Monday, October 26, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/26/09

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: John

We started the chapter "In His Presence," and read two sections. Next week, we will start the section "The Preparation of Self."

For our experiment:
Each day make an effort to listen and feel God's presence (within and without) in the ordinary and the commonplace of life. Keep a record of your experiences of recognizing it in these situations.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fruits of the Spirit

Some readings related to the experiment this week on qualities of the Christ Consciousness.

Reading 1662-1:
25. First - patience, love, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness; speaking not of anyone in a resenting manner. For know, as He hath given, all power that is in the influence of an individual, a nation, a country, is only lent of the Lord as an opportunity for the individual according to that it has once purposed - or to carry forward that He hath willed respecting each soul!

Reading 5752-3:
19. Do that which is good, for there has been given in the consciousness of all the fruits of the spirit: Fellowship, kindness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, love; these be the fruits of the spirit. Against such there is no law.

Reading 281-16:
24. (Q) In what form does the anti-Christ come, spoken of in Revelation?

(A) In the spirit of that opposed to the spirit of truth. The fruits of the spirit of the Christ are love, joy, obedience, long-suffering, brotherly love, kindness. Against such there is no law. The spirit of hate, the anti-Christ, is contention strife, fault-finding, lovers of self, lovers of praise. Those are the anti-Christ, and take possession of groups, masses, and show themselves even in the lives of men.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/19/09

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: Eric

We read about a page and a half to close out the chapter on "The Open Door." Next week we start on "In His Presence."

For our experiment:
To your mind, what are the qualities of the Christ Consciousness? Write them down. Select one from your list to focus on for a week. Then choose and write down one area of your life in which there is special need to manifest that quality. Keep a record of situations in which you are successful in your attempts to express it in that part of your life.

Affirmation for Obtaining Desires

From Reading 462-8

(Q) What affirmation should I use to help coordinate myself and the Forces to obtain my desire?


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 10/13/09

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: Nancy

We covered three sections in "The Open Door" chapter. We have one section left to finish the chapter: "The Kingdom of the Father."

For our weekly experiment:
Look at life as being essentially good. Make choices each day for a week that reflect your belief that God is good and has as His deepest desire that good things would come to you. Record the decisions that you make from this point of view.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Incarnations of Jesus Christ according to EDGAR CAYCE

The following was posted on a blog called the Homeless Nation. There is more to this article about the incarnations and more on the life of Christ.

The Incarnations of Jesus Christ:

AMILIUS was the first expression of Divine Mind (the logos)the Keeper of UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE; the Christ soul before his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 1); the entity that Cayce described living in the lost civilization of Atlantis who redirected the process of human evolution by creating a more appropriate physical form for the influx of souls to incarnate into rather than incarnating into the ape-like human form which souls had entangled themselves in.

ADAM was the first "son of man" and "son of God"; the Christ soul after his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 2).

ENOCH was the antideluvian patriarch who journeyed to heaven to receive mysteries...later transform to ARCHANGEL METATRON.

HERMES, also known as THOTH, he was also the last KING of ATLANTIS, later he move to EGYPT, he was the architect of the Great Pyramid and the sage who began the Hermetic tradition.

MELCHIZEDEK was the mystical high priest and king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem).

JOSEPH was the son of Jacob who became the Prince of Egypt.

JOSHUA was the warrior who led the Israelites into the Promised Land.

ASAPH was the music director and seer who served under David and Solomon.

JESHUA was the high priest who helped organize the return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple (as recounted in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah) and who is claimed by Cayce to have compiled and translated the books of the Bible.

ZEND, also spelled "Zen", "Zan", "Sen", or "San," was the father of Zoroaster who wrote the Zend Avesta and founded the religion Zoroastrianism

JESUS was the man who attained complete "at-one-ment" as the divine-human unity known as "the Christ"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Edgar Cayce Diet

At our last meeting the subject of the Edgar Cayce diet came up, and what foods should or should not be eaten. According to Cayce, 80% of our diet should consist of alkaline-producing foods and the other 20% could be acid producing. The A.R.E has an online sheet that shows which foods fall into what categories.

In summary: Alkaline-Forming Foods (80% of the daily diet should contain these foods):
• All vegetables except dried beans, lentils, asparagus tips, and garbanzos.
• All fresh fruits except cranberries, plums, olives, prunes, and blueberries (preserves and canned fruits are usually acid-forming).
• Almonds, chestnuts, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts.

Acid-Forming Foods (20 % of the daily diet should contain these foods):
• All meats except beef juice and bone meal.
• All grains, cereals, and bakery products except for soybeans.
• All dairy except buttermilk, yogurt, raw milk and whey.
• Peanuts, pecans, and walnuts.

Certain food combinations are difficult to digest and may cause problems in the digestive system. Here is a brief list of food combinations to avoid:
• Two or more starchy foods at the same meal.
• Sugary foods and starchy foods.
• Milk and citrus fruit or juice.
• Cereals and citrus fruit or juice.
• Large quantities of starchy foods with meat or cheese.
• Coffee with milk or cream.
• Raw apples with other foods.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Celebration Metaphysical Fair

Friday: 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Daily Admission is $5.00

Readings are $20 for 20 minutes

221 E. Kiowa St., Colo. Springs

Lots of parking at the bus terminal across the street.
Click here for details.

Booth # 3 - ROBERT BLOND, Edgar Cayce Style Past Life Readings

I offer thorough past life readings that are of significance to present circumstances in one's life. These are done from the Akashic Records within the universal sub-conscious mind, similar to Edgar Cayce readings. These readings can aid you in having a deeper understanding of yourself and ways to create harmony in your life. Sedalia CO 303-688-8276

Monday, October 5, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/05/09

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: Greg

We began the chapter on "The Open Door." We read two sections and are ready to start on the one titled "How to Open the Door."

For our experiment:
Choose and write down something in your life that seems like a barrier to you (e.g., a problem in a relationship, a difficulty in meditation). Write down a constructive purpose which that barrier is serving (e.g., it is making me work hard on improving that relationship instead of taking it for granted; through this difficulty a particular positive quality is being awakened in me). During the week look for and respond to doorways that may open that barrier. Do not expect the barrier or difficulty to suddenly disappear, but be attentive to the ways in which the Christ Spirit is speaking to you through this situation. Keep a record of your experiences.

Barrier: I don't seem to be getting anywhere in meditation.

Purpose the barrier serves: Helps me to awaken the qualities of patience and persistence within myself.

Doorways: I became aware that what the Christ asks of me is to let go and let Him do the work in my meditations.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Directory of Edgar Cayce's Treatments

For sites dealing with Edgar Cayce's approach to treating specific diseases, visit the Directory of Edgar Cayce's Treatments.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another Cayce A.R.E. Blog

I discovered another A.R.E blog from New York City. It's called The Open Door ARE NYC. They even publish a quarterly newsletter.