Monday, October 30, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/30/23

Leader: Cindi
The Holy Five started Chapter 2, “The Psychology of the Soul and Spirit,” in the Essential Edgar Cayce book. We discussed personality and individuality and read up to the reading on page 101.
Experiment: Work with your individuality, or your higher self, to discover and apply our purpose daily. This can be done with meditation and prayer. Personality is concerned with “our own needs” while individuality is concerned with “the greater good” and honors the “needs of others.”

Monday, October 23, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/23/23

Leader: Cindi
The inquisitive quintuplets met, but changed the format of the meeting for the night. After discussing the experiment for the week, the topic changed to Kryon. We watched a 29-minute video called “Disabling Darkness,” and followed it with discussion.
Force yourself to do some unpleasant things that you haven’t wanted to do once in a while, and like it!

Monday, October 16, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/16/23

Leader: Cindi

An inquiring quintet met this week to finish Chapter 1 of The Essential Edgar Cayce book. This week was the discussion of good and evil. We are up to page 97 and ready to begin Chapter 2 (The Psychology of the Soul and Spirit) next week.
We are already aware of what it means to work towards the light. This week, be aware of what we are actually doing, so that we can make progress and not regress.

Monday, October 9, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/9/23

Leader: Cindi
The Holy Five met again to finish the reading in the Philosophy chapter of The Essential Edgar Cayce book. We are up to page 88.
Use Him (Jesus) as the Ideal this week. Think how He was sociable, loving, tired, yet strong by that power in Christ. Attempt to follow the fruits of the spirit.

Monday, October 2, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/2/23

Leader: Cindi
A quintuple of Cayce enthusiasts started the meeting with a discussion of ideals, followed by revealing why each meditated.  Afterwards, we continued in the Philosophy chapter of The Essential Edgar Cayce book. We are in the first reading and up to page 83.
Goals are the “what” and ideals are the “why.” This week we should use our ideal to consciously become aware of the reasons we react as we do.