(Q) Are there books from which one may study numerology?
(A) NUMBERS of same! But best study as you would your own A.B.C's.
One - the all power.
Two - divided.
Three - the strength of One and the weakness of Two.
Four - the greater weakness in all its associations and powers.
Five - a change imminent, ever, in the activities of whatever influence with which it may be associated.
Six - the strength of a Three, with a helpful influence.
Seven - the spiritual forces that are activative or will be the activative influences in the associations of such an influence.
Eight - a money number.
Nine - the change.
Ten - back to One again.
These in their correlated influences as you will find in your own experience, and we will see these are but signs. Study in some of these, but turn most to the influence of the force of the One within self.”
- Edgar Cayce Reading 261-14