The following was posted on a blog called the
Homeless Nation. There is more to this article about the incarnations and more on the life of Christ.
The Incarnations of Jesus Christ:
AMILIUS was the first expression of Divine Mind (the logos)the Keeper of UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE; the Christ soul before his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 1); the entity that Cayce described living in the lost civilization of Atlantis who redirected the process of human evolution by creating a more appropriate physical form for the influx of souls to incarnate into rather than incarnating into the ape-like human form which souls had entangled themselves in.
ADAM was the first "son of man" and "son of God"; the Christ soul after his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 2).
ENOCH was the antideluvian patriarch who journeyed to heaven to receive mysteries...later transform to ARCHANGEL METATRON.
HERMES, also known as THOTH, he was also the last KING of ATLANTIS, later he move to EGYPT, he was the architect of the Great Pyramid and the sage who began the Hermetic tradition.
MELCHIZEDEK was the mystical high priest and king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem).
JOSEPH was the son of Jacob who became the Prince of Egypt.
JOSHUA was the warrior who led the Israelites into the Promised Land.
ASAPH was the music director and seer who served under David and Solomon.
JESHUA was the high priest who helped organize the return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple (as recounted in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah) and who is claimed by Cayce to have compiled and translated the books of the Bible.
ZEND, also spelled "Zen", "Zan", "Sen", or "San," was the father of Zoroaster who wrote the Zend Avesta and founded the religion Zoroastrianism
JESUS was the man who attained complete "at-one-ment" as the divine-human unity known as "the Christ"