Monday, January 30, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/30/23

Leader: June

All six were guided by June through the ritual of reciting our weekly experiments, reading the SFG book, and doing a meditation. In the Spirit chapter of the SFG book we read the sections “Time, Space and Patience” and “Self the Barrier.” The next two experiments are:

Experiment 1: Pick one group of which you are a member. Do your part to apply the three ingredients of fostering trans-individual group consciousness (common ideal, harmony, and working together).

 Experiment 2: Use the first few minutes of each new day to get started with the right consciousness.

Monday, January 23, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/23/23

Leader: June

Three held down the fort while we waited for a fourth to form our quartet. After discussing our experiment, we listened to a Cayce video on spirit. We did not read from the red book, but read two experiments.

 Experiment 1: Remember each day that growth toward God can happen in whatever state or mood you find yourself. When you feel down, revise your expectations for yourself. Keep your efforts pointed in the direction of your idea, but take smaller steps.

  Experiment 2: Make it a discipline as many times as you can throughout the day to remember your real self. Take note of your free will. Continually try to move yourself from living as if you were in a dream to living as if you were truly conscious.

Monday, January 16, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/16/23

Leader: June
Six somewhat litigious souls met to continue our journey into the chapter on Spirit. We read the section on “God’s Projection.” Our experiment for the week is:
Experiment: Whom have you made into a god in your life? For each person you can name, write down what single emotional reaction you have upon seeing or thinking about that person. Try exploring some different ways of reacting to each of those individuals. Rediscover that there really is just one force, although there are many ways you can use it in that relationship.

Monday, January 9, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/9/23

Leader: June

Six of the Cayce crowd started the last chapter in Book II on “Spirit.” John is still experiencing video problems and had to drop from our Zoom call. We read the “Introduction,” “In the Beginning,” and “Man’s Projection.” We discussed going to Book III when we finish this last chapter. Our experiment for the week is:

Experiment: Be alert for signs of the spirit of our changing times. Try to act and think in such a way that you cooperate with and help to build a new world. Be especially aware of how to talk to others about the challenges and difficulties of the times. Let your words bespeak the consciousness of hope.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Finding and Living Your Purpose


From a blog post by Cindy Griffith-Bennett titled "Using Ideals to Find Your Purpose" dated 7 December 2018.


  1. Think of someone you respectThey don’t have to be alive, you don’t need to have known them or even met them. The person could be a character in a book or comic strip.
  2. Think about why you respect him or herI think of my sister Gray and her Husband John and how they moved their family for three years from Australia to the USA just to help my parents. I also respect Jesus because he was kind to people that others judged as bad.
  3. Make a list of the qualities you respect. The qualities you respect in others are the qualities that resonate with you.
  4. These qualities are a part of your purposeSo, in my example, I would see part of my purpose being “Family” and “Kindness.”

Okay, so now that you have your purpose, how can you start living it? Since Ideals and Purpose are aligned, here is what Edgar Cayce recommended to help you implement your Ideals. He said that it’s important to have the right head space or mental qualities to help you live your Ideal in your life. He then recommended making a list of the actual things you can do to put your Ideal in action. So, there are two more steps in living a purpose-filled life.


  1. Think of what mental qualities might help you. I need patience when dealing with my Mom and I need mindfulness to remember to be kind.
  2. Now make a list of HOW you can put your purpose into your daily life. I daily help my Mom take care of her finances, and I practice being kind to people by finding ways every day to help people feel good about themselves.
  3. Do what is on your list, and you are well on your way to fulfilling your purpose!

Monday, January 2, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/2/23

Leader: June

Five happy students welcomed the new year and finished the chapter on Happiness. There was a discussion of friendship and we watched more of the Arizona SFG YouTube video on Happiness. Our experiment for the week is: 

Make special efforts to sow seeds of good in the lives of others. Do not be concerned whether or not you will be around to observe the results.