Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/30/18

Eric was our leader. It was good to welcome Melanie this evening. We missed those of you unable to attend, especially those who are away for medical reasons.

We began with our meditation and followed it by sending out love and prayers of healing for our absent members.  We discussed some interesting outcomes of working with our experiments this past week.

We read our lesson Destiny of the Mind, in ASFG, beginning with the paragraph heading,  Mind in relation to the soul body.  We wondered about the effects of a highly spiritualized mind upon the body, and whether the fact that the body of Parmahansa Yogananda was able to remain in good condition without decomposing for months and months despite his demise could be due to the highly spiritualized mind he had, among other questions in our discussion.  It included beliefs and teachings of very early Judaism and the first 500 years of Christianity, and all Christians for about five hundred years being persecuted destroyed for their beliefs until about the time of Alphoness great refutation. It included purging reincarnation from Christian beliefs. We questioned but didn't seem to know what years reincarnation was also an accepted belief of Judaism.
We read the lead into our experiment this week:  

Meet circumstances which interrupt the flow of your intentions with optimism and a belief that you can make the interruption part of a process working together for good.

As recalled from the mind of Sylvia

Happy, Healthy Light, Love and Joy filled week!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/23/18

Eric was our leader, our reader. The discussion of what happened with our  experiments was quite interesting, as was the telling and discussion of our experiences with synchronicity and repetitive patterns in our lives.

We did not read in ASFG. We read down to the next experiment on page 60 of our experiments book.

This coming week we agreed to:

Experiment - Notice people around you who seemingly have no love to give right now:  those who are neither actively loving you nor actively directing ill will at you. Find ways to love people in this category of your life.

It is anticipated that by doing this exercise, we are taking an intermediate step in learning about our own capacity to care and serve. And without taking on too much or becoming overwhelmed at the idea of loving someone without them first giving us love.

Eric lead our meditation on our chapter's affirmation, beginning with The Lord's  prayer and closing with the 23rd Psalm.

Love and Healing Light to all,

Thursday, July 19, 2018

A.R.E. Announcement for 7/16/18

Hello Everyone,

We did not have a meeting last night.  It's hard to get everyone together during the summer months.  Therefore, we read no further in the books.  You can continue with last week's experiment if you like:
"Nurture a sense of trust in life.  Allow events to come to you rather than trying to force things to happen the way you think they should.  Trust that inner, directive influence to keep you on the best course.'

On another note, this is something I had planned to share last night.  The EdgarCayce.org/members site is posting an Enlightenment Series this year: Monthly Practices for Your Soul.  The month of July is a lesson on Patience.  There are a few paragraphs to read and short video by Kevin Todeschi.

A couple of thoughts I picked up from the lesson:
* Patience is not about passivity or submission, it's about consciously being aware of self.
* Through patience, we begin to stop reactionary responses to people, to life, and to situations, and instead react towards others in the best ways we know.
* Patience is the bridge between who we are and who we will ultimately become.
* Patience allows the awakening of the divine within.

Some people were told in their readings that the essential purpose of their entire lifetime was to learn patience. Others were told that a frustrating health problem could be seen as an opportunity for learning patience.

Here is one of the 5 suggestions for homework that the lesson offers:
"Patience is the reward for learning to see God in everyone.  Spend a day looking for the spark of Divinity in every individual you encounter."

We have many members who in various stages of healing--including June, Donna, and John.  Perhaps you can look upon this time as a lesson in patience.

Peace and love to the inner divine in all of us,

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/9/18

Greetings Everyone,

We are reading Chapter V in book 2. Last night we read the second section: Mind in Relation to the Mental Body. In the Experiments book we read pages 58 and 59, down to the experiment.

Our experiment this week is:  Nurture a sense of trust in life.  Allow events to come to you rather than trying to force things to happen the way you think they should.  Trust that inner, directive influence of your soul's destiny that will continually bring to you things to keep you on the best course.

Also, some of you are interested in local stores that carry Edgar Cayce products. June gave us the name of one:  Sage Consulting and Apothecary, 2727 N Tejon.  It is north of Penrose Hospital and south of Fillmore. Phone number: 719-473-9702.

Eric was our leader this week. Cindi will fill in for him next week.

In peace and trust,

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/2/18

Hello Everyone,

We had 5 members attend last night, and Cindi was the leader (a stand-in for Eric). We read a love letter from Jesus before the meditation, then included Edie's niece, Gina, in our circle of prayers.

We began Chapter V, Destiny of the Mind, in A Search for God, Book II, reading the first section called Destiny. Then we read pages 56 and 57 in the Experiments book, hoping for some clarity on Cayce's meaning of Destiny. In our discussion, we decided that we all have free will to send our lives in whatever direction we choose. But our destiny, our truth, our ultimate ideal is to awaken to, or to remember, that God is Love, and that we are a part of God's Love. I hope I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth.  If I didn't get that quite right, please write in with your thoughts.

The experiment this week:  Be truthful to yourself and others.  Let you actions reflect more closely what you have thought, said or intended for your life.

One of Cayce's "Thoughts for the Day" at the ARE website seemed appropriate to some of our discussion: For what we think and what we eat, combined together, make what we are--physically and mentally.    288-38

I think I'll type that out and post it in the kitchen.

Have a blessed week and Fourth of July.  I hope to see everyone next week.

Peace and love,