Monday, November 18, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/18/19

Leader: John

Six sexy idealists showed up at the meeting tonight. John led us in a guided meditation through the chakras and to a cleansing river with a waterfall. Feeling refreshed, we finished chapter 13 and moved into chapter 14 (Soul Development). We stopped on page 119 at the section “Personality vs Individuality.” We had a good discussion on the prevailing wisdom of dealing with panhandlers. Many felt guided by their heart when making a contribution to their lives.

For the experiment, work with your ideals. Draw three columns on a sheet of paper and label them Spiritual, Mental, and Physical. Then follow the instructions on page 113 in the section “Setting the Ideal.” Or you can go in depth and use the attached workbook by Kevin Todeschi to find your ideals.

You can have an extra week to work on the experiment, because the library will be closed next Monday for remodeling, so there is no meeting.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/11/19

Leader: John

Five study group veterans were motivated enough to the meeting tonight. It began with Scott showing a picture he took at a ranch off Hwy 83 with an orb. Eric mentioned the beauty of lights shining on a natural bridge in Utah. And one of the more well known, are the Marfa lights in Texas.

We read about motivation and ideals from page 109 up to “Setting the Ideal” on page 113. We tried to explain how the endocrine/spiritual centers play a role in motivation. In fact, our experiment this week is to use motivation to focus on bringing the Christ pattern into action.

Monday, November 4, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/4/19

Leader: John

Four macho males willfully attended the weekly meeting to discuss will and choice. Tonight, I learned that there is a type of rice in India that kills bacteria because it contains colloidal silver. Blessings go out to Eric’s father, who was placed in a group home so he could receive care around the clock. When did the Neanderthals roam the earth? It must have been after Adam. Then there were discussions of haploids and diploids. The American Indians that Cayce said descended from the Atlanteans were the Iroquois. Is there evil?

We finished the chapter on Free Will and Choice and continued into Chapter 13 (Spirit, Motivation, and Ideals), reading up to “Motivation” on page 109.

There was no experiment this week, so if you want to work on something, create your own.