Monday, April 29, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/29/19

Leader: Scott

After seven of us went over last week’s experiments, we graduated from our most recent study of the Search from God books, and moved on to our next project: The Edgar Cayce Primer.

Sylvia brought some oyster plant to show us, and said the plant was listed as a vegetable in the Cayce readings as a source for Gold and Phosphorus. Eric gave his formulation for arthritis (and eye floaters). Scott demonstrated the Violet Ray device, which he brought. We mourned the loss of June’s dog, Happy. We discussed the sources of Cayce’s abilities.

For those interested in the ARE’s most recent lecture by Tom Baker concerning Jesus and the Cayce readings, go to: It’s about an hour and a half in length.

For our reading tonight in the primer, we covered the Preface, Introduction, and made our way into Chapter 1, stopping at the section “The Importance of Having an Ideal,” on page 7.

You can use something we read as an experiment, and maybe next week we can either work our own experiment, or come up with something as a group.

Monday, April 22, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/22/19

There were five of us tonight after we welcomed John back from his trip. A lot of interesting conversations occurred.

At first, tattoos were mentioned, and then we transitioned into birthmarks, and how Cayce said they were special. John brought up that a baby was born recently from three merged eggs, and John said two was most that was previously known. We got into habits with numbers among some group members, and how Cayce mentioned that odd numbers were more powerful than even numbers. Sylvia believes this was because even numbers can be divided. Near the end of the meeting, we got into a discussion on the Violet Ray and its healing properties.

There is a recent 4-minute video about the Violet Ray at:

We finished the Experiments book, so next week we should be moving on to the Edgar Cayce Primer. But before that, pick one of the last two experiments for the week.

Experiment: Take note of what your energy levels have tended to be like for the last few weeks. Then try to spend a little more time each day (perhaps only 30 minutes) in sincere and loving service to someone. Observe whether or not this new activity seems to (a) drain energy, (b) create new energy but still not drain any, or (c) reenergize you, renew and rest you.

Experiment: Put concern and love for people first in your life. Try being with people and really enjoying their company and the sharing and love which is possible in being together.

Monday, April 15, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/15/19

Leader: Scott

Four of us practiced being trans-personal and raising our group consciousness. Eric gave his theory on why the Radiac device should have copper. Out of the Experiments book, we have three to choose from:

Experiment: Pick one group of which you are a member. Do your part to apply the three ingredients of fostering trans-individual group consciousness.
(The three ingredients are 1) a common ideal, 2) harmony and cooperation, and 3) working together)

Experiment: Use the first few minutes of each new day to get started with the right consciousness.

Experiment: Observe how you think and speak about this country and its leaders. Take responsibility yourself for living more fully some of the ideals upon which the nation was founded.