian focused our minds on "patience."
Two experimenting Souls received confirmation and validation (1) with a phone call from the recipient reporting she had been receiving energy (2) the other received verbal assurance from others benefiting distance Reiki sent to them.  A third experimenter had confidence the prayers were beneficial without verbal validation after praying for another. Finally, amid grandchildren and with a canine companion, the experiment challenge was accepted to secure time alone, to find within self that that sustains one when one is unable to sustain self.  
One questioning soul this week past also asked for a sign as to whether or not she should call a person she did not know. Seeker then found in the road and stopped to get an object off the blacktop; the object had the same name as the person to be called. With the namesake object in hand, the seeker had confirmation "Yes," and confidence of a positive outcome of making that initial call.
Another had an unusual, unexpected experience that was so similar to our next experiment for the upcoming week. With greeting cards in hand, walking down the drive toward the mail box, she saw an unidentified car in the driveway near the street. Next to the car, a man holding a fawn explained, on his way to a job interview, he'd had an accident, his vehicle had broken the fawn's leg, he  said.  "Will you hold this fawn while I call the vet?," he asked, while hurriedly placing the fawn in her arms. She noticed how beautiful the fawn was, with its round white spots on its coat of tawny golden reddish colored, soft hair. The baby was in intense pain, with an open wound at the fracture site.  And frightened, so scared.  Just as she was able to soothe and calm the fawn, the mother Doe came into direct sight, some distance beyond the road, behind the wire fence set further back from it. Baby fawn's sweet soprano voice desperately called out to its mother, loudly, briefly, a call no longer than the caw of a crow.  Simultaneously leaping to run to mother, but instead, fawn hit the ground with a thud; yet still traveled quickly four or five feet before the man running, could come grab the baby and pick it up again. And now holding the fawn, also complete his call.  He described the location. Soon a vehicle stopped partially on the lawn, its driver emerged, ran around the auto, opened the passenger door, pushed the seat forward. The man and fawn entered the back seat and away they drove for help. While the body of the fawn was so much longer than the torso of a human baby's, perhaps 30", holding the hurting, fretting baby deer felt no differently than holding a distraught human baby. It weighed about as much as a six month old human child would. The fawn also responded to a soft soothing, reassuring human voice, as human babies do. She felt a oneness of life with a wild fawn. Then someone asked her the question, "If this were a metaphor, what would it be to you?" then she saw the reality. This grandma has been quarantined with family, across the country from home. And she's been feeling sadness and grief at leaving family with young grandchildren in a few weeks. It feels as if her baby is being torn, or leaping out of her arms. Just as the spiritual law Enoch gave, "As above, so below, as within so without." Or as some therapists say, the universe is your mirror. What are you being shown? Instead of being shown in a dream, unexpressed feelings of sadness being held within, appeared "without" as a sweet, gentle baby flying out of her arms".

In search of Loving Oneness,
Sylvia Raye