Monday, October 21, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/21/19

Leader: Sylvia (for Scott)

Five willful entities joined together to begin the chapter on “Free Will and Choice.” In the prelude discussions before the main meeting, we learned that poke salad (sallet) was poisonous. I guess that is why they had to cook it three times and throw out the water each time. We had a brief discussion on the purpose of life, and a few channeled texts says it is to find joy, or to enjoy ourselves, and not the fire and brimstone eternal damnation we often hear preached.

We got into the experiment for last week about examining patterns. One made the point of all the patterns that repeated in her family, often negatively, and how she sought to break those patterns. The Cayce material also talks about Jesus being the pattern for all, and the pattern of perfection is the Christ consciousness.

We started Chapter 12 in the Primer on page 98, and read up to the first full paragraph on page 101.

The experiment is to examine our will, and ask ourselves if it aligns with God’s will.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/14/19

Leader: Scott

Five gracious Cayce-ites got together to rejoice and express gratitude for our weekly sessions. We began by going over graciousness that occurred for each during the week. Events mentioned included time in the garden, a burial and honoring of parents, trying to help out a certain teacher, and finding a home for puppies.

We finished the Karma and Grace chapter, and are ready to start the chapter on page 98, “Free Will and Choice.”

For the experiment, look for patterns in your life and reflect on them. Why do certain things always seem to happen (good or bad)? Are there patterns in your behavior, or in certain relationships? Could they be karmic patterns? Remember, the pattern of the Divine is imprinted on our souls.

Monday, October 7, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/7/19

Leader: Greg (for Scott)

Five students convened to work on patience, karma, and grace. We began with several of us offering their findings on the definition of patience according to the Cayce readings. Eric, who had studied its meaning in the past, helped tie the answers together. To prod us in the reading on karma and grace, John asked for a definition of grace. Eric looked it up, and Sylvia provided a good definition.

We read the Karma and Grace chapter up to the second paragraph on page 96. Some discussion at the end ensued about gun ownership and responsibility, which was spurred by the Amber Guyger trial in Dallas, which displayed some graciousness at the end.

For the experiment, practice grace by being gracious, because in Cayce reading 2981-1 it says, “If ye live by grace, ye must practice grace—and be gracious.”