Monday, November 25, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/25/13

Leader:  Sylvia
Reader:  Nancy & John

We finished reading the “Destiny of the Mind” chapter, and capped it off by listening to Elsie Sechrist comment on the chapter. We will start on the “Destiny of the Body” chapter next month. The experiment we chose for this week was:
“Work with applying the three dietary laws described above in the way you feed your mind.”
These three dietary laws are on page 65:
1. Certain things in and of themselves are toxic to the body and should be avoided. For example, in a physical diet we might want to avoid refined white sugar all the time. What are things you might have been feeding your mind that are probably unhelpful all the time (e.g., a particular television show, a particular kind of reading material)?
2. Certain things are to be avoided in combination with other things. For example, Edgar Cayce says do not drink orange juice and have a whole grain cereal at the same time. It is a matter of the context and the timing. What are things in your mental feeding patterns that need to be avoided in certain contexts or at certain times (e.g., not to listen to a certain kind of music just before going to bed, not watching a particular type of television program while eating)?
3. A balanced diet involving a variety of foods is necessary. No one food will have all the nutrients which are needed. How balanced and varied is your mental diet? Do you spend all your free time for reading on just one kind of book? Do you have friends who only want to talk about one kind of topic? Consider if there is anything you need to change in order to have better variety and balance.

Monday, November 18, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/18/13

Leader:    Sylvia
Reader:   Greg

We finished the reading in the Experiments book for the “Destiny of the Mind” chapter. The experiment we chose for this week was:
Use as an affirmation for the day (not for meditation but in waking life events) "I am a god." Be sensitive to the creative potential and the responsibility which this entails.

Monday, November 11, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/11/13

Leader:   Nancy (for Sylvia)
Reader:   Greg

We read two more sections in the “Destiny of the Mind,” chapter, and are up to the section “Mind in Relation to the Soul Body.” We also read two sections in the Experiments book (to page 62). Our experiment this week is:
Meet circumstances which interrupt the flow of your intentions with optimism and a belief that you can make the interruption part of a process working together for a good.

Monday, November 4, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/4/13

Leader:   Sylvia 
Reader:   Bob, Nancy, & Greg

We finished the chapter on “Desire” by completing the remaining reading in the Experiments book. We then started the chapter on “Destiny of the Mind,” and read the first two sections. Turning to the Experiments book again, we read the first two sections, and have a choice of two experiments:
Experiment 1: “Be truthful to yourself and others. Let your actions reflect more closely what you have thought, said or intended for your life.”
Experiment 2: “Nurture a sense of trust in life. Allow events to come to you rather than trying to force things to happen the way you think they should. Trust that inner, directive influence of your soul’s destiny that will continually bring to you things to keep you on the best course.”