Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/25/21

Leader: June

Experiment: Be aware there are no idle words. With your speech you are creating and having a strong effect upon the attitudes and feelings of your listeners. When you feel that it is possible to work through a particular difficulty on your own, refrain from the temptation to complain or talk about it in a negative way to others. Also look for opportunities to use the spoken word to uplift the consciousness of others!
We are indebted to June, who led our meetings in January. Very well done June. Many thanks to Greg who faithfully sends out our weekly Zoom link invitations for eight serious truth seekers. Several mentioned before our online time expired that truth is currently lacking in news reports and social media platforms we once trusted to feed our intellect; and how they are coping with a sense of betrayal over misinformation.
We began by checking in and proceeded to meditate 15 minutes and pray for others. These interesting times provide numerous needs for spiritual interventions with prayer. We gave our progress reports on how our experiments went this week.
In our lesson, “Know Thyself,” we began reading the section, “The Mental and Spiritual Bodies” and progressed reading there about a page before shifting to the “Experiments Book.” Then we read in the red book from the center of page 29 down to the experiment near the middle of page 30. We agreed to do this experiment, then chose to talk to conclude our meeting.
John will lead us during February.

ARE Vision/ Ideal: “Global manifestation of oneness, and the Love of God and all people.”

ARE Mission Statement: “To create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material.”

Group Ideal: Oneness - discussed and agreed upon July 2020. 

How many of us remember we agreed in six months to revisit the topic of our group ideal: Oneness? Would six months be January, from July 2020?

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye

Thursday, January 21, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/18/21


Leader: June

Experiment: At the end of each day take time to review your experiences. Be aware of what you have thought of yourself at various times during the day (e. g., I thought I was really incapable of doing something; I had a self-image of being very knowledgable; I had a self-image of being really foolhardy). You may feel that some of these self images are not consistent with the highest spirit you know—they aren’t really helping you grow. For each of these, imagine a different light in which you would have preferred to have seen yourself in that incident. Write that down as a possible replacement. And if the opportunity arises, try out the replacement-self image the next day!


Self image: I thought I was really incapable of doing something.

Replacement self image: I am an adventuresome person who is willing to try something new, even if I do fall flat in the effort.

Tonight’s online meeting of eight faithful attendees began with sharing the outcome of doing the experiment. Most chose to do the final experiment from the "Cooperation with God" lesson. It had several steps. The first was to imagine our next life on earth in a new body.

Next. Choose one futuristic world quality and write out ways you could be helping to manifest this now.

Two members reported taking an approach to change only their own attitudes and consciousness. One would accept earth as it is. And would come back in the next life with much greater spiritual awareness. He would have the ability to understand better than he currently does God’s expectations of him in how he can help other people. Helping others, or service, and acceptance of life on earth as it is, are good descriptions of Love in action—are they not?

The other would rely on guidance she received from doing symbol dialogue she learned to do in a Mark Thurston dream course. She dreamt sharks were trying to capture her from the deck she was on. Then, she found herself being held above the sharks by a really big hand. Dialoging with the dream symbol—a giant hand—she understood she was being shown to “Let Go and let God.” Now she won’t tell God how to change the world, but will trust in the omniscience of GOD as shown in the symbology of her dream guidance in her next, new lifetime on earth.

Another member is looking forward to a futuristic time predicted when satan (the tempter, who infects humans with evil desires in Christianity or the Abraham religions; or Jewish prosecutor in the courts) is bound one thousand years as predicted in the Revelation and also by Cayce, possibly in a mere 17 years by 2038. Therefore, an ideal time to live on earth. The quality he choose to emphasize is health, as taught and practiced, in ancient Egyptian times of Ra Ta and Thoth, in the Temple Beautiful and The Temple of Sacrifice. In one temple healers were removing, both surgically and genetically over 3 generations time, the animal characteristics on part humans the fallen children of God had miscreated; scales, tails, fur, feathers and talons, and now creating beautiful, healthy purified bodies fit for Souls, sparks of the Divine to occupy, to redevelop and teach their former spiritual angelic state and eventually return to their Maker. Further purification and better health was accomplished by vegetarian, flesh foods free diet. Spiritual development, spiritual laws, the value of monogamous relationships and spiritually focused family life were taught in The Temple Beautiful. So were other principles of spiritual development. This group member is by lifestyle and example following Cayce’s health readings dietary recommendations. He hasn’t eaten fried foods nor drank carbonated beverages for years, advocates avoiding the egg white proteins (people become allergic to them; contemporary allergy practitioners also recommend avoiding them).

