Monday, January 27, 2025

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/27/25

Leader: Cindi

The whole group was back at work on the Cooperation chapter. After recounting our experiments from the previous week, we went on to read and discuss three sections in the Experiments book. We are up to page 24 of the book.

Experiment: Choose and write down a habit pattern that is especially characteristic of your own limited, ego self. Pray each day that as your real self you may let loose of your involvement with that pattern. Cultivate an attitude of openness to His healing for this part of your life. At the end of each day, record any situations during the day where you experienced losing this particular limited sense of self.

Monday, January 20, 2025

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/20/25

Leader: Cindi
A full house of Cayce students met to finish reading the Search for God chapter on Cooperation. We began reading the Experiments book and read the first two experiments. We are on page 20 of the Experiments book.
Live with the awareness that what you are thinking is actually creating and is very real. At the end of each day, review your thought patterns. Record those that you feel were especially constructive or helpful. Without a sense of self-condemnation, record those that you feel were not consistent with your ideals.

Monday, January 13, 2025

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/13/25

Leader: Cindi
A quartet of questioners met and finished the Cayce Bible Study Minutes parallelling Cooperation. We started the Search for God Book I chapter on Cooperation and read up to the section “Realization of Cooperation.”
Let us replace our negative thoughts with positive ones, thinking not unkindly of anyone but speaking and thinking kindly of all. Let us practice thinking kind thoughts of those who have hurt us, letting no opportunity pass to do a little act of kindness that will lighten the burden of another.

Monday, January 6, 2025

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/6/25

Leader: Greg (for Cindi)
A trinity of attendees met to further our discussion of the Cayce Bible Study Minutes parallelling Cooperation. A very good discussion was held on biblical concepts from the 3rd chapter of Genesis, leading into the fourth chapter. The main topic was related to Cain and Abel and the Garden. We made it to the top of page 14 in the Bible Study Minutes which discusses chapter four of Genesis.
This week, look for things that are harmonizing, rather than conflicting, in our work with groups and individuals.