Wednesday, March 30, 2022


(Q) Are there books from which one may study numerology?

(A) NUMBERS of same! But best study as you would your own A.B.C's.
One - the all power.
Two - divided.
Three - the strength of One and the weakness of Two.
Four - the greater weakness in all its associations and powers.
Five - a change imminent, ever, in the activities of whatever influence with which it may be associated.
Six - the strength of a Three, with a helpful influence.
Seven - the spiritual forces that are activative or will be the activative influences in the associations of such an influence.
Eight - a money number.
Nine - the change.
Ten - back to One again.
These in their correlated influences as you will find in your own experience, and we will see these are but signs. Study in some of these, but turn most to the influence of the force of the One within self.”
- Edgar Cayce Reading 261-14

Monday, March 28, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/28/22

Leader: John
Six students attended our study group tonight. We thank John for closing out the month as the leader. Next month, Cindi is scheduled for that role.
We discussed our two experiments for last week. Sylvia happened to mention the learning she has been receiving from listening to Kryon at We then started in the Experiments book and read the next two:
Experiment 1: Replace any thoughts that God may be punishing you or making you repay an old wrong, with the understanding that it is mankind that chooses the way of trial and suffering. Pick an area of your life where there tends to be some suffering on your part (physically, mentally, emotionally) and see if you can determine what lesson it is teaching you. Then see if you can find some way to put that lesson into application through loving and serving others.
Experiment 2: Observe how you evaluate the greatness of others. Work at recognizing and reinforcing (or reflecting) greatness in the lives of ordinary people who give of themselves and love.
In the SFG book, in the God the Father and His Manifestations chapter, we read one section: “Perfect Manifestations in the Earth.”
Prayers and healing go out to Cindi this week and after, who has some kind of growth on her left femur and will soon receive a bone scan.

Monday, March 21, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/21/22

Leader: John
Six sacred souls seeking attunement forged ahead in the chapter God, the Father, and His Manifestations in the Earth. We read the sections “God the Father” and “The Manifestations of the Father in the Earth.” Eric turned us on to a topic being discussed with a link to the circulating file FAIRIES, ELVES, ELEMENTALS, GNOMES. In the Experiments book, we read the next two experiments for the week:
Experiment 1: Practice true consistency in your relationships to self, others and God. Consider the things you do repeatedly—by habit—and try to bring conscious awareness to them: awareness of the purpose for which you are doing them and awareness of how the things you are doing relate to the whole. For example, on my drive to work in the morning I will be aware of people and places. I will be conscious of why I have chosen to go to the place of work which I do. I will be aware of the part I play in this rush-hour traffic and cooperate to help get people safely to work.
Experiment 2: Explore in your own life what it means to be patient and forgiving and yet still be able to “be angry and sin not.” Act on anger instead of in anger.

Monday, March 14, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/14/22

Leader: Group Combo (for John)
Five spiritual die-hards met to start the new chapter on God, the Father, and His Manifestations in the Earth. We read the chapter Introduction and the section “The Great Question.” Our experiment for this week is:
Experiment: Make a list of ways that you seek God (e.g., meditation, prayer, dreams, physical attunement procedures, reading material, giving to other people). Select a category which you realize has become rather rigid or habitual—that is, much of the spirit and creativity associated with it is now missing. Try a new way of form or procedure for seeking God in that area.

Monday, March 7, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/7/22

Leader: John
Five apodictic seekers met to examine our light and dark sides and judge our lives by results. We discussed the experiments from last week, and then finished the “Day and Night” chapter in both the SFG book and the Experiments book. Our experiment for this week is:
Experiment: Try relating to a specific dark, confusing or suffering side of your life in a new way. Nurture a sense of appreciation for difficult or confusing times. Try to step aside and observe things as part of a greater process and find yourself with more patience with others in their periods of darkness because you understand its role in the greater process.