studious souls sat studying Spirit. We didn’t do quite well on the Happiness
experiments last week, so we delved into the last chapter on Spirit. We started
in the Experiments book with one to work on this week:
Experiment: Be alert for signs of the spirit of our changing times. Try to act and
think in such a way that you cooperate with and help to build a new world. Be
especially aware of how to talk to others about the challenges and difficulties
of the times. Let your words bespeak the consciousness of hope.
the A Search for God book, we read
the Introduction, and the sections “ In the Beginning,” and “Man’s Projection.”
we get closer to finishing this book, remember that our next book will be The Edgar Cayce Primer – Discovering the
Path to Self-Transformation by Herbert B. Puryear. If you haven’t got it
yet, you might want to consider getting a copy soon.