Monday, July 31, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/31/23

Leader: June
Six selfless souls finished Book III during significant rain and hail. Next week we will begin our study with “The Essential Edgar Cayce.” Please reach out if you need a copy of the book. Our experiment for the week is:
Experiment: Meditate this week and send out the energy of hope for complete world peace, so that what we are experiencing now will be the last war. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/24/23

Leader: June
Five Cayce followers met to continue the last chapter of Book III (This Day Choose Thou). We read the sections “Choice is Determined Through the Exercise of Will,” “Life is Determined Through the Elements of Choice,” “Now is the Acceptable Time,” with subsections “Procrastination Builds Karma, “The World Needs People Who Are Unafraid,” and “The Field is Ready.” Our experiment is:
Choose to be more selfless each day. Practice more love and humility. Avoid selfishness (personal glory), advancement, self-aggrandizement (power), self-promotion (gain in wealth, etc.), and knowledge for the sake of ego (to be exalted).

Monday, July 17, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/17/23

Leader: June

Five discerning choosers met to start the last chapter of Book III (This Day Choose Thou). We read the Introduction and the section named “Choice Shows Growth—Physical, Mental, Spiritual). We channeled the following experiment:

Experiment: Be aware of your choices day-by-day because they are a sign of our growth—mentally, physically, spiritually. “Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only” is an expression showing the result of choice.

Monday, July 10, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/10/23

Leader: June

Six sincere spirits finished Chapter III (Man’s Relationship to Man) from the SFG Book III. Thanks to Cindi for keeping the meeting going when Zoom imposed a 10-minute wait before we could resume the meeting. The experiment for the week came from the last paragraph of page 34:

Experiment: Children of the promise must always look for the God-like qualities of Christ in their fellow man. As we learn to do this, more and more flaws in our brother will fade away, and we will behold only that which is Good.

Monday, July 3, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/3/23

Leader: June

Six proponents for the Cayce teachings read from the SFG Book III in Chapter III (Man’s Relationship to Man). We continued to read from the section titled “The Growth of Man’s Relationship to Man.” The experiment for the week came from page 31, and is:

Experiment: So live the life as He emulated in the earth, that ye radiate life, joy, peace! that which casteth out fear—by living, by being, by doing unto others, for others, that ye would like others to do unto you.