Monday, February 8, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/8/21

Leader: John

Choose one of these two experiments:

Experiment: Choose some other person with whom you feel a special need to be truthful and honest, and write down that person’s name. Each day observe your relationship with this person and take a few moments (perhaps at the end of the day) to consider the question, “What does the highest spirit within me want for this relationship?” Write down your thoughts and feelings in answer to this question. Through your thoughts and actions make an effort to be true and honest with yourself regarding those things you have written down. Allow your expressions of truth and honesty to that person to be a reflection of this initial effort to be true to yourself and the highest that you know.

Experiment: At the end of the day review the things you have done with others. Try to step outside yourself for a moment and imagine how other people understood the things you did. What would they likely have assumed your ideals or standards are from having observed your actions? Write down the ways they might possibly have perceived you. Work each day to let your actions express to others what your ideals really are.

Three decided to take advantage of the early meeting start time to discuss dreams and current events. We wanted to wait for others to join before we got into discussions about our work over the week. Two more joined at the top of the hour, so we then began our meditation and sending of light.

We finished the chapter in the ASFG book on “Know Thyself” by reading the conclusion. There was some discussion as to whether to consider the needs of others before our own, and on setting a constructive program that we will follow even if we suffer for it.

In the Experiments book, we covered two experiments written above and are near the top of page 34.

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