Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/29/18

Greetings Fellow Seekers,

Shadows pass. Only the light and truth lives on. #EdgarCayce reading 262-109
Learn more about Cayce: https://www.edgarcayce.org/learn-more

Last night we had 5 in attendance.  We read the Introduction to Chapter II in Book II--Day and Night.

Our experiment this week is to meditate on the symbolism of day and night (light and dark, good and evil are some things the book mentioned), and see what it means to you.

Have a blessed week,


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/22/18

Hello Everyone,

Three of us braved the cold last night.  I hope the rest of you were hibernating, and not sick. We did not read from either book.  Instead we discussed a variety of topics, not always totally agreeing.

The ARE is starting an Enlightenment Series.  Lesson 1 is Cooperation.
The short essay on cooperation was on the blog as well as in the most recent Venture Inward. We read this essay, then had a meditation period.

Our experiments for next week:  Continue on with the ones we established two weeks ago. Or, In your daily life, in the little acts of cooperation, find God.  If you pay attention, you may find enlightenment.

In peace and love,


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/8/18

Dear Seekers of the Truth and Light,

We had a nice meeting last night, with lots of talk, after coming back from the Christmas and New Year's break.  There were seven of us in attendance.

We read in Experiments in Practical Spirituality book II, from pages 12-15. We have two experiments to choose from:

1.  pg. 13   Make special efforts to help others through opportunities for growth which you yourself have recently experienced.  Do not be "preachy" but rather be supportive and help others have faith.  Begin to pray regularly for such people.  Call, write a note, or offer in some loving way to be with your friend in his or her time of need.

2.  pg. 15   Do good for others but allow the good which by law will return to you to come from whatever source God chooses.  Observe that it will not necessarily come back from the same person to whom you have done good.  Keep a written account of unexpected good happenings.

Next time we will finish Chapter 1 (Opportunity) in the Experiments book.  Then we will begin Chapter 2 (Day and Night) in A Search for God book II.

***Note*** The library is closed next Monday, Jan. 15.  I hope to see you on the 22nd.

Peace and Love,


Saturday, January 6, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/11/17 and 12/18/17

Happy New Year! Everyone,

Sorry this is so late; holidays and all. Some of us were out of town and others enjoyed house guests.

Eric was our much appreciated impromptu leader for these two meetings. Thank you, Eric!

The group attending finished the chapter on Opportunity.

We read in Experiments in Practical Spirituality Book II and selected the following:

Dec. 11 experiments, I believe (I missed this meeting.), were to choose between the experiment on bottom of page 7: "Whenever you find yourself restless or disenchanted with a current situation, become aware of how it has been particularly created for you here and now because it perfectly meets your need for that experience, Thank the Father for it."

or the experiment on the bottom of page 9: "Focus on doing the little things of daily life well and with love. Choose one 'little' thing, such as beginning the day with a prayer of gratitude, smiling, offering to help another."

Dec. 18 experiments were to choose between bottom of page 10: "Practice a sense of release, of turning things over to God. Ask for His help frequently. Do the best you can, but know (and live as you know) that by yourself nothing can be accomplished of real value. Write and use as needed your own "release affirmation' such as: "I release this person or situation into the hands of God, trusting that He will bring to both of us that which is most needed.'"

or the experiment on the top of page 12: " Do not let fear of failure deter you from doing acts of love or service which are in keeping with your spiritual ideal. Approach life with a boldness that is not afraid to appear foolish. Seek opportunities to risk. Affirm: 'I am capable of doing well all that comes to me to do.'"

Hopefully, this is correct or close enough, ha.

Hope to see you at the next meeting Jan. 8!

Peacefully Yours,
