Alpha (you are praying to yourself), I am praying to you. Thank you, Alpha, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, Alpha, for doing all that I have done to you.
Monday, December 30, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/30/24
Alpha (you are praying to yourself), I am praying to you. Thank you, Alpha, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, Alpha, for doing all that I have done to you.
Monday, December 23, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/23/24
Alpha (you are praying to yourself), I am praying to you. Thank you, Alpha, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, Alpha, for doing all that I have done to you.
Monday, December 16, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/16/24
Monday, December 9, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/9/24
Leader: John
Five joyous Cayce students met to continue their slow spiritual growth. We did not get to the Cayce bible study minutes, but instead discussed God-guided decisions that came during the week, and also showed some of what was discussed in the International Cayce Conference put on by the Contemporary Cayce of Canada group.
Experiment: Refrain from comparing yourself to others because that belittles us. Take this week to examine how we have improved ourselves and grown from the past to the present.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Ancient Timeline
4.6 Billion Years Beginning of the Earth Experience.
“When the morning stars sang before the present together and all the sons and daughters of God shouted for joy announcing the advent of man into material existence.” (2441-4)
The first soul influx into the ancient Pacific Ocean happened before the present continent of Mu, or Lemuria. The records found in a cave in China referred to this ancient land as the Motherland Mu.
The second soul influx into improved bodies began before the present in Mu, or Lemuria.
Atlantis begins with the influx of souls onto the ancient Atlantic Ocean continent of Atlantis for the purpose of correcting everything that had gone wrong.
The third improvement upon a physical form for the souls to inhabit begins. The Logos, Son of God, enters to help all souls. Up to this point bodies have been female and male in one. The Logos divides its two united genders into separate beings, Amilius and Lilith. Lilith is dominant, as are all females at this time. Feminine rule begins around the planet and lasts until the Great Flood. After the Great Flood, the masculine begins to dominant and rule.
God decides to wash the slate clean and begin again (Genesis 6).
A new and improved body is developed to help souls better evolve through this entrapment in matter. It is the Adamic body. The Logos again enters and separates its genders into Adam and Eve. This pattern occurs in five places on the planet at once: the White Race in the Caucasus, the Black in the Sudan, Nubia; the Yellow in the Gobi, the Brown in the eastern portions of the remnant of Mu, the Andes mountain range; and the Red in the remnant of Atlantis.
Most notable are the Giza plateau in Egypt, the Golden Temple in the Gobi, temples and pyramids in Yucatan, mounds in North America, even temples that eventually sink are built in Atlantis and Mu. The Giza monuments, especially the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, are constructed during this period. The Great Pyramid takes one hundred years to complete.
The only remaining island of Poseidia sinks. All remnant groups from Atlantis have migrated to the shores of North America (today these are the Iroquois), to the Pyrenees Mountains (today these are the Basque), to the Yucatan Peninsula, and to Egypt. Only tiny little islands remain from Mu’s destruction. Many of the Lemurians migrated to Asia, North and South America, while even some went as far away as India.
He explained that record in the pyramid “is from that as recorded from the journey to Pyrenees [the escape from sinking Atlantis]; and to 1998 from the death of the Son of Man as a man.” (378-14) From Cayce’s perspective, the year 1998 was a “milestone” in the journey of our souls. It marked the beginning to a New Age, an age of enlightenment and rapid soul growth. The biblical book of Revelation identifies this age as being a time when “Satan is bound” and lasting roughly 1,000 years. Cayce also correlated the beginning of this New Age with a shifting of the Earth poles, something scientists have recently confirmed. The magnetic poles of the Earth are in the process of shifting, a process that began around 1998.
Monday, December 2, 2024
A.R.E. Meeting for 12/2/24
Leader: Greg (for John)
Four curious Cayce students continued to compare Genesis bible verses with the Cayce bible study readings that parallel the Search for God topic on Cooperation. We read up to the top of page 8, “Notes, from the minutes of January 12, 1939.”
Experiment: When faced with decisions during the week, stop and ask yourself, "What would God have me do?"