Monday, November 26, 2012

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/26/12

Reader: Greg (for Cindi)
Reader: None

We opened with a good discussion on the topic of patience and listened to an A.R.E audio lesson on that topic. We decided to stay with that topic this week and begin with the "The Open Door" chapter next week.

The experiment for the week is:
Experience a movement in consciousness from impatience to patience with others. Seek to overcome any sense of self-righteousness within yourself by using a part of your daily prayer and meditation period to affirm the uniqueness of every soul's approach to God. Then work with the technique suggested in the readings in the following two ways:

1. When you feel impatient with someone else say silently to yourself "What have we here?" and allow yourself to draw back, re-examine the situation and experience greater patience.

2. Whenever others become impatient with you and you feel yourself picking up their feelings and becoming impatient yourself, say aloud "What have we here?" Notice any effect it has on others as well as the effect it has on you.

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