Monday, August 30, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/30/21

Leader: John

There were only three attending tonight but that enabled some good discussion on what we perceived as our destinies. We read the Introduction for the chapter on “The Cross and the Crown.” We also read the last experiment in the chapter “In His Presence.” The experiment is based on a reverie where everyone comes together to build a cathedral. Each cuts a stone and brings it to the building site and places it in the right spot. Everyone prays that God’s will shall direct this common effort for all mankind.
Experiment: Take a few moments each day to experience the reverie described above (or one similar to it). You may want to have a special time to do this or use a few minutes before or after your meditation. Allow it to awaken within you the awareness of truly being a part of the scheme of things, and try to hold that awareness in your daily activities.
Next week is Labor Day but those present made the decision to meet.

Monday, August 23, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/23/21

Leader: John
We had four meet to finish the chapter on “In His Presence,” in the SFG book, but we have one experiment left to read in the Experiments book. Many long discussions were held on the topics of whether the end justifies the means, our destiny, and segregation. The one experiment we will work on this week is:
Be willing to share your awareness of God’s working in the earth, especially with those who don’t have this perspective. Express your feelings to others. Speak of your own experience, as opposed to lecturing to them about what they ought to believe. Brief statements are usually best. Don’t be attached to some expectation about how they should respond to your words. Simply be open and honest about your beliefs. Trust that a seed is planted by what you do. Record (1) situations in which you do this, and (2) situations which, in looking back, you realize would have been good opportunities for this kind of sharing.

Monday, August 16, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/16/21

Leader: John
We started with three and built up to six individualists over the course of the night that were “In His Presence.” We have one last section to read in that chapter titled “Personal Experiences.” We read through the next two experiments, which are:
Experiment 1: Each day make an effort to listen and feel God’s presence (within and without) in the ordinary and the commonplace of life. Keep a record of your experiences of recognizing it in these situations.
Experiment 2: Whenever you find yourself talking about another person, speak as if God and the soul of that person were present in that place at that moment.
With some time remaining, we read things to discuss in the Step by Step book. Things brought to mind were the Freakonomics podcast, northern and southern astrological nodes and how they may apply to Cayce from his time as Bainbridge (the riverboat gambler). We discussed whether you can be “joyful in service” when it requires great sacrifice, and the deeper meaning of “long-suffering.”

Monday, August 9, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/9/21

Leader: John

Four arrived “In His Presence” as we started that chapter tonight. We read the “Introduction” and “The Knowledge of His Presence.” In the Experiments book, we covered the first two experiments:

Experiment 1: In your daily meditations don’t stop at the second level shown in the diagrams (thinking > feeling). When you are able to move to the feeling of the affirmation and hold that in silence, allow yourself to move further to a sense of oneness with it (i.e., the being level). If you drift away from the feeling, come back to it immediately, instead of allowing distracting feelings and thoughts to arise. Certainly this is not simply mastered; it takes practice. Record your experiences of working with this experiment.

Experiment 2: Start some new project for good. Affirm each day your desire that He express His presence and His will through you in this effort. Do the best you can, but turn over to Him all your concerns about the results.

We were also able to hold some good discussions with the Step by Step book. Our leader has asked that we look through this book during the week and bring to the group any good things to try next week.

Monday, August 2, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/2/21

Leader: John
Five of us finished “The Open Door” in both books. Along the way, we discussed Pavlov’s dog being like our karma, B.F. Skinner, whether angels have free will, is universal energy good or neutral, can angels and guides give us advice, or whether the small still voice is our Higher Self.
Anyway, we graduated from this chapter, and next week we start the chapter “In His Presence.” Look at the Step-by-Step book for ideas. In the meantime, we have some experiments:
Experiment 1: Look at life as being essentially good. Make choices each day for a week that reflect your belief that God is good and has as His deepest desire that good things would come to you. Record the decisions that you make from this point of view.
Experiment 2:
Each day for at least a week adopt a prayerful response to the experience of doubt. These doubts may be in yourself, in others or in God. Record those situations in which you felt doubt and then took a moment for prayer.