having a rough week, Cindi led four bodies (including herself) to finish the
chapter, “A Model for Understanding the Nature of Man.” There was a little
discussion of the recent ARE presentation by Cindy Griffith on Life Seals and some
of the significant lives of Edgar Cayce. We continued into the next chapter, “The
Body: The Temple of the Living God.” We are at the bottom of page 50, ready to
start next week with the section, “Why Do We Have Bodies?”
an experiment, we mulled over the paragraphs in the middle of page 50, and
decided to ponder them further:
Old Testament tabernacle, with its grandeur of construction and intricacy of
detail, was a projected enactment designed to instruct us about the nature of
our own internal processes and structures, in which man was to meet God.
even if we take this step, it is difficult to retain it for a better and more
specific understanding of our own experiences, be they mystical visions,
psychic awarenesses, dreams or nightmares. When such an experience occurs to
us, the feeling that it is external to us is so strong -- and any clues that
something is occurring within us are so weak -- that we fail to apply the
insights we have already gained to a better understanding of such experiences.