Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/3/20

Four native born citizen dreamers joined together tonight at Ruth Holly Library  in meditation and prayers for Judy Overman, George, Jeff Herwitt, Ed Murphy, Paul Freiler. Let's remember these people in our prayers.

Cindi will type up and send out the excellent meditation she led us in last week on Loving God (our purpose for meditation), ourselves, and radiating out that love to others. This meditation was our experiment during the week just past.

Cindi shared just a gem from two pages of notes gathered while listening to the material on "Suffering" that Greg alerted us to. "Karma is the result of of A LACK OF COMPASSION."

"Understanding your Dreams," from listening to the tape June brought and played the first half of, provided a tremendous quantity of information given by Cayce. It emphasized the importance of being early to bed, so as to experience more dreams remembered during longer hours of REM producing sleep in the 7th and 8th or so hours, of having an intent of remembering and using, working with the dream and it's message to us. It gave half a dozen reasons we might want to remember our dreams. It also gave half a dozen ways we can approach understanding the dream's message and how to then apply the information from the dream message to the life we now live. It could be a dream pertaining to spiritual growth, health, finances, our personal problems/solutions, or whatever we requested a dream on.

Unique to the Cayce dream material may be the suggestion that we write down all of our personal reasons we might want to remember and apply a dream's information to our life. The people in our dreams may not be the people of our waking life, but symbols or aspects of ourselves. The message may be a direct statement of a problem solution, or a play on a word or symbol. We need to search for what is happening in our lives and how it pertains to the dream's message. A dream can give many points of view in solving a problem.   We need to recognize the problem or situation where the information given in our dream needs to be applied in our life.

For our experiment, as a group we decided to write on a dream journal page "...the reasons I want to remember my dreams."  Once we know the types of information dream's can give us, we can be more strongly motivated to remember our dreams. The tape suggested re-reading monthly our half dozens reasons we want to remember our dreams.

Next week we'll report on how our experiment went and listen to the remainder of the tape.

Sweet Happy Dreams,
Sylvia Raye

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