The following article was written by John Van Auken about the power of affirmations:
Of all the wonderful guidance to come through Edgar Cayce’s attunement to the Universal Consciousness, using an affirmation is unique. Affirmations can help us change our mind, mood, and health, and reach new levels of awareness and happiness. He gave over a hundred affirmations to people seeking physical, mental, or spiritual help.
From his perspective, an affirmation is an ideal structured in a potently suggestive statement. He instructed us to speak (aloud or silently) the affirmation, being sure to maintain a consciousness of the meaning of the words, and to speak it with a positive, expectant attitude, until the whole of our mental being was affected positively by the meaning. He suggested that the affirmation be repeated three to five times, but the goal was to achieve a "full, positive response" from the mental portion of our being. Try this. It works.
I have selected three of Cayce's affirmations, which are at the end of this article. The first one was intended to take hold of desires, needs, and attitudes that we all experience in life and move them to a higher, more universally attuned condition, resulting in greater harmony and happiness in our lives. After sharing this affirmation, Cayce sharply instructed the person to "leave it with Him" rather than to keep wondering and doubting in anxious waiting for immediate results. He wanted people to feel the power of the affirmation in their mental self and then let it go free. The reason for this, he explained, was that the "unseen forces" are more powerful than the seen and work in a special way. The unseen forces work best when we have faith in them, a demonstrated faith shown by allowing them to work their magical way through our bodies, minds, hearts, and lives. He said that the spirit of patience, expectancy, and contentment are fertile soil from which the unseen forces can bring forth their miracles.
The second affirmation was designed to help a person find the best way to be a channel of blessings to others. Cayce explained that the phrase "my going in and my coming out" (taken from Exodus 28:35) is speaking about going in to the Holy Place within us, where God meets with us, and coming out from the Holy Place to relationships with others and our outer work. The going in is mostly done during sleep, prayer, meditation, and moments of reflection and stillness.
The third affirmation was designed to connect us with what Cayce called "the Christ Consciousness," a state of mind and perspective that best channels the power of light and love into and through us -- an excellent state to experience.
I used the first affirmation and was amazed by its impact on me. Try one and send me your results.
"Let my desire and my needs be in Thy hands, Thou Maker, Creator of the universe and all the forces and powers therein! And may I conform my attitude, my purpose, my desire, to that Thou hast as an activity for me. (Now leave it with Him and go to work!)" --462-8
"Lord, here am I! Use Thou me in the ways as Thou knowest best. May my going in and my coming out always be acceptable in Thy sight, my Lord, my Strength, and my Redeemer." --2803-3
"Let that mind be in me that was in Him, who knew that of Himself He could do nothing, yet in the power of the light of the Father of all may we, may I, may all, come to know His love the better. Thy will, O Father, be done in me just now." --436-3