Monday, April 24, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/24/23

Leader: Greg (for Cindi)

Five developing energies gathered to study more on God-Love-Man from Book III. Our experiments brought out much discussion on dogs and diet. We finished the video on God-Love-Man that we had been watching, and there was a parallel between the video and our book on the Comforter (Holy Ghost). The disciples of Jesus did not want him to go, because they wanted him to stay and continue to answer their questions. They did not realize that they had the capability to find answers if they would only look within. This was also mentioned in the one section we read: “God’s Love for Man.” So our experiment is:

Experiment: Be aware that the Comforter (Holy Ghost) is always with us and meets us in the Holy of holies. Go within (reflection, meditation, and prayer) this next week when you have a need for an answer.

Monday, April 17, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/17/23

Leader: Cindi
Six energy beings continued their study of God-Love-Man in Book III. We continued watching the YouTube video ( and are up to the 1 hour and 5-minute mark. We then went on to read the first two sections of the book, which were the “Introduction” and “God.”
We came up with the following experiment for the week, based on the last sentence on page 13:
Experiment: As we come across hardships, fears, and drama during the week, do not consider these as being negatives, but as opportunities and stepping stones for growth.

Monday, April 10, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/10/23

Leader: Cindi

Four seeking souls began the Book III chapter on Love-God-Man. We started with a video on this lesson, where we saw two interesting quotes:
Quote 1: If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies how very different our ideals of beauty would be.
Quote 2: If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care. -Marvin J Ashton.

We left the YouTube video ( at the 38-minute mark. We then read the two readings (262-129 and 262-130) that were given for this chapter.

From the first quote above, we came up with an experiment for the week:

During the week, try to see those we interact with as a soul, as God would see them. Does it change our interaction with those we meet?

Monday, April 3, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/3/23

Leader: Cindi

Only three were present for our meeting, but the force was great with us. We finished the chapter on “Righteousness vs Sin.” One part we read was about how we determine whether we are doing right, like Paul persecuting the Christians. “…when we are called into service and there is sincerity toward the Ideal, we will be shown, will be awakened, will be aware of God’s purpose with us even as Paul was.” The experiment is:
Experiment: Use opportunities during the week to be of service to others while applying our Ideals with sincerity. It is the “try” that is often counted as righteousness. In that way, if there is any doubt, we should be shown what we are doing is correct.