Monday, April 19, 2010

A.R.E. Meeting for 04/19/10

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: Eric

We moved forward two more sections in the chapter "Destiny of the Mind." We will begin next week with the section "Mind in Relation to the Soul Body."

The experiment is:
At the end of the day, just as you are going to bed, take several minutes to review your thoughts of the day. What recurrent thought patterns do you observe? What is the emotional component related to each one? For those you would like to change, do one of three things:

1) Select a potential replacement emotion to hold the next day.
2) Try to resolve the emotion by thinking about it or praying about it.
3) Make a commitment to let go of the emotion if you see it is merely a negative one you have been enjoying.

At the end of the meeting we talked about the four elements in the body. Here is the quote:
Knowing the tendencies, supply in the vital energies that ye call the vitamins, or elements. For, remember, while we give many combinations, there are only four elements in your body, - water, salt, soda and iodine. These are the basic elements, they make all the rest! Each vitamin as a component part of an element is simply a combination of these other influences, given a name mostly for confusion to individuals, by those who would tell you what to do for a price!Reading 2533-6

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