He advocates for treating the cause of disease as Cayce did, not the symptoms. (Addendum: Cayce gave humanity instructions for building an aura scope. It retrains a brain to see auras and the black spots in the human aura as a dis-ease  developing. With it doctors could practice the not-as-profitable, preventive medicine. This diagnostic tool would allow them to intervene early in unhealthy conditions on an energetic level. Sidney Kirkpatrick reported in Denver someone had built this “aura scope” in Florida as he spoke for ARE in Denver Broncos Stadium about seven years ago.) This member also did all our experiment’s steps. He is practicing the diet principles now and sharing and teaching them by his example.

Everyone is leading by example who fully completed all the experiments steps. Another three members focused on good health, and living healthy lifestyles and are sharing this with others by example.

The same three valued truth. Truth telling can be unkind when critical and judgmental as in speaking of an ugly dress; but tempered with love, caring and empathy, truth can also be expressed in the form of acknowledgement and praise. “I think you’d look so much prettier in a different style dress.”

One would have lies and untruth magically disappear unseen from speech, writing or print. The other would have words appear in picture form above the futuristic speakers head to be seen as a green pine or autumn red oak as “tree” is spoken. True thoughts are also magically revealed and deceit is impossible.

Mental emotional heath will be created from knowledge that “thoughts are things,” that healing traumatically created energetic blocks is vital.

Three or more esteemed a healthy, well nurtured, pollution free Mother Earth. Life is abundant and thriving. Dead bays like Pugent Sound, and Chesapeake, our Gulf region are again vibrant with sea life and healthy growth. Animal herds formerly “Helled” or penned in unhealthy feedlots are now happily and healthily roaming wild and free. People consume fleshless proteins, laboratory raised meat and poultry or “Soylent type green wafers.” People most eat without a need to kill any type of life form, the few if any, carnivores, like our more spiritually developed Native American peoples, ask an animal if it is willing to give up its life, before they kill it for food.

People have “Love for all”, a oneness, a Christ consciousness, and their lives exhibit the fruits of the spirit. They are positive and live happy lives like modern day Danes, who are among the happiest countries on earth. The people in our future lives discuss the solutions versus just complaining about a problem. They negotiate, resolve concerns cordially, respectfully and peacefully. Without temptations of greed and wealth, power over others, they don’t need the “glory” of war. They maintain peace throughout the universe and world with a Star Trek type “World Federation.”

They assume responsibility for themselves and their own actions. No one is blamed. In equality, all people live abundantly with adequate, nourishing, health maintaining food, a home; lives in good health. While many may have much less, everyone’s basic needs of bedpost, shelter, good health are met.

Healing uses laughter, the best medicine. Tickling elicits laughter among modern health treatments. Even 6th and 7th grade adolescents know and understand good hygiene, contagion, and infection control, so there are no more epidemics or pandemics.

Poverty as a lifestyle or concept is forgotten and unknown. No one goes hungry, or becomes ill from starvation. Particularly not disabled, developmentally developed or frail elderly. There is ideal, abundant nourishment for all earthly life forms.

Service opportunities and education plans are divinely written. Animals, people, workers; Automatons, predicted to return to earth again by 2035, will be well cared for and all groups will be humanely treated. Not mistreated as Cayce said automatons were before in Atlantis.

