Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/25/20

For a holiday, we had a good turnout via Zoom.

Our Leader next week is June. Being given unlimited minutes on the new Zoom account on the new email, we had our full meeting of two hours:  checking in, opening prayer, and discussion of our experiment on self healing.

We read on mental healing and discussed that Cayce stressed hypnosis, auto- suggestion, the importance of visualization, or as Cayce described it as that of seeing our treatment, whatever it is, working and accomplishing the outcome as intended, upon beginning the treatment. Dr. Riley used the acronym CARE to describe the systems Cayce assessed & addressed for healing.

Another form of self treatment is during meditation taking perhaps 5-10 minutes to talk to all the areas and organs, glands, systems of circulation (blood and lymph), elimination, assimilation, and asking them to, or seeing them work together to accomplish all that needs to be done to produce ideal or vibrant health for us. This is our agreed upon "mental healing experiment" this week.

Two forms of mental healing we did not discuss were (1) the power of our thoughts to affect our health and energy level for that day especially, or all the days we indulge in vibration lowering thoughts and (2) avoid dwelling in fears and negative thoughts, especially to avoid depressed moods or anxiety.

The "R" we didn't discuss is for Rest - about 8 hours, and also relaxation and recreation. In one reading Cayce told someone that time recreating should be equal to time working. That is 8 hours sleep, 8 hours work and 8 hours recreation. Eight hours seems like a lot of recreating, but it adds up to a balanced life.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting.  I'll send the Zoom invitations and host the meeting from my Zoom app, intending to designate June as meeting co-host to lead our June meetings. If that doesn't make it easy to recall who is leading next month, I can't help. Best I could do.

Good mental healing,
Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/18/20

How delightful for us to see each other once again. Our meeting was well attended. 

We discussed our experiment of setting an ideal, making a decision, phrasing the decision in a yes or no format, meditating to seek guidance about the "rightness" of our decision for ourselves, and rechecking to confirm alignment of this decision with our ideal, etc., through all 9 steps of decision making given by Cayce. It was suggested we continue to keep in mind and use the process about future decisions we make.

We began part five of Herbert Puryear's book, The Edgar Cayce Primer, Personal Health, chapter twenty, Holistic Healing. Within this, while listeners on Zoom had muted mics, Greg read the introduction and definition of holistic healing, and sections on Integration and Timing, Spiritual Healing, The Role of the Endocrine System, through How Spiritual Healing Works.

Our experiment is to apply the principle of our knowledge and experience with Spiritual Healing on ourselves in whatever area that needs healing. Two will focus on improving their individual exercise routine and walking.

For the first time, we are meeting next Monday, May 25, 2020, on a federal holiday, unlimited by our closed public library room. We will begin our reading on page 166, Mental Healing. I look forward to seeing you all on Zoom then.

Blessings in
Spiritual Healing,
Sylvia Raye

Monday, May 11, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/11/20

It was so good to see you. Zoom meetings are a new and different experience, aren't they?

We checked in on how we are doing currently. We officially opened with a formally written prayer of gratitude, for alignment with God's will. And petitions to be patience, merciful, generous, holy, wise with insight and motivation to act as we know how to, especially toward others.

We reported on our experiment last week of attuning to love in our prayers so that others might receive that love thru our prayers.

We discussed in conclusion what we received from the study of prayer in spiritual law or Cayce's perspective.

We are beginning chapter 19 tonight on page 157 of Herb Puryear's The Edgar Cayce Primer. We'll read all three pages and finish reading it on our own this week, "Decisions and decision making."  For an experiment we'll review our Ideal. Is it one we are able and willing to do, that we can apply as we live our lives AND MAKE decisions according to our ideal as this lesson asks us to. Then we will do at least the first five, if not all the decision making steps with guidance as given by Cayce in the readings.

Decisively yours,
Sylvia Raye

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Collective Consciousness and How It Affects Our Lives Today

by John Van Auken
Friday, 8 May 2020
Enlightenment Series on the ARE Blog

When it comes to the question of how past lives affect our present lives, most of us immediately think of karma’s effect on us today and the souls that have known us in past lives. However, there is a condition that also affects us, and that is the existence of oneness in consciousness among all souls. It is often referred to as the collective consciousness. Aware of it or not, our supposedly individual minds are connected at a deeper level, a level that Edgar Cayce could tap into – and he said we all could tap into it – in fact, we are all already in it but ignore it or are so focused on daily outer consciousness that an opaque veil separates us from using it.

