Monday, June 24, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/24/19

Leader: Greg

Five fabulous models for mankind attended the weekly study group meeting. We welcomed Cassie, who made the trek all the way from Pueblo, to join us for the first time.

Before the book reading started, we had a healthy discussion on visualization, especially on how you want your life to be. John talked about a visualization board he used to have. The book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill was mentioned, and how master mind groups were recommended. John said that Thomas Edison was a mentor for Henry Ford as they belonged to the same master mind group. We expressed positive energy for Sylvia who was out last week for a happy occasion, but had a theft occur during the evening.

In the Primer, we continued in chapter 5, and read “Model of the Tabernacle,” and “Model for Karma and Grace.” We’re at the bottom of page 43, ready to start “Model for Reincarnation.”

No experiment was recommended, so everyone is pretty much on their own this week.

Word has it that Cindi is our leader in July.

Monday, June 17, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/17/19

Leader: Greg

Four were on hand to carry on our lessons from the Edgar Cayce Primer. We spent a lot of time going over the experiments from last week.  One chose patience and was thankful that a fire near her cabin was not more dangerous. Another wanted to continue examining evidence of past lives, and actually was paid this week for a healing. Another chose to work with “everything happens for a reason” and had some interesting circumstances occur at work. The fourth spent the week planning trips to take with a significant other.

In our reading, we started chapter 5, “A Model for Understanding the Nature of Man,” and read up to “Model for a Tabernacle” at the bottom of page 40.

We tried to come up with an experiment, but I think it best if everyone decide on their own.

Monday, June 10, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/10/19

Leader: Greg

Five somewhat regulars and two new members brought us to a total of seven. It was a pleasure meeting Tim and Eileen this week and they had a lot of travels and experiences to share with the group.

We started with the experiment from last week in which we tried to recall interests and talents that may have led us to discover previous lifetimes. Everyone had something to share. In the Edgar Cayce Primer, we read chapter 4: “Citizens of the Universe.” We covered the subtopics “Beingness Through Time,” “Planes and Dimensions,” “Other Dimensions,” “Earth Plane Consciousness,” and “Other Neighbors.”

Decide on an experiment. One person wishes to continue last week’s discovery of past lives, another mentioned working with duality, and one that came up with the section on patience (page 33): “Things are the way they are for a reason.” As circumstances and life come about this next week, think of why this experience is coming at this time.

Monday, June 3, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/3/19

Leader: Greg

Six developed souls attended our study group meeting to help finish the primer chapter on reincarnation. We started with a chakra meditation led by Kevin Todeschi on a recording that took us through the Lord’s Prayer. Afterwards, everyone prayed that Scott be surrounded with light and love because of an accident earlier in the day.

Everyone was asked to remember when they first became acquainted with the topic of reincarnation. People brought up books and people that influenced them.

Cindi suggested an experiment from the Cayce Quarterly involving prayer that God’s will be done, but a couple people wanted to reflect during the week on some of the questions asked in the reincarnation chapter, so we may hold off on Cindi’s suggestion until later.

For the experiment, begin an inventory of what you know about yourself:

What were some of your childhood longings? What historical periods interest you? What foreign countries have you visited or would like most to visit? What are your attitudes toward various nationalities? What are the interests or talents which are natural to you? What are your present religious interests and biases? What music and paintings intrigue you? What are your favorite foods? Answering these questions will help you discover more than you imagined about previous lives.