Friday, September 29, 2017

A.R.E.Meeting for 9/25/17


We read in A Search for God, Book I, Lesson XI, around pages 117 to page 119 depending on your book, "How We May Come Into the Realization of the Oneness" and "The At-onement Through Jesus, the Christ" stopping before "Personal Experiences."

In Experiments in a Search for GOD we read page 121 to the experiment:

"Each day for a week keep this attitude in your meditation periods: "I am not concerned with what experiences come to me, but with how much I am able to give of myself to God and express my devotion."

We also read the rest of page 121 to the experiment on page 122:

"In your daily contacts with others, imagine that they are part of your immediate family. If you feel apathetic or upset with someone, try to imagine how you might feel more caring or tolerant if that person were a close and beloved family member (e.g., a sister, brother, father, aunt, etc.). Then try to act on that new feeling. Record instances in which you try this experiment. Write the person's name (unless it is someone you don't know.), the family member status you imagine for him, and how you acted on the feeling."

Choose one experiment of the two to do.

Eric will lead meetings for the month of October.

Please join us.

Thank you.

Peacefully Yours,


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/18/17

We met, and watched the movie "Edgar Cayce: The Beautiful Dreamer" about Mr. Cayce's life.

We had a brief meditation. We discussed last week's experiment and our last week's activities.

We did not read in the A Search for God book. We read in Experiments in A Search for God down to the next experiment on the bottom of page 120.

The experiment for the week states: 
In your daily meditation periods try to use distractions to take you deeper into a oneness with the meaning of your affirmation. Use each distraction as a gift. Have the attitude that says of each distracting thought,"Here is another great opportunity for me to bring some part of my life into the awareness of the oneness."

Peacefully Yours,

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/11/17

June led a good meeting: "The Lord thy God is One." We read the first two pages of chapter XI in AFSG. 

During our meeting next Monday, June will show "Beautiful Dreamer," a film on Cayce's life.

Following discussion, we read down to the first experiment in the " experiments book", Chapter 12, pages 118 and 119.

    Examine your life and choose one way in which you are using energy which is not in accord with your ideals. This can be an emotional, attitudinal or active way of using energy. Write down what you select.
Then demonstrate in your daily life your understanding of the inherent oneness of all force by transforming that energy to a more loving or constructive form. Record your experiences.
    Example:  feeling frustrated and angry with other drivers who are discourteous.  
   TRANSFORMATION:  changing your expression of the one energy by sending out to those people a prayer instead of thoughts of anger.

There was interest and discussion among group members on attending 
"After we Die," an exploration of Death, Heaven, Ghosts, and the Souls Journey Beyond Death, with psychic medium Echo Bodine in Denver on 
Saturday October 14, 2017. 
The Lowery Conference Center
1061 Akron Way, Denver CO 80230
9:00 am to 4:30 pm 

She will cover topics from "pre-life and how we plan our life's experiences to ways for cultivating clear communication with the dead to healing from grief and ghosts that day.

Echo Bodine was Bill M's neighbor some years ago.  He seemed to enjoy getting to know her and spoke highly of her. 

Hope you can join us next Monday for the film and every Monday.

In oneness,