The law of supply presupposes that all we could ever truly need will be made available to us if we are seeking to obey the universal laws, especially that of love. Supply is merely the natural result then of working in harmony with these other laws; we do not need to dwell on how it works. But neither should we interfere with the workings of this law through denial. Many people that I have talked with give much thought and energy to the belief that poverty is a virtue and that somehow God wishes us to live in want. The readings stress that we should never be self-indulgent with the supply, but that through the proper use of supply it becomes abundant, infinite, and available to us as we need.It is interesting that the universal law emphasizes love, and not patience or cooperation. With love we recognize ourselves and others to be a spark of the divine. We should "waste not, want not" to keep our supply coming. It also ties in with our ideal.
…what is thine ideal. What is thy purpose in life? Is it to get, through the attitude of “Gimme—Gimme—Gimme!” or is it to give—give—give! If it is the latter, then there should be the knowledge and security from within as given of old: “Let others do as they may, but for me—I will know the living God.” 815-3It also is important to believe that we will be given what we need and not fear what lies ahead.
When fear of the future occurs, or fear of the past…put all such away with this prayer— not merely by mouth, not merely by thought, but in body, in mind and in soul say: “Here am I, Lord—Thine! Keep me in the way Thou would have me go, rather than in that I might choose.” 2540-1
Remember, my children, it is the fear of the material conditions that wrecks the material body. It is the fear of this or that, that prevents a channel from making for the greater supply. 254-85As the following quotes imply, it is not only important to believe that you will get what you need, but also to expect it.
Expect much, you will obtain much! Expect little, you will obtain little! Expect nothing, you will obtain nothing! 5325-1
Expect much, demand much; but when ye do, be willing to give much. For as ye give, or as ye measure to others, so is it measured to thee again. This is the spiritual law, this becomes the mental law—and the mind is the builder. 1532-1Don't lose faith, but be guided by the desire to help others.
Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened to you …The supply will come from that storehouse that is of His building…Be thou faithful, then, guided, guarded, directed, by Him. 294-41