Monday, April 25, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/25/22

Leader: Cindi
The regular seven attended our discussion of “Desire,” and we read the next section of our SFG book: “Mental Desires.” We also listened to Elsie Sechrist and Judith Stevens discuss the chapter on an old recording.
In the Experiments book, we read one this week:
Replace desires to appear better than others. Try to hold in mind a deeper desire of the soul to know its equality with all other souls. Try to say something good about another.

Monday, April 18, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/18/22

Leader: Cindi
It took a little while to reach a quorum, but eventually, five of us signed in. We started the chapter on “Desire” and read the Introduction and the next section “Physical Desires.” We then went to the Experiments book and read the first two experiments.
Experiment 1: Be aware of how you are using your will and observe that by your choices you are strengthening certain desires. Try to make choices that will reinforce those desires which lead you closer to your ideal.
Example: Choose to take an evening walk rather than have dessert, etc.
Experiment 2:
Be aware each day of how past desire patterns have created or led you to specific conditions which you count as blessings. Use this remembrance as an aid to keep a hopeful attitude toward the future fulfillment of spiritual desires you now hold.

Monday, April 11, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/11/22

 Leader: Cindi

Five knowledge-hungry seekers met and completed the chapter God the Father and His Manifestations in the Earth, both in the SFG book and in the Experiments book. We also listened to a 20-minute recording with Judith Stevens and Elsie Sechrist holding a discussion on the chapter.
The last two experiments in the chapter are:
Experiment 1: In your efforts to be sympathetic and supportive of others—“to meet our fellow men in their own condition”—try to widen your circle of responsibility. What kind of person or problem do you avoid? Reach out and be supportive beyond the limit of what your habit or tendency would be. As a byproduct, what did you learn about yourself from having done this?
Experiment 2:
Make it a discipline to smile frequently, communicating to others your sense of hope and joy about life. If there are times when you don’t feel like it, try smiling occasionally and see if the consciousness follows the action.

Monday, April 4, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/4/22

Leader: Cindi
Eventually, seven surrogate gods came together to study the SFG chapter God the Father and His Manifestations. Cindi started off the meeting by reading from Kryon, whom she found interesting after being brought up the week before by Sylvia. We then reviewed our experiments for the week.
In the SFG book we read the last section, “We Are Manifestations of God.” We then read the next two experiments:
Experiment 1: Select one area of your life in which you often feel tempted. It may be a temptation to act in a certain way or to hold particular thoughts or feelings. Try to look upon the situation as a way in which you are challenged: “Will you use the resources which you have available to benefit (or please) just yourself or yourself and others?” Then try to act in such a way that benefits are derived by the greater whole.
Example: When you feel tempted to eat more, consider how that resource can best be used to benefit the whole. If you are just going to eat to please yourself, then wait. However, if that food represents energy you need now in order to be about the work of living and serving others, then you have affirmed a purposefulness to your action.
Experiment 2: Try living your life as a recognition that you are Jesus’ friend, not just an obedient servant.
Example: Be a friend to someone who needs a friend. Offer to go for a walk, have lunch with or simply listen to someone.