Monday, September 26, 2022
A.R.E. Meeting for 9/26/22
Monday, September 19, 2022
A.R.E. Meeting for 9/19/22
Monday, September 12, 2022
A.R.E. Meeting for 9/12/22
Leader: Greg (for John)
Four sincere students gathered to finish the chapter on “Destiny of the Soul.” Since we had already covered the material in the SFG book, we studied and discussed the last three experiments.
Experiment 1: Work on being more sincere in your relationship with others, with God, and with yourself. Be clear about your singleness of purpose in relationships. Demonstrate more clearly to others just what that purpose is.
Experiment 2: Measure and evaluate self, loved ones and problem people in your life with the same process-oriented standards. What are the specific types for which you find yourself being judgmental of others? Even though some may come more easily for you, what are your own areas of challenge and struggle? If you need to evaluate how others are doing in their areas of weakness, make your comparisons based on the same standard of how well you are doing with your own unique areas that need growth.
Experiment 3: Especially at the material level try using what is already at hand to meet new needs which arise. Use your creativity and ingenuity to discover a greater variety of potential in the resources which you already have.
Monday, September 5, 2022
A.R.E. Meeting for 9/5/22
Leader: John
Five students avoided damnation this week by studying “The Destiny of the Soul.” We completed reading the chapter in the SFG book and have two experiments:
Experiment 1: Select a resentment you have been holding for something which another person said or did to you. What aspect of your self-image was undermined or called into question by what the person did? As a tool to make forgiveness easier and more natural, do some specific thing to strengthen that particular part of your self-image.
Experiment 2: If you find yourself being disappointed in conditions or others, change your attitude by using this affirmation: “For every apparent disappointment, God has an appointment for me with something greater” and look for the gift that can come your way with a change of attitude and new receptivity.