Monday, July 26, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/26/21

Leader: Greg (for Scott)
Six came together for the open door, then we became five, and ended at four. We stayed in the Experiments book for the evening, and ended at the top of page 96. Here are the two experiments we covered:
Experiment 1: To your mind, what are the qualities of the Christ Consciousness? Write them down. Select one from your list to focus on for a week. Then choose and write down one area of your life in which there is special need to manifest that quality. Keep a record of situations in which you are successful in your attempts to express it in that part of your life.
Experiment 2: Each day for at least a week make a special effort to be aware of and act upon ways in which you can serve as an open door to others. Try to give those necessary influences into the lives of others that they may know greater joy and peace. Record ways in which you were able to do this. Make a note of the person’s name and the specific thing that you felt he or she needed for growth at that moment. 

Monday, July 19, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/19/21

Leader: Greg (for Scott)

Six willing tree-huggers met to continue our study of the open door.

In the SFG Book 1 chapter “The Open Door,” we read the sections “How to Open the Door” and “How to Know the Father.” We are up to “The Great Need for Service.”

In the Experiments book, we covered the experiments on pages 91 and 94, but next week we will circle back to the experiment on page 93.

Experiment 1: Give others the benefit of the doubt when you suspect they may have just said or done something to purposefully slight you. Act on the assumption that you were not the target. By moving beyond a tendency to be overly sensitive, experience an opening of the door that leads to a more holistic understanding of life. Record your experiences.

Example: John walked past me in the hall today at work. He looked the other way and didn’t speak. In the past I might have felt slighted, but I decided to assume that something was troubling him and he didn’t feel capable of interacting with anyone at the moment.

Experiment 2: Take at least two minutes during each meditation (e.g., at the beginning or the end of your meditation period) to experience an opening of the door by focusing on the fact that Christ has been and always will be with you. During your daily activities return to the awareness when you have any feelings of emptiness, doubt, lack or self-condemnation. Record any situations in your daily life in which you make use of this experiment.

Monday, July 12, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/12/21

Leader: Greg (for Scott)
Five Cayceists gathered to finish off the chapter on Patience and being “The Open Door.” To warm things up, we talked about capturing vs killing bugs, and the imminent retirement of Kevin Todeschi (link to blog post).
We started the SFG Book 1 chapter “The Open Door” and read the “Introduction” and “The Preparation of Self.” We also read the first two experiments, leaving off in the middle of page 90.
Experiment 1: Chose and write down something in your life that seems like a barrier to you (e.g., a problem in a relationship, a difficulty in meditation). Write down a constructive purpose which that barrier is serving (e.g., it is making me work hard on improving that relationship instead of taking it for granted; through this difficulty a particular positive quality is being awakened in me). During the week look for and respond to doorways that may open in the barrier. Do not expect the barrier or difficulty to suddenly disappear, but be attentive to the ways in which the Christ Spirit is speaking to you through this situation. Keep a record of your experiences.
  Barrier:    I don’t seem to be getting anywhere in meditation
  Purpose the barrier serves:   Helps me to awaken the qualities of patience and persistence within myself
  Doorways:   I became aware that what the Christ asks of me is to let go and let Him do the work in my meditations.
Experiment 2: Select and write down an area of your life in which you occasionally feel cheated (e.g., not getting the attention, love or money that you desire or think you deserve). Experience an opening of the door as you begin to replace this attitude with one that affirms your oneness with the whole and your access to infinite supply. Write and use a short affirmation that you can say to yourself when this attitude of feeling cheated by life arises.
Example: I feel cheated by life because I have to do such trivial, boring work each day. Other people have exciting jobs, but I don’t
Affirmation: Wherever I am and whatever I’m doing, God can be glorified

Monday, July 5, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/5/21

Leader: Greg (for Scott)

Three patient entities celebrated the observed Independence Day holiday by gathering and sharing thoughts and prayers. We reviewed the experiments from last week, meditated, sent out light and love, and read the remainder of the Experiments book chapter on Patience. Next week will should start “The Open Door” chapter.
Experiment 1: Each morning when you arise take a moment to imagine that this is the last day before the coming of the Christ and the fulfillment of His promises. Try to keep this awareness throughout the day as you experience living in the eternal now. If you find yourself starting to become impatient with any aspect of your daily affairs, re-affirm the importance you have assigned to this day and focus on acting in the highest spirit that you know. Keep a record of what happens with this experiment (e.g., noting the mornings you remind yourself of this exercise, noting daily situations in your life in which this experimental attitude towards the day helped you respond lovingly to others).
Experiment 2: Experience a movement in consciousness from impatience to patience with others. Seek to overcome any sense of self-righteousness within yourself by using a part of your daily prayer and meditation period to affirm the uniqueness of every soul’s approach to God. Then work with the technique suggested in the readings in the following two ways:

1. When you feel impatient with someone else say silently to yourself “What have we here?” and allow yourself to draw back, re-examine the situation and experience greater patience.
2. Whenever others become impatient with you and you feel yourself picking up their feelings and becoming impatient yourself, say aloud “What have we here?” Notice any effect it has on others as well as the effect it has on you.