We live in a purposeful illusion or meaningful dream. In this illusion is multiplicity or what I like to call, “manyness.” All is separated and individual. There is no oneness. Therefore, you and I believe that our minds are private. We believe that thoughts and dreams are private. Then, to our shock, along comes a psychic like Cayce who knows our thoughts and dreams! Not only does he know them in the present, he knows them from years ago, even lifetimes ago. How is this possible? Despite our feelings of privacy, we’re connected to the singular consciousness that conceived us – call it whatever you want: the mind of God, the Creator; the Universal Consciousness; the Infinite, Eternal Mind; etc. According to Cayce, this mind loses nothing that was ever done or thought or dreamed! All make a lasting impression on this consciousness. Cayce explained that when “reading” a persons record, it was difficult discerning thoughts from actions because thoughts and actions are real in the Universal Mind’s recording! Surprisingly, it didn’t matter if the act or thought occurred 10 minutes ago or 10 thousand years ago! Cayce explained we are ultimately a complex of thoughts in a free-willed mind with an energy field or energy orb. We are presently embodied in a physical material body, but we can and will live on beyond the death of this physical body. Cayce taught we live on and on because we are infinite, eternal beings conceived in the image of our infinite, eternal Creator (as found in the Bible in the very first chapter of Genesis).

Cayce said: "Don't put the material first, for you have to live with yourself a long, long while! Become acquainted with yourself. Know yourself and the relationship to the Creative Forces." (EC 3484-1) Yes, eternity sure is a “long, long while!” Well, in getting to know ourselves, our eternal selves, Cayce taught that the first lesson should be ONENESS!

“The first lesson ... should be ONE - One - One - ONE; Oneness of God, oneness of man’s relations, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, ONENESS in every effort – Oneness - Oneness!”

-Edgar Cayce reading 900-429

Here is where knowledge of the collective consciousness becomes important to our education. The more we strive to feel and know oneness as a reality, the closer we get to a oneness of consciousness, and that expands our minds and our resources. Yes, resources, as in connected to all, and therefore able to receive benefits that our outer connections could not have dreamed possible. Once in touch with the collective, we have the access that Edgar Cayce demonstrated. We can know ourselves, our whole selves, other souls, the flow of Nature and the weather, the flow of life and destiny, the past, present, and future, and more! Of course, we need to be prepared to know the vices and weaknesses of ourselves and others, as well as the virtues and strengths. Cayce’s amazing ability to know us, any of us, thoroughly and yet not judge or condemn us, is remarkable. It is one of his greatest traits – and likely one of the key traits that allowed him to give such detailed readings of the Universal Consciousness and the “Book of Life.” We need to develop this trait. It helps if we keep in mind that we are all human and divine, and our human nature is our weaker portion which is offset by our divine nature’s goodness. Cayce often taught that one of life’s purposes was to accentuate the positive, the virtues, and the strengths of not only ourselves but also of those we share life with.

Imagine if you and I could know ourselves and others fully – the good and the bad – and seek only to accentuate the good while helping to subdue the bad. The same could be true for our karma – accentuate our good karma and the good karma of our loved ones, while resolving or subduing the bad karma.

Since there is oneness, collectiveness, if I improve, then I contribute to the all improving. If I help another person accentuate their better self, then the collective is a little closer to their better selves as a whole! We are not private, alone, separate – rather, we are an integral part of whole of all life. And all life is accessible to us, drawing whatever we need to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.

Here is an important concept to keep in mind: all resources have sources. Most often humanity seeks material sources for their resources. Cayce also wanted us to seek spiritual sources for resources, and to learn how to use these in this material world.

If we can comprehend this idea of oneness and a collective consciousness, then we can work on improving relationships, resolving interpersonal conflicts while praying, sleeping, and meditating – even while thinking (thoughts are as real as finger in the eye, so they are also as real as a loving hug-thought!).

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A.R.E Meeting for 5/4/20

What an interesting chapter Herb Puryear wrote on prayer, especially how prayer works. It was good to be reminded that we need to honor and respect the path and life of others and their Free Will by always asking if we may pray for them with prayers of more than protection. And not praying for them to change their behavior to that of our own ideals, as parents may be tempted to do, nor of praying and meditating to heal others of a condition they have taken on. We don't know if their life challenge was chosen pre-birth for soul development of self or another, or if it provides secondary gains, or is an exit, a protection from some unbearable situation. One definition of "Love" is acceptance and allowing. So we need to wait for prayer requests from others before we do more than prayers of protection.

We will finish our chapter on prayer by reading the final section on pgs. 155 &156, "A Potential Beyond Limits." 

Our experiment is taken from the last page of the chapter, which describes how we may give to others, but only what we ourselves have:

"If we select a pattern of Love through which to pray and relate to another, then the Life Force  of Love is drawn to us as a channel of that energy and flows to others."

I'm looking forward to seeing you next week.

Prayers of Protection to us all,
Sylvia Raye