We read in A Search for
God, Book I, Lesson XI, around pages 117 to page 119 depending on your book,
"How We May Come Into the Realization of the Oneness" and "The
At-onement Through Jesus, the Christ" stopping before "Personal
In Experiments in a
Search for GOD we read page 121 to the experiment:
"Each day for a week
keep this attitude in your meditation periods: "I am not concerned with
what experiences come to me, but with how much I am able to give of myself to
God and express my devotion."
We also read the rest of
page 121 to the experiment on page 122:
"In your daily contacts with
others, imagine that they are part of your immediate family. If you feel
apathetic or upset with someone, try to imagine how you might feel more caring
or tolerant if that person were a close and beloved family member (e.g., a
sister, brother, father, aunt, etc.). Then try to act on that new feeling.
Record instances in which you try this experiment. Write the person's name
(unless it is someone you don't know.), the family member status you imagine
for him, and how you acted on the feeling."
Choose one experiment of
the two to do.
Eric will lead meetings
for the month of October.
Please join us.
Thank you.
Peacefully Yours,