Six came together for the open door, then we became five, and ended at four. We stayed in the Experiments book for the evening, and ended at the top of page 96. Here are the two experiments we covered:
Experiment 1: To your mind, what are the qualities of the Christ Consciousness? Write them down. Select one from your list to focus on for a week. Then choose and write down one area of your life in which there is special need to manifest that quality. Keep a record of situations in which you are successful in your attempts to express it in that part of your life.
Experiment 2: Each day for at least a week make a special effort to be aware of and act upon ways in which you can serve as an open door to others. Try to give those necessary influences into the lives of others that they may know greater joy and peace. Record ways in which you were able to do this. Make a note of the person’s name and the specific thing that you felt he or she needed for growth at that moment.