Monday, December 26, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/26/22

Leader: Greg (for Sylvia)

We welcomed Scott, the prodigal son, back into the group. We totaled five as we continued our lesson on Happiness. There was a discussion on parables and the Catholic church, followed by the reading of one experiment. Afterwards, we watched 40 minutes of a Cayce video on Happiness. Our experiment for the week is: 

Experiment: Write down physical and mental ideals for your relationship with yourself when it fails. Try using and applying these ideals as a way of minimizing feelings of discouragement with yourself.

Monday, December 19, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/19/22

Leader: June (for Sylvia)
Four unpretentious peacemakers continued our lesson on Happiness. We read the last half of the second section: “Who Are Happy?” and the next section, “When Are We Happy?” That resulted in two more experiments:
Experiment 1: Observe the moments in which you let the turmoils and uneasiness of these times get to you. It may be the hectic pace or the continual state of things changing. Whenever you begin to feel troubled or tense that certain things may be blocked which you feel you need to get done, then use the affirmation: “If God needs me to get this thing done, He will provide the means.” Let the affirmation lift you to a new attitude of faith, trust and happiness about your life.
Experiment 2:  Focus for several days on especially trying to make choices which you intuitively feel are the ones which reflect God’s will for your life. Make use of your own sense of fulfillment, rightness and happiness as a criterion for evaluating the choices you have made.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Leader: Sylvia
Four joyous Cayce followers continued our lesson on Happiness. We read half of the second section: “Who Are Happy?” That was enough to cover the next two experiments:
Experiment 1: Make an effort to be more unpretentious and quiet in your daily affairs. Ask others about themselves and turn the limelight away from you.
Experiment 2:  Work with an attitude of surrender in relation to the various people in your life whom you love. Grant them (by your words and your actions) a sense of freedom to grow in the way they think best. Put their relations with themselves before their relationship with you.

Monday, December 5, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/5/22

Leader: Sylvia
All six attendees found joy in starting a new chapter on Happiness. We read the Affirmation and the first section: “What is Happiness?” This was enough to give us one experiment:
Experiment: Bring God into the happy moments of your life. During the day, when you have periods of feeling happy, remember the role that God is always playing in your life. With this recognition and remembrance, or with the words of a short prayer, be thankful.