emotional seekers met to read and discuss attitudes. In the meantime, we
covered topics such as banking and the money supply, abundance and lack, and our
advertising in the “Life After 50” circular. Let’s wish Scott’s mom a happy 83rd
birthday tomorrow.
ended up reading the entire Chapter 15 on attitudes and emotions. That means that
next week we will get into dreams in Chapter 16. I’ll bet Cindi will like that.
an experiment this week, try to see the Christ in those we have grudges
against. This is based on the material on page 129 of our primer:
example, we may for years have held a grudge or grievance against a certain
person; however, the minute we are willing to acknowledge the Divine or to see
the Christ in that person, the previously held grievance may immediately drop
away. Subsequently, we find ourselves in an attitude of grace instead of karma
with respect to that person or situation, and in turn our behavior toward him
or that situation is completely changed; it becomes alive and creative.”