Reader: Eric
We finished the chapter on "Faith." Next week we start "Virtue and Understanding."
Our experiment for the coming week is:
Select an area of your life in which you wish to experience greater faith. If you have not already set ideals for that part of your life, be sure to do this before continuing with the experiment. Write an affirmation for your mind to use in daily life. This affirmation should express the nature of your ideals and be used whenever necessary each day to awaken the experience of faith. Each day have a period of reverie and imagination concerning the application of these ideals. Also be sure to have a daily prayer and meditation period. This is a specific threefold experiment from the readings that links our understanding of ideals to our experience of faith. Record any meaningful experiences that arise from the application of this approach.We now have added light going out to half the group (and more if you count Don and Ginger). There's Sylvia and John, but also start sending healing energy to Cindi in the area of her kidneys. Cindi will be out the next two weeks, so maybe we can fix the problem before she returns.