Monday, December 27, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/27/21

Leader: June
Seven shared an opportunity to keep the Christmas spirit among the group alive through the magic of Zoom. We even had one in Montana and another in New Jersey. In the SFG Book II Opportunity chapter, we read “A Knowledge of Self Helps Us To Recognize More Opportunities,” and “The Higher the Ideal the Greater Are the Opportunities.” We discussed how some people do good, like inventors, but do not see the true results of their endeavors during their lifetime. We seemed to resonate with part of reading 373-2: “Do ever in self that thou knowest to be right, though it may make of self even an outcast to thine neighbor.”
In the Experiments book, we have a choice of two:
Experiment 1: Whenever you find yourself restless or disenchanted with a current situation, become aware of how it has been particularly created for you here and now because it perfectly meets your need for that experience. Thank the Father for it.
Experiment 2: Focus on doing the little things of daily life well and with love. Choose one “little” thing, such as beginning the day with a prayer of gratitude, smiling, offering to help another.
We thank June for her leadership during the month of January.

Monday, December 20, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/20/21

 Leader: June

We had a full house of seven attending this week as we manifested this opportunity for fellowship. We talked of astronomy and sojourns and Eric made us aware of John Moyer on YouTube.
To begin the chapter on Opportunity we read “Definition” and “Opportunities Come Through Cooperation.” In the Experiments book, we read through the experiment on page 6:
Experiment: Try meeting each “problem” which confronts you in daily life with this question: “How would my own thoughts and ideals have played a role in helping to create this situation?” (Examples—(1) financial problem: perhaps past thoughts of fear about losing money created a self-fulfilling prophecy; (2) health problem: perhaps past attitudes toward my body led to poor eating habits and now this illness; (3) relationship problem: perhaps I have silently been overly critical of this person in the past."

Monday, December 13, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/13/21

Leader: June
Four unique seekers met this week to work on applying our search for God. The question was raised whether we wanted to meet every Monday during December. The feeling was expressed that as long as we had three members Zoom in, then we would meet. The question was also asked whether we should change to group ideal from Oneness to Love. The decision was made to postpone the idea until more from the group were present.
June read the Preface to SFG Book II, something we may have passed over previously. There were large excerpts from Cayce reading 5749. We then went to the experiments book and read the Introduction: How to Use This Book, where Mark Thurston spells out what he hopes we get from his books.
For the experiment this week: Work on your meditation, trying to raise your consciousness, and possibly try new things. Practice love and self-love during your meditation time.

Monday, December 6, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/6/21

Leader: June

When all arrived, we had six sensational loving souls, expressing what they love. Like the section we read in the SFG book talked about personal experiences, so did we.
We finished Book 1 in the SFG book after completing the chapter on Love. We have been assigned the last experiment in the Experiments book:
Select and write down the name of one person in your life whom you would like to love more deeply. Write out a list of your current perspectives and feelings about this person. Each day for at least a week keep an attitude of being open to see a deeper reality. This new perspective of a greater dimension may come through a dream, a meditation insight, an intuitive impression or something that someone else says. Keep a record of how a new, more loving outlook towards this person awakens in you.