Let’s pray our imagination manifests the loving, higher consciousness awareness. Living on earth, our thoughts have empowered individuals in our group to see. 🙏.

ARE Ideal/Vision: “Global manifestation of oneness, and the Love of God and all people.”

ARE Mission Statement: “To create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and Spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material.”

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/11/21

Leader: June

Experiment l: As a preparation for the period of silence in your meditation, take about a minute and recreate in your imagination someway that you have seen love or harmony manifested in the past day. (either by yourself or by another person.)

Experiment ll: Take time to consider and write down the kind of world that you would like to come into for your next incarnation. Select one quality of that futuristic world you imagine and write down ways that you could be helping to build that right now, even though it may not show fruits in this lifetime. Work on manifesting those things that you could be doing now to make the world a better place to experience for your next incarnation.

A group of eight somber men and women opened their meeting with the Lord’s Prayer. Via Zoom, they refreshed their memory on the experiment through screen sharing and reported what they’d learned or gained through doing their chosen experiment. After the disturbing events in the world last week, it wasn’t easy to get together the energy. Several didn’t do them either. Importantly, one concluded being gentle and kind is their channel for expressing their spiritual Ideal. Another realized a sense of humor is an excellent expression of the best from within.

Bringing faith is useful so many times to express an ideal. While Cayce often described the Christ as “selfless, thinking of others,” one saw serving and helping others over abundancy. One should also be balanced with taking on a sense of loving and caring for oneself and will to put energy into expressing love of self.

How to cooperate with God is now a completed lesson. We read the remaining two experiments for our first lesson, simultaneously completing the lesson and the chapter.

Next week, June will again lead us. But this time, our lesson will be “Know Thyself”, the topic of the next chapter in both books.

ARE Vision/Ideal: “Global manifestation of Oneness and the Love of God and all people.

ARE Mission Statement: “To create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material.”

Book: Experiments in a search for God, Keyed to A Search for God, Book I.

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/4/21

Leader: June

Experiment l:

Take upon self a new responsibility for helping some other person. Don’t try to make decisions for that person, or do things for him that he needs to be doing, but take on a sense of responsibility for loving and caring about that person, even though it may be a burden (time-wise, energy-wise or otherwise).

Or choose to do Experiment 2:

Choose one of your characteristics or abilities which you feel is often able to serve as a channel for the expression of your spiritual ideal. Be sensitive to those who may lack this particular characteristic or ability and find ways of sharing this strength with them.

Everyone reported on last week’s experiment, telling of varying successes and ways to do the experiment. Some took it upon self to assist a neighbor by dog walking for a family who could not walk their own dog, or secure a place upon a vaccination list of those receiving the Covid vaccine first. One worked at bonding with and befriending staff in a new neighborhood business. One strong, patient soul was able to avoid saying anything negative to people cutting line in front of them. Intentions to let negative and judgmental thinking go went in an unexpected direction, as if to increase the willingness and determination to let judgements go. Another acknowledged a relationship needed improvement in a challenge in an online group, and verbally committed to increased closeness and agreement...”to getting on the same page with them.”

Eight cooperative souls met, meditated, prayed for others plus honoring a prayer request for three family members, Amy, Justin, and one other family member. As typical, meditation - sharing that received in meditation concluded with the 23rd Psalm.

Two of the eight group members alternated reading from the center of page #23 beginning with a quote from page 23 of our A Search for God Book I about opening ourselves that we may be channels of blessings, comparing our action to that of Christ who took upon himself the weight of the world, through a section of the 2nd experiment high on page 25.

Many viewed a film “The Readings” made in Japan, and shared what the film revealed to them!

We have a Birthday Jan. 5, 2021 to celebrate Ana, and another birthday has passed now, John’s birthday was Dec. 15, 2020.

A beloved dog began treatment for a thyroid condition this week.

ARE Vision/Ideal: "Global manifestation of Oneness, and the Love of God and all People."

ARE Mission Statement: "To create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material."

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye