Monday, May 23, 2011

A.R.E. Meeting for 05/22/11

Leader: John
Reader: Greg

In the "How to Interpret Your Dreams" book, we started Chapter 6, and are up to the section "Interpretation Tools for Telepathic Dreams," on page 88.

Keep recording your dreams, and pay attention to the characters involved, as we work with the chapter about "Fellowship.

Next week there will be no meeting because the library is closed on Memorial Day.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A.R.E. Meeting for 05/16/11

Leader: Greg (for John)
Reader: Group Effort

In the "How to Interpret Your Dreams" book, we finished Chapter 5, and will start Chapter 6 next week.

Keep recording your dreams, make comparisons with your ideals, and apply them to your relationships.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ways to Increase Longevity

I came across three ways in the readings that mention ways to extend your life.

There should be a warning to ALL bodies as to such conditions; for [if] would the assimilations and the eliminations would be kept nearer NORMAL in the human family, the days might be extended to whatever period as was so desired; for the system is builded by the assimilations of that it takes within, and is able to bring resuscitations so long as the eliminations do not hinder. (311-4)

(Q) Will my life in this plane be very long?
(A) As long as it is used in constructive forces, it may be as long as is desired. (2326-1)

Keep the pineal gland operating and you won't grow old - you will always be young! (294-141)
The only way I know to keep the pineal stimulated is through meditation.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A.R.E. Meeting for 05/09/11

Leader: John
Reader: Marsha & Greg

In the "How to Interpret Your Dreams" book, we started Chapter 5, and are into the section "Applying Ideals to Dream Interpretation," page 78, starting the paragraph "The comparison of various ideals..."

Keep recording your dreams and make comparisons with your ideals.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who Wrote the Four Gospels?

From Reading 1598-2, in answer to the question of who wrote the gospels and in what order:

These as we find may BEST be determined by the investigations of the records as related to same; that is, to satisfy self as to its claim - or a physical record - in the Vatican's own libraries. These will be accessible, or made accessible, if there is the seeking, during this present year.

As we find, this will be the manner in which these are indicated; but VERIFY same for self's OWN understanding, as well as self's satisfaction:

MARK was first dictated, greatly by Peter; and this in those periods just before Peter was carried to Rome.

The next was MATTHEW, written by the one whose name it bears - AS for the SPECIFIC reasons - to those who were scattered into the upper portions of Palestine and through Laodicea. This was written something like thirty-three to four years later than MARK; and while this body - that wrote same - was in exile.

LUKE was written by Lucius, rather than Luke; though a companion with Luke during those activities of Paul; and written, of course, unto those of the faith under the Roman INFLUENCE - not to the Roman peoples but to the provinces ruled BY the Romans! and it was from those sources that the very changes were made, as to the differences in that given by MARK and MATTHEW.

JOHN was written by several; not by the John who was the beloved, but the John who REPRESENTED or who was the scribe FOR John the beloved; and - as much of same - was written much later. Portions of it were written at different times and combined some fifty years after the Crucifixion.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A.R.E. Meeting for 05/02/11

Leader: John
Reader: Greg

In the How to Interpret Your Dreams book, we finished Chapter 4, and next week will start Chapter 5 (Ideals in Our Dreams).

For the discipline this week, use the "Exercise in Application" at the end of Chapter 4. Work on finding themes in your dreams, or help others to find a theme.