Monday, January 31, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/31/22

 Leader: Greg

Six seeking opportunistic souls gathered to finish the chapter on Opportunity. We all discussed the experiment for last week about handling different people and situations with different types of love and service. We followed our discussion with completing the reading of both the SFG book and Experiments book on Opportunity. Next month we start the chapter on Day and Night.
We have one experiment: Select a current difficult life experience. Write down in your journal: (a) exactly what is most difficult for you about this, (b) what new state of consciousness you are challenged to develop, and (c) what symbolic images you recognize.

Monday, January 24, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/24/22

Leader: Greg

Seven spiritual students found opportunities to find His Presence in several sections of the SFG book. We read “Our Opportunities Should Be Met in Patience,” “The Open Door Is the Way into Greater Fields of Opportunity,” and “It Is an Opportunity to Realize His Presence.”
We have one experiment: Be aware of how different situations and persons require different types of love and service. Try to be especially sensitive to appropriateness in your service to others.
We ended our session with a Judith Stevens (A.R.E.) guided meditation and marveled at the ability of an artist to draw four portraits at the same time with four different limbs.

Monday, January 17, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/17/22

Leader: Greg

Five healthy, happy opportunistic seekers met to discuss how we were able to serve this week. June sent us two Unity Daily Word lessons that we used to reinforce the lesson. We read two sections from the SFG book: “Opportunities Found in Fellowship” and “Opportunities Are Recognized Through Virtue and Understanding.” We had a discussion of several Edgar Cayce books and did a search with to see if they were listed and available to borrow. Scott also asked about books by Lynn V. Andrews who teaches shamanistic practices. Our experiment for this week is:
Experiment: Do good for others but allow the good which by law will return to you to come from whatever source God chooses. Observe that it will not necessarily come back from the same person to whom you have done good. Keep a written account of unexpected happenings.
With a few minutes at the end of our meeting, we watched clips of a Judith Stevens (A.R.E.) meditation that had a different chant and incorporated some breathing into the head and neck exercises.

Monday, January 10, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/10/22

Leader: Greg

Six Cayce fanatics (as opposed to college football fanatics) considered it an opportunity to meet and improve our lots in life. A lot of effort went into some of the experiments during the week, which were quite insightful. We listened to an old 20-minute ARE dialog between Judith Stevens and Elsie Sechrist about opportunity.
We read one experiment, which is:

Make special efforts to help others through opportunities for growth which you yourself have recently experienced. Do not be “preachy” but rather be supportive and help others have faith. Begin to pray regularly for such people. Call, write a note or offer in some loving way to be with your friend in his or her time of need.

Monday, January 3, 2022

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/3/22

Leader: Greg

Five joyous celebrants welcomed the first session of the new year. Everyone seemed to have traditions they followed that should bring us health and good cheer through the year. In the Opportunity chapter of the SFG book, we read the section “Faith Helps Us Grasp Opportunity.” In the Experiments book, we read the next two:
Experiment 1: Practice a sense of release, of turning things over to God. Ask for His help frequently. Do the best you can, but know (and live as you know) that by yourself nothing can be accomplished of real value. Write and use as needed your own “release affirmation” such as: “I release this person or situation into the hands of God, trusting that He will bring to both of us that which is most needed.”
Experiment 2:  Do not let fear of failure deter you from doing acts of love or service which are in keeping with your spiritual ideal. Approach life with a boldness that is not afraid to appear foolish. Seek opportunities to risk. Affirm: “I am capable of doing well all that comes to me to do.”
Thanks to Cindi for providing the link for our meditation music.