Leader: Sylvia
Seven members entered our Zoom meeting room tonight. We opened our meeting and our chakras in preparation for meditation. We listened to ARE s Vision/ Ideal being read to start:
manifestation of Oneness, and The Love Of God and All People.
And heard the ARE Mission Statement:
To create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material.
It was discussed whether each person felt or observed an effect from reading ARE's ideal and mission statement upon the quality of the meetings, or not, in the month of October. Or upon our daily attempts to live the lesson, i.e., in our experiments. Several noticed a bit, or felt some affect in living the lesson this month. One felt it enhanced the quality of discussions during the meetings. Members stayed on the spiritual ideas being discussed from the book. The ideal and mission statement was uplifting to one as if reading a prayer. It led one person to experience two emotional revelation with two insights about an older self that had remained hidden lifelong.
We agreed to continue the practice of reading the ARE ideal and mission statement, with the majority accepting and allowing that it did no harm when no direct benefit was
seen individually.
This was our first month long trial of a proposal. Would
weekly reminders to observe for any effects upon depth and quality of meetings
have yielded different results among members whose minds slipped this trial during busy distraction filled weeks?
One member expressed a personal need to meditate to start the meeting. Meditating with others is necessary to shift from high pressure, hurry of job and traffic, to a spiritual focus.
We meditated on becoming more aware that God is Love and thru His Love, made manifest in his Son, the Christ. We prayed for others, our absent members, and for other's healing.
Cindi lost to death two friends this week, Jerry and Glenn. Justice is now home from intensive care at the hospital. This 11 year old girl we prayed for last week is no longer in a coma, is doing well, and eating well in her home.
We discussed our experiment of week past and agreed to repeat it for next week's experiment:
To receive guidance, ask a question and go within three times for an answer, as Cayce recommended.
One received an answer, as the still small voice spoke, Honor the WILL; Will simultaneously lit up neon-blue light. But a question, should abortion be legal? It wasn't an issue in 5th century S. America nor 14th century Asia. Another child was an asset in those times. Just within versus an Akashic record meditation may have yielded a confirmation or two, instead of not an issue for cultures of old.
Some of us were too busy or forgot the experiment.
But two got unexpected results, an inspiration not just to prevent a health status from getting worse, but why not try to use health information plus spiritual information to improve and increase physical condition and better vision of glaucoma diagnosed eye? Castor oil in eyes is also a Cayce recommendation, too. Several days of castor oil dropped into the inner eye corner produced good results right away. Eyes feel better!
And we learned we can alkalize our bodies just breathing. Each morning take 30 very deep rhythmic inhalations and exhalations advocated by Wim Hof.
The other member has been seeking guidance on too much noise too many hours, and was led to take 3-4 action steps. She came up with influential people willing to work toward upholding a neighborhood standard for quiet. An offender came to her home and apologized for all the noise. But the one apologizing cannot keep others in same household from defiantly making noise. Yet.
Typically meditating with Tesla lights, a member found three times of seeking right in line with his three times of meditation.
We read the Going Within section in The Edgar Cayce Primer. It referenced the New Testament scripture, John 16:9. Cayce said to trust in the Living God, the God found within when we set an ideal; live it. Thru daily practice, we discover the pattern of the true self. And we finished our book when we finished discussing and reading A Little Leaven.
Three fourths of the world's population accept the
philosophy of reincarnation. We are living with a magnitude of challenges, so many endless
wars, economic and social strife, injustices. But.
We have a new covenant with our creator. And when we change and develop and grow spiritually by living our ideal, bit by bit, potentially we can become the small leaven, powerfully influencing ten other people by our newer higher vibrations, peaceful lifestyles of our new consciousness. They in turn can influence ten others to also know God, Maker of the universe and us all.
We have no concerns or worries about any negative controlling influences being slipped to us in flu vaccines. How do we know? NOTHING outside of us is stronger that what is INSIDE of ourselves.
And pondered, given various prophets predictions, has Christ already reentered earth? Perhaps as soon as 1998? How would we even recognize him? Is he coming via reincarnation in a new body? Or is the Christ state Jesus achieved, a state of consciousness, a new pattern of living to go back to our Divine Father? Or a consciousness many people being born after 2000 have or will attain? Many viewpoints.
Next month- new Leader- Greg
New Books- A Search for God Book I and Experiments in a Search for God, keyed to Book One by Mark Thurston, PHD.
In Oneness of Divine Love,
Sylvia Raye