Monday, July 27, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/27/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: Eric

We finished the chapter on "Faith." Next week we start "Virtue and Understanding."

Our experiment for the coming week is:
Select an area of your life in which you wish to experience greater faith. If you have not already set ideals for that part of your life, be sure to do this before continuing with the experiment. Write an affirmation for your mind to use in daily life. This affirmation should express the nature of your ideals and be used whenever necessary each day to awaken the experience of faith. Each day have a period of reverie and imagination concerning the application of these ideals. Also be sure to have a daily prayer and meditation period. This is a specific threefold experiment from the readings that links our understanding of ideals to our experience of faith. Record any meaningful experiences that arise from the application of this approach.
We now have added light going out to half the group (and more if you count Don and Ginger). There's Sylvia and John, but also start sending healing energy to Cindi in the area of her kidneys. Cindi will be out the next two weeks, so maybe we can fix the problem before she returns.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/20/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: John

Started the chapter on "Faith." Next week we start at the section "How Faith is Developed."

You have a choice of two experiments:
As a step towards a deeper awareness of faith, try to awaken the consciousness that you are a timeless being--that all which you desire in spirtual unfoldment and fulfillment will come to you. If you have asked for something in His name and then find yourself doubting or impatient, use this affirmation in your daily life to re-orient your mind to faith: "As a spiritual being, I am forever. All I have asked in His name will be fulfilled." Record the situations in which you are able to use this affirmation in a helpful way.
Be aware of instances each day in which you feel a sense of confidence (either in some quality of your own, in some condition in the material world, or in some other person). Don't deny the good feeling that may come with such a sense of confidence; instead, build upon it by affirming the source of this which is good in you or your life. Record each day those situations in which you are able to make this recognition.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/13/09

We finished the chapter on "What is My Ideal," but before we start the chapter on "Faith" next week, Cindi wants us to read the "What is My Ideal" chapter in the "Experiments in a Search for God" book.

Then we are to apply the last experiment, which reads:
Choose one of your mental or physical ideals which you have set. Each day be aware of instances in which others are able to manifest that ideal (e.g., if you choose "kindness" you would look for situations where others were expressing kindness). As you are aware of a person expressing the ideal, affirm that this quality is also within you or you would not have noticed him maninfesting it. Record the person's name and the situation each time you complete this experiment.

Friday, July 10, 2009


I looked up another Cayce quote to a study group member that said:

27. (Q) [538]:
(A) Let mercy and justice be thy watchword rather than judgment upon others. For "Judge not that ye be not judged" is the same as saying show mercy to those that are wayward, to those that are awkward, to those that are unkind, to those that are rude - if you would have God show these to you. For in thy awkwardness, in thy stumbling, ye oft find fault in thine self. Do not judge thyself. Let God's mercy and love rule thee.

It sounds like the adage "Hate the sin, but love the sinner." Maybe we can judge anything except another soul. But if that other soul commits murder, I would like justice to be carried out. (As long as the justice is carried out mercifully.)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Judgment and Dimensions

A message from Cindi:

Fellow Explorers of the Truth:

I just read The Soul Truth, information given by Theo (12 archangels), channeled through Sheila Gillette. There were 2 topics we mentioned last Monday.

1. Judgment

It is no one's responsibility or ability to judge another's soul's experience. For the soul chooses perfectly what is appropriate for its growth. Those who would judge another don't know the soul's purpose. Correct? They are judging another's path by their own fear-based emotion, their own fear-based intellectual thinking, not from a soulful or mindful place, not from a fully integrated place. If one is fully integrated in themselves and taking full responsibility for themselves, they would not want to judge another, they would not be going outside themselves to judge another, thinking it their responsibility.

2. Dimensions

There are twelve dimensions that are about this earth plane: the third being that which is the physical structure, as you know; the fourth being an awakening to spirit, the fifth being a full implementation of the interaction on the total soul level. And, as this is achieved, there is the sixth, which will be expressed and experienced in the physical structure, which is more shifts of consciousness and a higher vibrational frequency that allows beings to be fully expressing their full spirit upon the earth, and all the modalities of healing, and all the modalities of awareness that are inherent in the experience of a full Soul Integration. The other dimensions are etheric and will be expressed out of the body.

Question: When we are out of our body in the astral plane, what dimension are we experiencing?
Answer: In the astral, that would be the seventh.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/6/09

We finished the "Know Thyself" chapter.

The part Eric wants us to think about is:
"Be what you seem. Live your creed. Hold up to earth the torch divine. Be what you pray to be made. Let the Master Jesus' steps be thine."

For the experiment:

At the end of the day review the things you have done with others. Try to step outside yourself for a moment and imagine how other people understood the things you did. What would they likely have assumed your ideals or standards are from having observed your actions? Write down the ways they might possibly have perceived you. Work each day to let your actions express to others what your ideals really are.