Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/20/17

This week we began "In his Presence," lesson 9.  We covered and discussed the first part of this chapter in the A Search For God book. We read down to the first experiment of chapter ten of the other book on page 100:

In your daily meditations, don't stop at the second level shown in the diagrams.  When you are able to move to the feeling of the affirmation and hold that in silence, allow yourself to move further and hold that in silence, allow yourself to move further to a sense of oneness with it ( i.e., the being level).  If you drift away from the feeling, come back to it immediately, instead of allowing distracting feelings and thoughts to arise.  Certainly this is not simply mastered, it takes practice.  Record your experiences of working with this experiment.

With possibly a new Cayce group to start in Colorado Springs, Sylvia  and Benjamin have been corresponding by e-mail about group work for several weeks. This was his first Monday to attend. Benjamin is employed in the restaurant at the Valley High Golf course.

Sue Breeze was able to attend as well.  She's been to the now disbanded 2nd study group, but last night was her first Monday meeting.

Sue is a Certified Stage Medium and psychic. 
Her email address is psychicsuebreeze@gmail.com

Contact her for further information about her class on intuition on the last Tuesday and Thursday of this month or for a reading. She did a good reading of my three deceased sisters with psychometry, one after another.


A.R.E. Meeting for 6/26/17

We read in the experiments book through the experiment at the top of page 103 and most of us chose to do that one rather than the first on on page 101 about beginning a new project for good.

Experiment:  Each day make an effort to listen and feel God's presence (within and without) in the ordinary and the commonplace of life.  Keep a record of your experiences of recognizing it in these situations.

An interesting story shared was of "turning a quite challenging situation over to God," when he realized it was impossible to figure out how to both sell everything: house, two cars, stove and frig.; and to live in their house,  use appliances and cars being sold in order to to leave for his overseas job.  

The day before departure, closing of the house was expedited by seller asking, "Would it help if I made your first payment for you?" That completed the sale of the house. Then with his car and appliances sold, they stayed in a motel that night, and drove her car to the airport the next day where her car buyer paid her for her car.

We read in ASFG from "Experiencing the Abiding Presence" to, but not including, "Let us Remember That Our Guard Is Ever in His Presence."

Plan to join us next Monday.

Signing off in His presence
(Without and within)

Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/12/17

Hello all,
Tonight we finished reading "The Open Door " in both books. Eric also read excerpts about Archangel Michael coming thru as they were about to build the hospital, and how incredible it was, as if a wind came through the house, windows rattling, and his booming voice loud.

Our first choice of experiments is on page 97; "Look at life as essentially good.  Make choices each day for a week that reflect your belief that God is good and has as his deepest desire that good things would come to you.  Record the decisions that you make from this point of view. "

Or on page 98 of the experiments book:  "Each day for at least a week, adopt a prayerful response to the experience of doubt.  These doubts may be in yourself, in others, or in God.  Record those situations in which you felt doubt and then took a moment for prayer."

See you next week.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/5/17

Your choices of experiments, which also cover the reading done from page 93 during the meeting, are on page 94 and 95 of the Experiments book.

1) Take at least 2 minutes in your meditation period to experience an opening of the door by focusing on the fact that Christ has been and always will be with you.  Notice the times in your daily life you have deliberately returned to "Christ has been and always will be with me " when you have feelings of emptiness, doubt, lack, or self condemnation.  And then record those times.

2) Daily for a week or longer, determine to be aware and act on ways you can serve as an open door to others.

 A considerable amount of our discussion was on "we not only open the door, but as channels, are doors. Let us not forget, as we work, that those we meet along the way are seekers also and are the Israel of the Lord." From 262 #28 a conclusion or inference is ".....we act as open doors for others" specifically in giving whatever he or she needs for growth, with sensitivity, willingness to listen and discern things said and unsaid. (More inclusively, then a perspective of the open door moves from healing an individual to healing our society.)

So acting as an open door for others to know more joy, peace, from needed influences you provide them, write down the name and the specific thing you thought they needed for growth in the moment.

We missed you and prayed for those unable to join us last night.

Your door woman,